8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 20, 1986 A big winner at Orono Flower show LoCfll N6W DcHlOCf UtS interested in by-elections Dudley Deeley, R.R; 4 Bowman- ville, was the big winner at the recent recent fall flower show, held in the Orono United Church, in a number of divisions having the best dahlia, the best gladioli, best Peace rose, most points in cut flowers and as well gaining the Judge's Choice award. The show was an excellent show with 246 entries and having 25 exhibitors. exhibitors. The quality of thé show was excellent. The Junior Gardeners also competed competed with their own flower show having 60 entries from their membership. Mr. Deeley also won '(most point s in show with award being presented by past president Doreen Lowery. Orono Horticultural Show (Continued from page 7) Gladiolus, Pink 1. Dudley Deeley 2. Alice Cob- bledick 3. Harvey Robinson 4. Lor- na Atkins Gladiolus, White 1. Dudley Deeley 2. Robin Robinson Robinson 3. Helen Robinson Gladiolus - any other 1. Dudley Deeley 2. Helen Robinson Robinson 3. Sherri Lee Boyd 4.' Robin Robinson Lily (one stem) %. 1. Doreen Lowery * SECTION B - VEGETABLES Beans - Yellow 1. Cor Mostert 2. Carol Mostert 3. Minnie Zegers Beans - Green 1. Bertha White 2. Arnold Mostert 3. Jessica Mostert 4. Carol Mostert Beets 1. Doreen Lowery 2. Jessica Mostert 3. Isabelle Challice 4. Carol Mostert Cabbage 1. Bertha White 2. Minnie Zegers 3. Doreen Lowery Carrots 1. Jessica Mostert 2. Arnold Mostert 3. Cor Mostert 4. Carol Mostert Cucumbers (slicing) 1. Carol Mostert '2. Gord Atkins 3. nL/m, t WENDY B's DEPARTMENT STORE DOWNTOWN ORONO - 983-9616 , ■ " - 1 «„ ' | nip, . BACK-TO-SCHOOL BONANZA CQMEIN AND CHECK IT OUT Bargains Like Jiffy Militera ' . Reg. .99 .75 Eraser Value Pack ........ Reg. 1.39 99 6 pa Math Set-Plastic Case . Reg. 1.89 1.39 7 pc Math Set-Metal Case ... Reg. 2.99 249 11/ 2 " Poly Binders (Asst Colors) Reg. 3.99 3.59 1" Press Board Binders (Colore)... 1.99 1.69 Berol Coloured Pencils (10's) 3.79 299 Berd Coloured Markers (10's) .... 2.79 219 Berd Coloured Markers (20's) .... 5.49 439 Three Star Colored Pencils, 24 pk. Reg. 5.59 4.49 Campus Ruled 2000 sheets ..... 299 1.79 PLUS MORE.... CHECK THE FALL FASHIONS TOO Local New Democrats will be taking an unusual interest in Quebec and Alberta next month, when federal by-elections will be held September 29th. At a meeting last Wednesday (August 13th) the Durham Northumberland Northumberland New Democrats' executive executive voted to send money and best wishes to the two campaigns. In the Edmonton-area riding of Pembina, former Edmonton Mayor Ivor Dent is expected to mount a strong challenge in a province which was considered a conservative conservative fortress until the provincial election earlier this year, when the NDP jumped from two seats to 16 seats. Wilf Day of Port Hope, president of the local New Democrats said the meeting was equally pleased with reports from Quebec, where the NDP has made equally dramatic gains in recent public opinion polls. In St. Maurice, vacated by Jean Chretien, a popular local teacher is the New Democrat candidate. The local meeting, held in the Scugog home of former provincial candidate Marg Wilbur, also laid plans for membership and fund raising drives this fall. Local New Democrats also plah to send resolutions and delegates to Jessica Mostert 4. Minnie Zegers Cucumbers (pickling) 1. Carlos Tamblyn 2. Gord Atkins 3. Minnie Zegers Sweet Corn 1. Carman White ' Peppers 1. Gord Atkins 2. Jessica Mostert 3. Minnie Zegers Potatoes - white 1. Helen Robinson 2. James Lowery 3. Mary Tamblyn Potatoes - red 1. Isabelle Challice Tomatoes, slicing 1. Corrie De Jong 2. Gord Atkins 3. Isabelle Challice Zucchini 12" & under 1. Carol Mostert Onions - 3 1. Gord Atkins 2. Minnie Zegers 3. Isabelle Challice SECTION C - DECORATIVE Summer's Delight ■1. Carol Mostert 2. Jessica Mostert 3. Isabelle Challice , "Anne Tcke's" 1. Helen Robinson 2. Isabelle Challice 3. Donna Hutton Blushing Beauty 1. Corrie De Jong 2. Donna Hutton 3. Helen Robinson Let's Celebrate 1. Donna Hutton 2. Isabelle Challice 3. Helen Robinson Walk On The Wild Side 1. Donna Hutton 2. Yvonne Traf- ford 3. Carol Mostert 4. Corrie De Jong Copy Cat 1. Corrie De -Jong 2. Minnie Zegers Fan Fare 2. Helen Robinson Get Cracking 1. Yvonne Trafford 2. Corrie De Jong 3. Carol Mostert 4. Minnie Zegers It's a Toss Up 1. Donna Hutton 2. Yvonne Trafford Trafford 3. Helen Robinson Tea Time ' ' ' 1. Donna Hutton 2. Corrie De Jong 3. Jessica Mostert ' Lunch Time !.. Yvonne . Trafford *2. Helen Robinson 3. Donna Hutton Toast to the Bride 1. Jessica Mostfert 2. Donna Hutton 3. Yvonne Trafford 4. Minnie .Zegers the party's national convention next March in Montreal. Mr. Day is working with Dave MacKenzie of the Steelworkers' Union on a revision revision of the party's policy on nuclear energy. WANT ADS WORK 983-5301 Corporation of thé TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NOTICE TO RESIDENTS Effective Monday, August 25th 1986, the municipal departments departments and offices in Bowmanville will be temporarily located as follows:] * Mayor's Office and Councillors' . .* library/meeting room Treasury to Ve|tri àomplek, 68 King Street East Purchasing (ground floor) Clerk's office Switchboard . By-Law Enforcement Community Services to 152 Church Street to Police Offices, Police and Fire Building 132 Churtih Street The Adminstrator's Office and Parking Enforcement will Remain at 152 Churqji Street. Mailing address for all departments is 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, L1C 3A6. The municipal telephone number remains unchanged. Date of Publication: August 20, 1986 P.O. No. A 1603 j