Orono Weekly l imes, Wednesday, February 11, 1987-9 Classified Ads , COMING EVENTS Revs. Lyle and Marg West invite you to join with them on Tuesdays at 7:30 in their home for bible /. ' 'asses. (983-5962-Res, & V •3-9341-Bus.) t.f, PAPER DRIVE Orono and area. Saturday February 21st. Pick-up at 9 a.m. Please bundle and tie papers. For information and pick-up call ■983-5840 or 983-5858 before above date. Orono Amateur Athletic Association. 1 l,18,ac PERSONAL Overweight? Look Great in a Bikini This Summer! Safe, easy nutritious. Money-back guaranteed weight loss program. Call Lauren now 987-5091. 4,11,18,25iac • FOR SALE 1986 Buick Century; frilly loaded, loaded, sunroof, 20,000 km. 4-Door. Call 983-9249. ll ; ac FOR SALE Janome sewing machine. New. Free arm. Sews silk to upholstery including blue*jeans and stretch. Pressure regulator, button holes, 2-spool capacity, feed-dog drop for mending. Call 983-5164. » 4,1 Lap FOR SALE 26" x 19" farmer air tight wood stove with screen - floor heat shield, pipes and thermostat. Call 983-9679. , | ,ae FOR SALE Small truck, runs O.K. good cap, needs body work. $200.00 Call Len Pears 983-5432. ' 11,ap FOR SALE 440 Liquifier John Deere Ski- Doo 1981. Low mileage, good condition. condition. Must sell $ 1500 firm with helmet and cover. Call Dirk 983-5978 after 5:00 or Jake at (705) 277-3220. U,ac AUCTION SALE Grist Mill Auction Centre NewtonvilleFeb. 12Thurs.7:00 p.m. Selling the quality furniture from an Oshawa home. 6 pc. Andrew Malcolm dining suite with' 4 armchairs,>2 armchairs,>2 sectional sofa, 3 pc. provincial provincial coffee suite, wine table, India" India" wool carpet (10x14), Toshiba stereo component, Lindsay piano and bench, dresser, chest, double bed, 6 dining chairs, bakers table, spool corner what not, sessions ■ mantle clock, spool crib (antique), 7 pc. chrome set, occasional chairs, mirrors, wicker gift ware, crocks, 2 drawer file cabinet and other interesting interesting items. Terms: CASH Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton' 786-2244 . . 1 ! ,ac CARD OF THANKS Thank you to all my friends who called and came to see me during my stay at Memorial Hospital, also a special thanks to the nurses and staff at Memorial Hospital for loving loving care. As Christ said: As you have done that to the least ol these You have done to me, You are indeed indeed the good samara!in. Jack C'arscaddcn CAREER TRAINING } Kl I : 1 987 guide to study-at-home cor- rçsondvnce Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air conditioning, Book- 1 ■<-piu.u, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, ai Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel;' e_-'Mt!n •; i> \) 2f>.V Adelaide West I drohto. <00 i |.:i. STAFFORD BROS, MONUMENTS LTD. 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Box 133 L1N 5R7 Phone 1-668-3552 (Whitby) For Quality Monuments, Bronze and Granite Markers and Cemetery Lettering Private appointment in your home gladly arranged by calling Mr. Philip J. Dawson at 1 -668-3552 or after hours at 1-579-1116 in Oshawa:- WANTED TO BUY REWARD $150 paid lor Addison Two- Colour plastic radios. Sorry, one needed with white plastic. Call collect (416) 641-i420. FARM SERVICES FARMERS WANTED who-are paying too much TAX or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1986 Tax Returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. East, London N5V 2Z9 1-800-265-1002. SALES HELP WANTED FRAGRANCE & HOS1ER-Y CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS WANTED: Market SEASONS exclusive Repliça Pure Perfumes & Fashion ' Hosiery. Earn, hundreds, saving others thousands. Special: $315 Retail Kit $99. l-800-3'87-7875. MA CHERIE HOME FASHION Shows Est. 1975. Join our successful family of independent independent representatives in presenting quality quality lingerie and leisurewear at In-Home parties for women. Call loll free at 1-800-263-9183. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AIRL1NE/CRUISESHIP JOBS now hiring. hiring. Big Money. Will train (416) 482-1500, Extension Extension 501 Days/Evenings/Weekends. CONSTRUCTION, Drivers, Mechanics, Welders, Electricians, Machinists, Carpenters, needed immediately. Also Airline Jobs. Will train some positions, (Up to $6000/month) Transcontinental Job Search (303) 452-2258. Fee. TRAVEL THINK SPRING. Reserve today on CLARE BURT TRAVEL'S inclusive tour to the British ..Isles, June 22iid to July 14th. Features: England, Southern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Royal Agricultural Show. Call (416) 451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090. STEEL BUILDINGS HALF PRICE SALE. Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more. Phone Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-387-6896 or (416) 678-1585. PERSONAL * DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached. unattached. Thousands of members anxious to * meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon till 8 p.m. MEET SOMEONE NEW. Since 1967, we have introduced thousands for .friendship or marriage. Write Personal Acquaintance Service, Service, 249 Bronson Ave., Ottawa^ KIR 6H6, FOR SALE NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned fashioned apple, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs; evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1, Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ont. K0K 2L.0. GARDENERS - Send us a copy of your last receipt for greenhouse or hydroponic equipment equipment or supplies, wc send you a free copy of our gardening magazine. 2.1st Century * Gardençr, P.O. Box t 189, (Princeton, B.C. t *V0X 1W0. 1 T#REE FRUIT MARMALADE RECIPE. Easy, inexpensive, and tasty, sure winner. Send $1 and S.A.S.E. to TINA FIELD, 9 Donald, Box 70, R.R. 1, Hawkestone, L0L 1T0. STAINLESS STEEL LITER CARRIER BUCKETS: milk strainer pails on order. Orvie W id cm an, R.R. 3, Wallenstein, NOB 2S0. (No Phone). 2Vi "Miles east of Linwood, Near K/W Stockyards. Save this ad. * MAPLE SUGARING SUPPLIES for small and large producers. Large evaporator selection. selection. Free catalogue. Visit our store and warehouse. Jakeman's Maple Products, R.R. * I, Beachville, Ont. N0J IA0. (519) 539-1355. or 537-8863. NORITAKE CHINA SALE. Terrific discounts discounts oh current patterns. First quality only. Delivered well-packed, insured. Specify vour Noritakc Pattern Name ahd Number. For price list, shipping details, etc. Send today a stamped sell-addressed business, envelope to; Alexander's, THE NORITAKE EXPERTS, 158 Wattless Avc. Toronto, M4N IW2 (416) 764-1222. LOVE Nl Ei>1.1 X RAFTS? You'll love I"itnda Sttchcraft's Canadian Nccdlecra.lt kits. I or Sales": Representative information or catalogue' write: Peggy Anderson 2281 Woodward Woodward /Vvv., Burlington, Out. I.7R 115. > % Jr? W~ The federation of Ontario Naturalists FON Conservation Centre, Moatfield Park 355 LgsmUl Road, Don Mills, Ontario, M3L3 2W8 Phone: (416) 444-8419 \ ■ > WOODS, WATER AND WILDLIFE By Mike Singleton Snow Vital To Wildlife Have you ever noticed that the really cold weather of winter is often proceeded by a monstrous snowfall? That seemed especially true this year when, following an extraordinarily balmy November, December and early-January, southern Ontario was suddenly blanketed by a series of heavy snowfalls. Immediately afterward the combined temperature-wind- chill plummeted to the -30" range. This not-quile coincidence is of huge importance to wildlife - much more than we humans (who live mostly in rather artificial shelters) realize. Wildflowers, ferns, reptiles and many amphibians, and a host of mammals all depend upon it. In significant measure, the forest and meadow communities of plants and animals we take for granted all year long are moulded by snow cover. Despite our impression that snow is 'freezing (even horrid) stuff', it SWIMMING POOL SALE. 1986 Inventory, Inventory, Ingrounds, Ongrounds, Aboveground», Save hundreds. Limited supply. Book early. Don't buy until you compare our guaranteed lowest prices (613) 547-6434, (519) 658-8221. HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! For FREE information write: Popular Music Systems; Studio No. 44, 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, B.C. VIZ 2H2, MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Workshirts $2.75, Workpanls $3.50, workboots $15. For catalog, send ,$2 (reimbursed (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothée, Que. JOS 1X0. $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate- liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 $3,996, 40x60x14 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x90x24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or (416) 858-2446. ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LEASE TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS EQUIPMENT. Coffee Shop $245 per month, Sub Shop $295; Pizza Business $595; Deli Store $659; Variety Store $695; Grocery Store $795; 40-seal restaurant $948. Installation, delivery and taxes extra. 30-day limit. Arctic Refrigeration & Equipment, Established 1945. Phone Hamilton (416) •528-8525. Toronto (416) 283-2600. A fun, exciting way to make extra money in home or office. For samples and "How-To" booklet send $4.95 plus $2 shipping. Ocean- side Enterprises Ltd., 203-1001 Cloverdale Avenue, Victoria, B.C. V8X 4C9. Call toll free US/CAN 1-800-663-8008. Visa or Mastercard Mastercard accepted. Allow 4-6 weeks delivery. Money back guarantee. FOR SALE 10" TABLE SAW Special Delta 10" motorized table saw with stand ready-to run. I H.P. 3 DADO and Insert. 2-Year Warranty. Model 34090AS. Special Price $599. Sid Tat ham Woodworks, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V7, (519) 537-2660. USED DESKS, FlLjES, Storage Cabinets, Stacking, Office Chairs, steel adjustable shelving, store displays, Blairs New' & Used, 21 Alex Ave., Woodbridge, Phone (416) 851-8100. Near Hwy 7 & 400. Mon - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 10-1. MIRACLE SPAN INTERNATION EQUIPMENT SHOW SPECIALS for February only. Example 25x32 $2,967; 32x34, 40x42 $4,871; 46x90 $9,887; 70x120 $27,887. Other sizes available. Call loll free 1-800-387-4910. 200 BUSH CORDS STOVEWOOnV ul Split, and Stacked 16", where is. Written quote required by Feb. 20th '87. Refrly Townships Anson, Hindou and MindendBox 98, Milne Street, Milicien. Ont. K0M 2 KO (705) 286-1260. H K LP WANTED TRUC KING C AREERS. Driver job training training with placement help is available. C omplete details can he mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 with Postal C ode. forms In reality a vast insulating blanket. Although it does contain countless billions of ice crystals (snowflakes), over 90% of the blanket's volume is actually tiny pockets of trapped air. These act exactly like the "dead air" trapped in a layer of fibreglass; the thicker and fluffier the layer, the higher the temperature is held on the warm side. The warm side, in this case, is the ground, which acts as a huge heat "sink". Progressively warmed throughout the spring and summer, the ground slowly yields its stored heat (as well as the 'geothermal' heat working its way up from the earth's mantle throughout the winter. ' Above the snow, (or on bare surfaces surfaces like wind-blown fields), temperatures bounce wildly. They may go as high as 5°C or as low as -30, and temperatures often change 15" or more in a single day. Many plants and animals simply cannot survive such extreme cold .- their tissues are torn apart when the moisture in them freezes. . Above the snow layer, also, tempera! urc frequent ly pass through i he freezing point twice (or more) in a day. To many plants, repeated freezing and thawing does more damage/than one prolonged . cold period. But below the snow's insulating blanket, temperatures remain (relatively) warm and near- constant. Where snows are thin, the soil may stay lightly frozen all winter long. And in areas of deep snow (like dense woodlands, where tree trunks act to trap and to shade the snow) the soil surface may never actually fr.eeze. Here, in an eerie world of faint bluegreen light, fern and plant leaves sit in a state of deep refrigeration, while millipedes, centipedes and most of other invertebrates invertebrates move as though in slow motion. Thanks to the snow, next year's wildflowers - sitting now as bulbs and special rootstocks - continue developing., Reptiles--and frogs lie warm, using up slo.yyly their limited fat reserves. A multitude of invertebrates invertebrates - vital in recycling dead vegetation into next year's fertilizer - poise, awaiting the warmth which will reactivate them. And myriad small mammals - the meadow voles and mice, upon which fox, owls, coyote and other predators depend - continue to eat, breed and 'feed' the divèrse wildlife which makes Ontario's countryside so interesting. HAGEN* HARTZ Products! LYONS DEN PET and. AQUATIC SUPPLIE: JUMBO NEONS .99= SERPAE each 79c. Check each week for a different fish special Club Discounts , Visa and Master Cards N0W OPEN WED - 9 6 NEWCASTLE 937-5513 Watch for Our Weekly Specials SPECIAL PRESTO-FLAME FIRE LOGS 12 LOGS PER BOX * Q 75 I %/ ■ $' BOX Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. Station St., Orono 983-9167