Fire Department In Need of Help Grant $5,000 to Lions Club for Lions Centre Town Council on Monday granted a sum of $5,000 to the BowmanviUe Lions Club to assist with the operation operation of the Lions Centre in the north of BowmanviUe. Wally Heinbruch, president of the BowmanviUe Club, addressed council pointing out that the Centre operated as a community centre and the Lions Club would like to be treated similar to other community groups in the,Town. He said there were over 40,000 users of the centre each year and that the cost of operation amounted to $100.00 a day. He also stated that the club gave free use of the facilities to a large number of local organizations who in turn provide service to the Town and its residents. The Newcastle Community Service Service Advisory Board had turned down an application for a grant to the BowmanviUe Lions Club. Heinbuch said revenue from rentals rentals does not meet the operating costs Of the facility which paid taxes in the amount of $8,500.00. Museum Board wants to Pictured above: Norm Tillson, A1 Luke, f erry Hardy, Doug Delorme and Donald McLaren. The Orono Station of the Town of Newcastle Fire Department is in need of volunteer firemen.'The station station is down to a compliment of 15 volunteers when in fact there should be 20 on the roster. According to the local fire chief, Terry Hardy, the list of volunteers has been slipping over the past year to the point that it is difficult at times to have sufticient numbers available for a fire call. He said we don't even have a waiting list which always existed in the past. Volunteers to the local fire brigade will be considered and should apply at the Fire Station in BowmanviUe for application forms. Volunteers are paid $24.16 for a call plus $12.08 an hour after the second second hour. Not only do local firefighters provide a service to the community in firefighting but the local Association Association also keeps active with the promotion promotion of dances as well as pancake breakfasts and from which the profits profits are donated to local groups doing doing community work within the area. All firemen are given qualified instruction instruction for the job and as well experience experience a social aspect as a volunteer. deal direct with council Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 11, 1987 Local groups speak at Task Force A NDP Task Force on Canada's nuclear industry visited Newcastle Village on Thursday of .last week under the sponsorship of the Durham-Northumberland NDP riding association. The Task Force is chaired by Bill Blaikie of Winnipeg. About 40 people people were present to take part in presentation and to hear the discussion. discussion. Many of the presentations have been aired at local council and other forums in the Region. John Veldhuis, of the Port Granby Granby Monitoring Committee stated that Eldorado Resources is allowing radioactive and toxic waste to seep into Lake Ontario and that in 1976 six cows died after entering the 26 acre dump through a downed fence. A Tyrone resident, Terry Hutchisons Hutchisons said he was concerned over the dumping of radioactive waste and also had concerns over the safety safety of the Canadian reactors following following the problems at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Susane Elston, a member of the Durham Nuclear Awareness continued continued with the association objections objections of transporting tritium to the Darlington Hydro plant for refining. refining. She said that although the refined tritium has some commercial commercial uses it is also a<component for atomic weapons. Irwin Colwell, president of the BowmanviUe Museum Board addressed addressed council on Monday night pointing out that the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board had recommended to council council a cut in grant to the museum which could affectively dose the museum. He stated that the Advisory Committee Committee had cut the grant to a sum of $28,076 when the Museum board was asking for $47,320. He said expenditures expenditures for 1987 had been estimated at $61,358. Heinbuch said the Museum Board would prefer dealing with council directly for their grants rather than through the Advisory Board. The matter was referred to budget deliberations which are ongoing ongoing at the present time. To debenture $3 million for BowmanviUe arena ■Happenings FIFTEEN TABLES OF CARD AT TOWN HALL Winners at the Orono Town Hall Card party on February 4th were: Doreen Lowery 90, Berniece Moffat 88, Marion Sears, James Lowery and Chas. Campbel) with 82. Low score: W^s Woods. Draw winners Walter Murphy, Wes. Woods, Bonnie Rahim, and Dora Macdionald. Net card party will be tonight and every Wednesday night. Ladies please bring lunch.» BEAVERS GO TO SPACE . Orono Beavers and their parents went to the CN Tower in Toronto by bus last Saturday to see the space show. Elston said sale of the refined tritium to the U.S. would contribute contribute to that countries war effort. Hydro has yet to make a decision on the export of refined tritium. A Cobourg public health physician physician said that Canadian sales of tritium to the U.S. will make that country's supply of tritium to reduce in value making it cheaper to make arms. Seven labour representatives spoke in favour of the industry. The NDP Task Force expects to make a presentation to the federal government later this year. Council on Monday gave three readings to a by-law starting the ball rolling for the construction of a $5 million arena, with community hall in BowmanviUe on the north-west corner, of Martin Road and Highway No. 2. The by-law also called for the debenturing of 3 .million to assist with the construction of the arena. The by-law passed, with the full support of council with, the exception exception of Mayor Winters who stated the proposal was too rich for the community. * The Mayor said he was especially opposed to pay $500,000 for municipal water to the site which had been choosen. The Mayor also said the debenture debenture of $3 million will costs each household in thé municipality an amount of $40.00 annually over the next fifteen years. A recorded vote was taken with Councs. Hamre, 'Hubbard, McKnight, Stapleton, Wotten in support and with Mayor Winters opposed to the by-law. Counc. Cowman was absent from the meeting. . STILL TIME TO ENTER VALENTINE CONTESTS There is still time to enter the Cut, Match and Attach contest that appeared in the Orono Times last week. Completed entries are being accepted until late Saturday afternoon at Reflections in Orono. The winner to receive $25.00 value in D.B.I.A. Bucks. All stores in the downtown ârea in recognizing Valentines have individual Guessing contests for the number of Cinnamon Hearts. Winners take the hearts. Enter the store and enter their contest. contest. - " --■ 111 I Presented with Cords The Town of Newcastle council on Monday night passed a bylaw bylaw which repealed a former by-law in which Jan Devantier was ap- pqinted Director of Commtmity Services for the Jown. Mayor winters stated that Mr. Devantier had left his employment with the Town. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC AT CLARKE IT.S. TODAY the Clarke High School SADD (Students Against Driving Drunk) Cmumiitcc is sponsoring a blood donor clinic at the school today him! 9:30 a.lit. to 2:30 p.m. Everyone is urged to attend. NEWC AS TLE CONCER T SERIES 3rd SHOW I lie Newcastle & District Concert Series presents their third pro- mum lealuring accomplished musicians Julie Iriquel, violinist, and ImIici tinnilncr, pianist, on Sunday, February L5th ai 7:30 p.m. in the Newcastle Town Hall. Bring your valentine! A performance of ,u, I-1 iquei/Gonihicr duo is truly an event to remember, f: ffeslmivius Will be served. Tickets,are available at the door. arc Mr. a'nd Mrs. Klepa: and Isabelle. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and Jennifer. ' Congratulations to the young ladies. At Orono Public School on Monday Monday evening the highest award in guiding,, the "All Round Cord" was presented to Isabelle Klepac and Jennifer Skinner. The Award was presented by Commissioner Helen Martin and Guide Leader Pam Allin. Pictured