2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 20, 1986 Second Class Mail Registration Number 000368 Published Every Wednesday at the office of Publication Main Street, Orono .. . , Roy C. Forrester, Editor -- ---- Much More To Conte It was all milk and honey and plenty of smiles during the declaration following the 27th premiers' conference held in Edmonton recently. The premiers showed a common front for discussion sometime in the future On a host of thorny problems problems none the least being constitutional change to make way for the entry of Quebec into what would appear a revision of the Constitutional Act of 1982. It doesn't stop there though and one can now envision a constitutional power grab by all provinces as the Act is reopened. reopened. There was consensus among the premiers that following the Quebec claims they will pursue further constitutional discussions on matters raised by some provinces. The interesting feature of the premiers' conference was the fact that nothing was done other than they will talk again. There is need for Albefta to find time to gain support for what they call a national problem with their oil industry, time for Quebec to gain support for their bid as to the constitution, constitution, and of course free trade and the many and varying aspects particular to each and every province. Consensus on any of the items debated would almost be • impossible and according to the ending declaration the interests interests were noted during the conference and then swept under the rug for another time. Since the conference it has become àpparent that Alberta Alberta expects the rest of Canada to right what they call a problem in the oil industry without the province itself being affected as to royalty revenues. Its a one-way street for Don petty as it will be a one-way street for Robert Bourassa of course with some tradeoffs being sought throughout the discussions. Yes there is lot more to come. A Timely Reminder The sudden appearance of the 155 Sri Lankans off the coast of Newfoundland is a timely reminder of conditions in other parts of the globe where conditions erupt to move masses of people over defined borders especially in areas of the third world and undeveloped countries. Canada has been affected by a mere drop in the bucket but it is evident that pressures are increasing day by day in many, countries of many continents creating a larger tide of migration. The trend will surely grow as the population of the world increases from the present 4.8 billion to 6.1 billion in the next twenty-five years and of this growth 92 percent will take place in the developing countries. Add to the growth factor economics and demographic pressures and the continuation of political, ethnic and religious conflicts the problem becomes tremendous. The western world efforts to help developing countries strengthen their economies has decreased over the past years and foreign aid has likewise shrunk. Such as Canada only . recently imposed tougher protectionist barriers to developing countries of their exports in the textile industry which puts pressure on those countries economies and futhers the movement movement of people devastated with little to cling to. There is no easy answer, if there is an answer, but it will not come soley by closing our doors or by cutting back on aid * The Federation of Ontario Naturalists ' ! TON Conservation Centre, Moatfield Park 355 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, M3B 2W8 Phone: (416) 444-8419 and trade. WOODS, WATER AND WILDLIFE By Mike Singleton , Green Darners Are About A green darner dropped in to spend a night with us last week. Attracted Attracted by à flourescent light, she flew in an open window to perch on a mirror frame. It was the first truly close look I'd had at what has to be one of Ontario's most gorgeous creatures. But what's a green 'darner? Seriously - a finger-length dragonfly. dragonfly. It's irrisdescent emerald-green "body' grades to bright turquoise at the back. Projecting behind is a long, two-tone abdomen of vivid purple; dark violet above, fuschia below, meeting in an intricate pattern. pattern. Four finger-length wings are of clear, reflective cellophane, divided into hundreds of little lites by light brown veins. They're reminiscent of leaded windows in the play of light. Six long, jet-black legs splay beneath, like a space vehicle's vehicle's landing legs. The perfect condition and phosphorescent quality revealed that she hàd just crossed the magical transformation from nymplrto adult. * . , Throughout their life, dragonflies are basically living * machines designed for one purpose - eating pest insects. The eggs of the darner - laid in large water bodies in late summer - hatch quickly. From each emerges a creature so antithetical to the adult as to defy * belief. Out comes a squat, flattened 'bug', drab brown, , that for all the world resembles, a piece of debris. j( immediately makes for the bottom, where it blends with the muck and plant- bits, its body often coated with a moss-like" algae. Silently, it ponderously stalks the bottom: in slow motion, holding in front a mask - a great rolled up lower lip which hides ferocious, mechano- like mouth parts. It breathes through its anus, and rocket- propels itself toward unsuspecting prey by exhaling. In a split-secorid, the toothed lip flips down and out one third the nymph's length, and seizes the prey which is promptly torn limb from limb and devoured. Kendal News Remembered Words By Lord Tennyson From "The Brook" With many a curve my banks I fret By many a field and fallow, And many a fairy foreland set With willow-weed and mallow. I chatter, chatter, as I flow To join the brimming river; For men may come and men may go, But 1 go on forever. Here's a thought which some people might do well to contemplate contemplate it's by Rev. John Birkbeck of Aberdeen. Sitting in church doesn't turn you into a Christian, any more than sitting sitting in a hen-house turns you into'a hen. Willie Williams was the son of a Welsh farmer and the brightest laddie laddie in school. It was obvious Willie had it in him to go far in any profession. profession. So he decided to study to become a doctor. For a year or two all went well. Then one day when young Willie was riding home from college, he saw a strange figure standing on a raised stone in a village churchyard speaking to those who had gathered around him. As he rode past, something the preacher said caught his attention, and he reigned in his horse. Little did he know it was to change his whole life--for it was that experience that made "him give up all thought of becoming a doctor and decide instead to be a minister. For fifty years he travelled thousands of miles all over Wales, Camp retreat for Church women United Church women will gather at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac, on Moira Lake near Madoc, Ontario, September 5, 6, and 7, 1986, for indeed, such dragonflies are among the main reason that lakes and healthy ponds, produce few mosquitoes. mosquitoes. The following summer, the adult darners make their appearance. One night, cued by warm water, and perhaps also shortening days, they labourously crawl from the water onto vertical rocks, docks and plants, where they lock their legs into the surface. Then, each begins a transformation more dramatic than caterpillar to butterfly. butterfly. For, the dragonfly skips this resting stage. Within an hour, the back splits, and out from the old 'skin' arches a critter in completely different shape. Built for flight, it is long and graceful. Its lanky legs are built hot only for landing, but also to form a basket, which nets insects in flight. Stubby little scales have been transformed into graceful wings, giving the darner 20-30 km speeds, unsurpassed agility and hovering ability. The same compound eyes are there - made up of hundreds of individual eyelets that see in every direction at once. Within hours, their wiqgs are pumped out, dry and /hardened. Without training, each knows instinctively instinctively how to use and coor- , dinate all those new parts. 'Ey midday, midday, jhey're on the wing, in ravenous • search of mosquitoes, moths and other flying insects. Next time you see a green darner, give it my thanks. And have a close look - if you carl. preaching the faith he had found in a country churchyard as a' young man of 20. He was I am sure thinking of himself when not long after he began his mission he wrote: Guide me, O thou great Jehovah Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand... Isn't it amazing that, but for a chance encounter, this splendid hymn with its thrilling message might never have been? Doctor id a Lighter Vein Lola Dobritch, a native of Bulgaria, is one of Ringling Bros., Barnum and Bailey's best-known tightwire walkers. Also the mother of a young son, she continued performing performing on the wire throughout most of her pregnancy, concealing her condition by the clever use of costume and parasol. "At the end of seventh month," she says, "we play in Providence and I go to doctor doctor for checkup. 1 ask him can 1 go on working. He,say, 'That depend on what kind of work.' I say, 'I'm with circus.' He say, 'That nice. What you do in circus?' I say, *1 walk the tightwire.' Doctor nearly fall off chair, but then he say, 'You go ahead perform tonight, because tonight I got tickets. But tomorrow you quit!" • The city that seemed, to be hit the worst by floods this year has been Millwaukee. This is what I remember about Millwaukee; The; beer that made Milwaukee famous made the hearts ,of the mothers sad. If on your travels you visit Westminster Abbey and pause at the tombs of.the' Great, none is more worthy than David Livingstone Livingstone the humble Scot who over spiritual reriewal and study of some of the issues facing the 'church today. today. The leader, Marjorie .Ferries, Oshawa, will guide activities which include 6 workshops from which campers may choose -3, combined with fellowship and recreation. Eleanor Jones will lead the music. There are still a few openings available, please contact Mrs. Myrtle Myrtle .Bromley, R.R. 1, Westneath, Ontario KOJ 2L0, phone 613-587-4522. A mid-week event for United Church Women, called "Your Window Window on the World", will be held November 4 and 5, at Grace St. United Church, Peterboroûgh, Ontario. Ontario. Please register before October October 5, 1986, with the same registrar, Mrs. Myrtle Bromley. , ."4 came overwhelming odds to equi;> himself, theologically and medically to open the door to darkest Africa. The.inscription reads: Brought by .faithful hands over land and sea here rests David Livingstone Missionary, Traveller, Philanthropist Philanthropist Born March 19, 1813 at Blantyre Lanarkshire, Scotland; Died May 1873 at Chitambo's Village, Ulala. For 30 years his life was spent in an unwearied effort to evangelize the native races, to explore the undiscovered undiscovered secrets, to abolish the desolating slave trade of Central Africa, where with his last words he wrote.: "AH I can add in my solitude, is, may. Heaven's rich blessing come clown on every one, American, English or Turk who will help to heal this open sore of the world." St Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO/ Rev. James Small Rector 987-4745 Sunday Service and Church School 9:30 a.in. ORONO PASTORAL CHURCH Minister Rev. Fred Milnes Church Phone 983-5502 Manse Phone 983-5208 ' ' SUMMER SERVICES Newcastle, Kirby and Orono August 24 & 31 .at Newcastle United Church These Services are af'10:30 a.m.. MIDWEEK FELLOWSHIPS August 20 7130 p.m. Everett & Gladys Brown 983-5150 August 27 Corn Roast at 7:00 p.m. Don & Jeanne Staples 983-5557 YOUTH GROUP NIGHT Every Tuesday Evening 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Meet at the Church Tel: (Sheri Davies 983-9521 for info. BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES 1 ALL AT SPECIAL .SAVINGS STORE HOURS: Saturday, August 23rd 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.