* Photo by Janette Desousa Places well in Ontario wrestling meet Clarke High School is home to one of the top wrestlers in Ontario being Tim Harrison of Pontypool who placed 7th in Ontario at the OFSAA Wrestling Championships held at Conestoga College in Waterloo recently. Prior to this Tim won the Kawartha championship and placed second at COSSA in order to qualify for the provincial level competition. Tim has also won other numerous medals and awards at various meets throughout the year. Congratulations Tim! Orono District Credit Union annual meeting The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Orono District Credit Union Ltd. was held on Friday, March 6, 1987 at the Orono United Church. Président,. Président,. G. Werry welcomed all those attending the 6:30 p.m. dinner meeting and C. Martin said Grace. The U.C.W. served the delicious roast beef dinner complete with those great homemade pies. Gÿt Werry thanked the ladies on behalf of all those present. Business Meeting: Moved by J. Murphy, Secretary, seconded by J. Colville that-the minutes of the last Annual Meeting be accepted as published 'following last year's meeting. Carried. The Treasurer- Manager, M. Clapdorp, gave her report, expressing that ou'r Credit Union had a very successful year, seconded by V. Snider and B. Gilbank. Carried. The Credit Committee Committee report was given by V. Snider and the report was accepted . as printed on a motion by K. Boyd, seconded by H. Robinson, Carried. The Supervisory Committee report was read by K. Boyd, seconded by J. Colville..Carried. A motion by L. Werry that, vye pay our members a 7 'A % Dividend on thgir share on a l°7o interest rebate on their loans, seconded by C. Martin. Carried. Moved by H. Robinson, that the Orono District Credit Union" Lt. amend the Bytlato to amend the By-laws, Paragraph 10:05, Paragraph 10:06 and Paragraph 10:07 respectively, as outlined in the Annual Report, seconded by B. Gilbank. Carried. Basically the amendment is to raise our loan limit to $15,000.00 according according to the policies of the Credit Union. Moved hy P T ourlrd. seconded by j. voiville that we appoint appoint the accounting firm .of Kitchen, Kitchen, McCallum and Porter as the abhors for the 1987 year. Carried. 1 ;d by H. Browes, seconded by B. Gilbank, that we appoint Mr. Jim Tiffey as our voting delegate to the Annual Meeting of the League. Carried. Mr. Sandy Lyall of CUMIS was asked by Nominating Committee Chairman, P. Loucks, if he would conduct the elections. Those who have served their term and were called for re-election were, J. Murphy, Murphy, H. Robinson, J. Colville for the Board of Directors, V. Snider for the Credit Committee and R. Hartwig for the Supervisory Committee. Committee. Mr. Lyall called for further nominations from the floor, being no further nominations, he declared the above members re-elected to their respective terms. ", M. Clapdorp called on Mr. Lyall, who had with him, a slide film and documéntary on the History of Credit Unions in our country. The film was very informative and with the answer to "Who was the founder, of Credit Unions in Canada?", Scott Yeo was th'è winner winner of the CUMIS prize. The meeting concluded with the door prizé draws with the following winners: Curvply/Plydesigns table was won by young Nicholas Boyd; fhe J.A. Smith jewelery box went to Rose Graham; St. Mary's prize was won by Edith Gordon; The Durham Farmers Co-op prize winner winner was Mrs. Colville; The Dennison Dennison prizes were won by Rodessa Stacey and M. Tennant and the Orono District. Credit Union Gatsby hats were won by K. Blaschke, C. Clapdorp, S. Yeo, R. Tennant, N. Madill and S. Lyall. Sheep Breeders holding poster contest The Durham Sheep Breeders Association are holding a poster contest open to public school children. The contest is to be held in conjunction with their annual Lamb Awareness Day being held in Bowpianville, Lions Centre, on Saturday, April 4th. Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, March 11, 1987-3 Waste task Force to meet panel A Toronto Star story states that the federal, seven-member, task force appointed last December to find a site for low-level nuclear waste has been meeting for the past three months. The task force is to find a site for nuclear waste now stored at Port Granby, Port Hope and Welcome. The task force chairman, Dr. James McTaggart-Cowan, has stated that the federal government government may have to offer some incentives incentives as a long-term job creation plan at the possible dump site to make the proposal attractive for any municipality that would seek the locating of the site within their municipality. The chairman said the task force hopes to be able to present to the Mines Minister, Gerald Merrithew, a report recommending a safe disposal system as well as a procedure procedure for- selecting an Ontario dump site. This report, it is hoped, will be ready by the fall. The Task force also hopes to come up with a proposal to safely dispose of all low-level waste produced produced in Ontario in the future. If the task force can carry this off it would be the first time in Canada such a system or procedure was devised, of experts When the task force complete phase one of its work - establishing the terms of reference for choosing a dump site - it will be up to the federal cabinet to decide if the task force should be empowered to go ahead with site selection. The task force members are being paid $500 a day for approximately two days a week as they look for a solution to storage bf the low-level waste. Their headquarters have been out of the Constellation Hotel in Toronto. This Friday the task force will meet with 40 experts from various scientific fields at an. Alliston meeting for a brainstorming session. session. Later this month members of the task force will visit the Port Hope area to meet with representatives representatives of community groups who fought the plan by Eldorado to setup a radioactive waste dump in either the Town of Newcastle or Wesleyvillc. CORNISH 0rono Ontario blade steaks cut from Canada grade 'A' beef /kg 351 lb head Yi detergent 6HS d| y 11 99 powdered ■ , ■ w 24 Litre Bag HE 1 orange N^ra juice to 12fl.bz.tin H.f mm Bonnet soft . margarine 2ib. ■ m bowl. ■ ■ j Mary Miles 1 liesh wieners 129 nr™ drinks selected varieties ,99 dressing zesty Kalian or v. C;/Ç . zesty Kalian or - ' calorie-wtse Kalian or. French ", Maxwell House coffee regular or decafeinated tissues selected colour^ 39 Kraft macaroni & chee dinner 59 Granny Smith apples product ofChile product of 1 Canada fancy kg 2,84 129 Shtipsy'sDetiTMm sfoedJ*- O bacon seedtess navet -f Q Û Nat * SCo ■ * O HTt 1 liquid ' À otanœs doz. 1.09 Shreddies Ivory deterqeru t*. Æ4 Frozen concentrated unsweetened -- win, Mott'iiwtojutceor "4 OQ Welch's qrape iuice TtSriSfZSZL. - î CQ PriceselltialreunMSaturday,March 14.1987. SA Canada no. t QQ Spanish onions 1 «oy wareamrethengmtolimit quantities. ,0300300 each «Oxf Great New faste Balance Your Budget DIET 7-UP 750 ml bottle -25c. plus deposit With No Name Products t
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