6-Oron.o Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 7, 1986 IBM-distance education Durham College and IBM will engage in a joint effort to pilot a remote education offering of microcomputer applications for part time or evening students. Students, will "dial in" to a bulletin board system for the transfer of courseware materials, and consultation requests. This pilot program will verify the 'feasibility and measure the costs:of a remote education offering. It will begin in September 1986 and conclude conclude in April 1987. . t he -program' will develop and test the curriculum courseware for four coufses. They include Introduction Introduction to Computers and Business Computing; Word Processing; Processing; Typing Tutorial and Practice; Practice; and Spreadsheet, Database and Accounting programs. ■■■■■' signed April 22, by John Bailey, Director of ; Academic Information Systems for IBM Canada Ltd., and Mel Garland, President of Durham College. College. Your Mom does so many nice things • • • Kendal Eady, Angela Kotekaas, Lori Wood and Laura , Street presented a vocal rendition of the Good Ship Lollipop at the annual A flute duet Pines Senior Public School Music night held last Wednesday eyening at the school. The was à good attendance attendance for the event in which a good Allison Cochrane and Barb Byers flute duet much to the delight of the performed admirably with their audience. News Report By Mark Sargent and Adam Hadley - Students here at Clarke are* busy recovering from the trauma ol mid- semester reports which fame out Tuesday last. The fallowing Thursday Thursday was Parents 1 Night which was a great success, at least for th% teachers and parents. In addition Thursday saw the round up of nutrition month. There were many different activities, including including a fit lunch contest, a-fit diet contest, and the finale, a final round of everyone's favourite game "Nutritional Trivial Pursuit." The show was hosted by Clarke's- favourite star and mathematician, Rick Essex. In a close one point deciyon, Mrs. Wiles won the round for the teachers'team. Now students and teachers alike are preparing themselves tor a . multitude of events set to go in the next few weeks. The drama club presents: Two By Stoppard, a light comedy doublebill this Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Cur tain time is 8:.15. p.in.rand- (he- two; plays "After Magritte" and "The Real Inspector Hound" should provide provide an enjoyable escape for all who attend. Ticket information may be obtained from any cast member or from the school. On Wednesday April 30, the spelling contest finals were held. The winner of the Junior Division was Ian Vanderschee and Stephanie Isert won in the Senior Division. -Studentt involved with the S.A.D.D. program" are busy preparing preparing for a S.A.D.D. CONFERENCE which is set for June 5th. Approx-, imately fifty-five regional schools have been invited to send representatives representatives to the all day event. On Sunday, May 25th, students are also planning a car wash for S A.D..D. here at the school. The price should be about $2.00 and S.A.D.D. stickers, buttons and window decals will also be ottered number of students participated along with the Pines band of some 35 strong. for sale. Save washing the car yourself, bring it out to the school on May 25th some time between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m.. More informa- , tion will be available next week. Trips have been planned for the -students to the musical "CATS" and also to "CANADA'S WONDERLAND." Thai's all for now from the LAND OF CLARKE. for you A Why don't you treat her to a PIZZA this week THURSDAYS - .99* Movie Rental IMPERIAL PIZZA MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-9788 CO OP) SALE STARTS SATURDAY, MAY 10 Side Discharge 20" 3.5 hp Lawn Mower 199.88 Co-op Purr-fect CAT KIBBLE 4 kg .... . 5.85 Shepard GAS BAR-B-Q ....... 129.88 GREEN UP SALE KILLEX WEED BAR .17,88 Weed-Free TOP SOIL ... BAG 2.88 Model XR - 50 Gas Weed Eater MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS LAWN SEED- Hinged CHAIR CUSHIONS 13.88 5 hp , Reg. 529.95 Front Tine Tiller 477.00 48 Inch ' Reg. 79.95 Ceiling Fans 56.00 Heavy Duty Hand GARDEN TOOLS 1.66 Redtvood Cedar . Hanging PLANTERS $.95 19" M,etal -, patio Tables 6.44 2 kg bag from ....... 6.95 10 kg bag from 32.50 25 kg bag from 81.00 Rubber • ' Reg. 25.95 « 50' GARDEN HOSE . 21.44 LAWN,CHAIRS from 8.88 Ladies GARDEN GLOVES .... 1.99 TOMATO CAGES .1.29 10-6-4 TURF FERTILIZER with Weed Killers 8:88 10 kg 'DURHAM FARMERS' COUNTY CO-O Taunton Road &'Hwy. 115, Orono, Ontario PHONE: 983-9134 or 983-9135 TOLL FREE (In Area Code 416) 1-B00-263-7805