Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September III, 1986-3 ihe Reverend what he does best ☆ Totally relaxed in a two-straw bale lounge chair on the St. Saviour's float, Rev. James Small patiently and hopefully awaits words of wisdom for his Sunday services. How could we resist? Letter to Editor An Open Letter to Allan Lawrence The proposed nuclear dump in the Town of Newcastle is of major concern to the residents. Your government will ultimately make the decision as to its location. ' Where do you stand on the issue Mr. Lawrence? What have • you done to this date and what do you propose to do? We elected you to a leadership position yet in a conversation conversation with you at the Orono Fair, I got the distinct impression that you would like to wash your hands of the whole issue. I can't, Mr. Lawrence becaùse my family has to wash its hands with water from a well less than One mile from one of the proposed dump sites. Quite frankly, Mr. Lawrence, it is time to stand up and be counted. Are you standing? A public reply is requested. Jqhn S. Windatt Starkville Umbrella committe yet to be formed but coming An umbrella committee respresenting all groups fighting the proposed Eldorado dumping of low-level nuclear waste in either one of two sites in the Town of Newcastle Newcastle or in a site in Hope Township along with members of the Town of Newcastle council was considered at a meeting of. the Port Granby Monitoring committee last Wednesday Wednesday evening. Representatives from all groups were present at the Port Granby Monitoring committee meeting when the issue was discussed. As of yet the umbrella committee has not been formed but it is expected expected that further progress wilj be made when each group responds to the request and provides four representatives who would sit on the group. It is understood that the Tyrone group have already listed four representatives willing to sit on the umbrella group but word has yet to be received from Starkville and the small Kirby group. The Hope Township organization is expected to have presentation on the committee committee along with members of council of the Town of Newcastle. In speaking with Miss Elva Reid of the Action Group.out of Kirby. she said she doubted that the group would appoint representatives to the umbrella group as they are small in membership. She said she would, not like to lose or disrupt the grass roots movement, of the group. Miss Reid said she was not opposed opposed to the formation of the umbrella umbrella group and did feel there was a need for another level of organization organization which would contain experts and professionals whose expertise could be called upon during the Review Panel hearings. She said there is a lot of work to be done at the grass roots level and taking out four members of the small group- would hamper the effectiveness of the group. No. date .has, yet been set for another meeting as to the umbrella committee. Miss Reid said plans were underway underway to carry out an overall canvas and at the same, time to distribute lawn signs objecting to the nuclear waste possibly slated for this area. Crowds pour to Orono Fair (Continued from page 1) land ' following the Saturday parade. As to musical entertainment there was plenty both afternoon and evening. The Old Tyme Fiddle contest contest had one of its largest entry list of the past few yeas. And not to be forgotten for some time to .come was the presentation of the first annual prestigious Piglet Preakness which likely was the top hit'of the fair for 1986. In speaking to Harold Ransberry he said there were very few week spots in the fair this year and that in almost every" department exhibits had increased.. He spoke of the co-operation from all committeevs and that if all fell together with no problems. A real success story for the fair in Orono was the I9f?6 edition. It is amazing the amount of volunteer work and expertize that does go into the fair each year. It does start soon after the last edition and then mounts to a high number during the promotion itself. CORNISH 8» A* cut from Canada grade 'A' beef \^L.l IjOBiLW!? boneless, eye removed round st mui <mnt> jfcjMlMfc,* roasts product of Canada, Canada no. 1 -creamy or ' ! super chunky J™ 49 Letter to Editor Dear Sir: , Having spent the better part of theJasQfour days at the Orono Fair as 6ne of the manyvolunteers manning manning the booth opposed to Nuclear Dumping, I offer the following: With the exception -of a tiny handful, all of the many people we talked to were strongly opposed to locating the dump in this area. They agreed that it should be located in a non-residêntial, non-agricultural area, and in an area far from Lake Ontario. They agreed that Eldorado should not choose (he site, and that just becàuse it's handy, and therefore cheaper is not reason enough, and that in any event, a glorified hole in the ground was not good enough. They agreed that the waste needs to be monitored and be kept in a retrievable fashion, should the need arise, which it very easily could over the next 10,000 years, which it very easily could over the next 10,000 years. When they asked what they could do, one of the things we told them was this: Write. And write often. Write the Prime Minister. Write your local M.P. Write your M.P.P. Write members of the Opposition. We told them that no-one will or can write that letter for them. We t hem that politicians do pay at- Wwiion to personal letters because they know better than,anyone just how upset a person needs to be to finally sit down and actually write a letter of concern. We told them that if we don't sit down by the thousand thousand and* complain, we very likely will end up with a nuclear dump in our very back-yard, and we will have -ourselves to blame. We told them that the notion "you can't fight city hall" is a feeble, lame excuse excuse held by the lazy. We. suggested to out many many visitors that if there ever was a 1 situation that demanded their attention, attention, it was this one. To not get involved, involved, to not write and become part of a massive lobby against this hidious idea ultimately will lead to the nuclear devestation (however cleverly hidden),of our entire community. community. Finally, to those who said they were not immediately affected because they lived "elsewhere'.' we told them that Nuclear Responsibility Responsibility is a global problem, not a regional problem, and,that the sensible sensible and appropriate disposal of nuclear waste should therefore* be of more than passing concern. Yours truly, Bernie Marlin WANT ADS 983-5301 Lazy Maple ■ sliced side bacon 3.29 Miracle Whips* : î ÆQ g° mL l>K7 Swanson meat pies 8oz. frozen beef, chicken or turkey .69 celery stalks product of Canada, Canada no. 1 each .69 ÉT cut from Canada grade 'A' beef, boneless :2$® pS- - QQ1 tomatoes. ira J condensed vegetable or chicken n Campbell's , I homestyle on I SCUD oz. tin B t| oodle 59 f frozen potatoes McCain, Jk Superniipsorefeog 1 Su Det stars pkg 1 19 * nwgtio A jlk Maple Leaf, deli sliced [IkPTountry Kitchen ham or roast rami eve ib". . selected varieties 3 Fleischmann's JCQ r^raarine ^1"! 11 selected varieties General Mills ^ A snacks *r 9 l m Ontario No. 1 Waghet potatoes'!M j 99 cut from Canada grade A' beet mgMa boneless inside cut AAA round steak or ynj roasts vo.£mW selected varieties lArv? Del Monte tin-41 Q fanev fruit iL y allpurpose, whole wheat or unbtea^iec Five Roses flour ^39 9 product of Canada, Canada no J cooking . onions bag |e | 89 sliced white ~ -- mealtyme Utl bread !S 9 .Ot# selected varieties Del Montepure -j4Q fruit juice s IT 57 Gainsborough ' 12 ®z deep dial .pkg. A pie shells ! |8 9 product, of Canada Canada no. 1 each *1 mtabaoas 1 P9J f NEILSON'S 4 t - itre BaQ ; JF [2% MILK É i-ar iJz 1 » CLASSIC COKE AND,DIET COKE Larpe 750 ml Bottle 'M SAVE 30 cents