Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 28, 1986-7 Junior Gardeners participate in show Orono Junior Gardeners had a very successful Spring Flower Show on May 22nd with everyone a winner. winner. Nine members brought a. total of 37 exhibits. One of the more attractive attractive displays was the poster competition announcing the Strawberry Supper to be held on July July 2nd, 1986. Thesfe will be distributed throughout the village for display in store windows. Each child was given their flower and vegetable seeds and green pepper, pepper, tomato and sunflower plants for their own gardens. We will look for what they have produced at the next show on August 14. We were pleased to have Mrs. Kathleen Petrie of Blackstock iudee the show and share her comments. Prize winner's are as follows: JUNIOR DIVISION (6-10 yrs.) Class 1 - Bottle Garden 1. Kafrina De Jong, 2. Reuben De Jong, 3. Christine Sikma. Class 2 - Poster 1. Katrina De Jong 2. Danielle Borremails 3. Caria Werrÿ 4. Eiicia Bot Class 3 - Walk-in-the-Woods 1. Katrina De Jong 2. Reuben De Jong 3. Danielle Borremans Class 4 - For My Teacher 1. Reuben De Jong 2. Danielle Borremans 3. Eiicia Bot Class 5 - Purr-feet 1. Carla Werry 2. Danielle Borremans Borremans 3. Reuben De Jong SENIOR DIVISION (11-16 yrs.) Class 1 - Bottle Garden 1. Brandy Langley 2. Caroline Hinton Class 2 - Poster 1. Caroline Hinton 2. Brandy Horticulture Spring Flower Show results The flower show was opened by the President welcoming the,largd attendance and singing of O Canada with Doreen Lowery, at the piano. We were then favoured Vjih some rousing t and 'toe-tapping accordion accordion music by Janette Desousa, which was well enjoyed. Isabelle presented Janette with a gift. While the judging of the flowers was being done Orville conducted the business of the meeting. We . were sorry to hear Joan Taylor had, injured her foot. Hope-she soon will be able to be around again. Qrville introduced the Guest Speakers, Carol and Cor Mostert. Cor spoke on vegetable growing and how to show vegetables, rjght from soil testing to fertilizer and ' spraying and caring for your vegetables and how to show. Carol then took over and spoke on flowers and gave* some very intersting intersting points on growing and * showing flowers. We all learnt a lot. Be sure to read your judging standards. standards. They can be picked up at the agricultural office. Lawrence Staples thanked the speakers on behalf of everyone present* Our Judge Mrs. Kathleen Petrie of Blackstock commented on the flowers and plants. There were seventeen exhibitors with 106 en- trys and three new exhibitors, a real good spring show. Lurtch was prepared by Joan Hollingsworth and Eleanor Terrill. Lorna Atkins gave out the special prizes. The prizes were as follows: Special Prizes V Best arrangement in Decorative i on: Corrie De Jong 2. Judge's Choice (other, than Langley 3. Jackie Cowan , Class 3 - Walk-in-the-Woods 1. Brandy Langley 2. Jackie Cowan Class 4 - For My Teacher 1. Caroline Hinton 2. Brandy Langley 3. Jackie Cowan Class 5 - Purr-feet 1. Brandy Langley 2. Caroline Hinton Most Points in Show: Katrina De Jong; Junior. Brandy Langley; Senior. Best Exhibit in Show: Katrina De Jong , Decorative): Alice Cobbledick 3. Most points in Decorative: Isabelle Challice , 4. Most points in entire show: Minnie Zcgcrs 5. Most points in tulip classes: Eleanor Terrill Watch for out ads regarding our Strawberry Social the first week in July. SPRING FLOWER SIÏOW Judge: Mrs v Kathleen Pit tie (Blackstock) Prize winners listed in order. Section A - Specimen Cut Flowers Class 1 - "Reel Tulips" Jenny Bowins, Derek Barnett and' ■ Eleanor Terrill. . • . ■ 1 Class 2 - "Yellow Tulips" • Doreen Lowery, Isabelle-Challice and Eleanor Terrill. Class 3 - "Pink Tulips" Eleanor Terrill, Doreen Lowery, Joan Hollingsworth. Class 5 - "Lily Tulips" Eleanor Terrill Class 6 - "Parrot Tulips" 1 Alice Cobbledick, Eleanor Terrill and Dorothy Barnett Class 8 - "Tulips Mixed" Joan Hollingsworth, Eleanor Terrill and Jenny Bowins Class 10 - "Narcissus Short Cup" Doreen Lowery, Donna Hutton and Minnie Zegers. Class 12 - "Narcissus" any other Doreen Lowery Class 13 - "Lily of the Valley" Lorna Atkins, Joan Hollingsworth Hollingsworth and Minnie Zegers Class 14 - "Any other from bulb" . Joan tiollingsworth, Eleanor Terrill and Doreen Lowery Class 15 - "Any other spring garden flpwer" Minnie Zegers, Lorna Atkins and Joan Hollingsworth. Class 16 - "One Branch of Flowering Flowering Shrub or Tree" Dave Hinton, Derek Barnett and Dorothy Barnett Class 17 - "Lilacs" Isabèlle Challice, Dave Hinton and Eleanor Terrill SECTION B - Houseplants Class 18 - "African Violet" single ■ Alice Cobbledick, Dorothy Barnett, Inez Harris and Doreen Lowery ' ' Class 19 - "African Violet"' double Hazel Stapleton, Inez Harris and Alice Cobbledick Class 20 - "Flowering Houseplant" Minnie Zegers, Doreen Lowery and Lorna Atkins Class 21 - "Foliage Houseplant" Lorna Atkins, Minnie Zegers and Eleanor Terrill Class 22 - "Tea Leaves" Corrie De Jong, Isabelle Challice and Donna Hutton Class 23 "Geranium and Cutting" (over wintered) Minnie Zegers, May Partridge and Lorna Atkins SECTION C - Decorative Class 24 - "Bursting Into Bloom" Donna Hutton and Isabelle Challice Class 25 - "Under the Bridge" Corrie DeJong, Isabelle Challice and Donna Hutton Class 26 - "High Hopes" Minnie Zegers, Donna Hutton and Isabelle Challice ' Class 27 - "I Love Little Pussy" ■ Isabelle Challice, Donna Hutton and Minnie Zegers Class 28 - "Spring Beauty" Isabelle Challice, Minnie Zegers ■and Donna Hutton Class 29 - "Mother of the Day" ., Isabelle Challice, Lorna Atkins^ Minnie Zegers and "Donna Hutton ' i Edgar and Nan James, who have been active in _ the local, Horticultural Horticultural Society and who are moving moving to Stouffville, were presented • with a fardwell gift and a card signed signed by all members of the- Society. Class 30 - " l ea Time" Karen Martin, Minnie Zegers and . Corrie DeJong ■ SECTION D - Other Class 31 - "Spring Show" Corrie DeJong, Isabelle Challice and Donna Hutton Class; 32 - "Get Into Shape" Corrie DeJong, Minnie Zegers and Donna Hutton ' v J> New to , : j I Orono Hair Care 1 Acrylic Nails Manicures S ^ Please Call 933*9256 for information e-y The Corporation of the is C" TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Sale by Quotation SEALED QUOTATIONS for offers to purchase and remove the material listed below, will be received by the undersigned in the envelopes provided. The sale of the material requires complete removal from the Town property: Approximately 2000 yards of topsoil, located at Town Pit, Mbrgans Road * ■ Bid forms consisting of all terms arid conditions of sale and removal are availablë at the Purchasing Office, 152 Church Street, Bowman ville, Ontario L1C 1T6., Reference File: Quotation No. SD86-1. 4:00 p.m. (Local Time) ' ' Fritiay, June 6, 1986 The highest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Mfs, Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone (416) 623-3579 Ex. 67 P.O. No. A1592 Date of Publication May 28, 1986 t.
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