Is it back to square one? If one is to judge from comments expressed at the recent Open House fof the new proposed Bowman ville Arena last Thursday, the.project the.project is f^r from being settled and will certainly come before council again for a full discussion. Likely, it is back to square one. It was stated a couple of times oin Thursday that well over fifty percent percent were objecting to the proposed plan for the arena complex and that the main objection was to the ihclusion of a community centre. Although, we do not have any tabulated figures of the comments, there was support to leaving out the comjmunity centre to be replaced by a second second ice pad. One could hardly object to the concept if all features were to be utilized to an extent that they were worthy of the capital expenditures. The outdoor skating area would have to be one of these features, which area, in the summer could be turned into an outdoor amphitheatre. The amphi-theatre may see limited use. The community centre aspect of the plan has certainly copie into question and is seen by some community groups as a feature thpi would hinder their fund-raising events in their own halls. There is no doubt that the facility would provide some competition but also tpe facility would place the Town in competition with private enterprises in the Town of Bowmanville. Many businesses in Bowmanville now, offer banquet banquet halls with catering options and there is no reason for the municipality to duplicate the service. There are occasions such as tournaments when a community centre centre would be of benefit to an arena but these occasions are not that numerous and if they were then it would cut into the schedule of normal use by the minors of the community. It is noted that the Town is now in the throws of Constructing a new administrative centre in downtown Bowmanville which features a sizeable council chamber and two committee rooms which no doubt would be available to the public when not in use. Lets not flood the market. The Town of Newcastle has been told that a second ice pad is not something that is needed at this point and it may be some time before such is the case. Certainly it would be cheaper to make such an addition at this point but then the carrying charges of interest on debentures until such time as a second ice pad was fully utilized would offset any advantage advantage of going ahead now. As the general taxpayers throughout the Town are to carry the heaviest load of the capital cost of the project at over $5 million and as there is considerable doubt that private contributions may not even reach an amount of $750,000 the Town should revert to construction of a single-pad arena at what would be a much reduced cost. There appears to be great objection to the present plan and an overall objection to further further general tax requirements especially when private contributions are an unknown quantity. It is somewhat amazing that even in the second attempt there has been such dissatisfaction over the proposal. The Town has been, involved involved with user groups and interested parties in the planning for the complex complex and yet this has not been suffice to satisfy the general public. An arena is needed in Bowmanville and it is time the arena aspeel got underway. When the other aspects, second ice pad, community centre, centre, amphi-theatre, are a need it should then come through the initiative of the public along with their financial support. ORONO CARD PARTY RESULTS 14 Tables were present. High Scores: Hazel Murphy 86; Jean Julisen 83; Robin Alldréad 82; Margaret Todd; Ruth Henderson. Low Score: Ruth Grady. Llicky Draw: Doreen Lowery, Marie Couroux, Dora MacDonald. Next card party is tonight and every Wednesday night. Ladies bring lunch. CARRY A SMILE INTO ORONO This Saturday a majority of the businesses in Downtown Orono are offering their sèrvice with a smile and welcome all to a friendly gathering in the downtown area.' Make Orono Downtown your destination Saturday. Kendal News Résurrection I saw a carpet of flowers' Spread on a hillock green. It was the loveliest sight My eyes had ever seen. i A thousand tulip blossoms Of purple, gold and white Had opened in full glory In the Easter morning light. And as I gazed in wpnder There came to me thé thought That the flowers were a symbol Of the hope that Easter brought. For the flowers had lain in darkness Through many a wintèr night ■To open now in loveliness This Easter morning bright. Just as in the Lord's own promise Our hope and trust remain That on the rcsurueuuit umg We, too, will rise auitm. Mabel sRobertson Caldwël, Sunday morning April .5 proved to be a dull and drippy morning for our special dedication service of the beautiful Baptismal Font in ' memory of Mrs. Irene Mercer. After the Call to Worship the choir sang "Blessed Redeemer" In the announcements we wére told of the Drama Theatre on April 23, A country supper is served followed by an original drama. The writer and director has been coaching the nine actors for several weeks, Get your, tickets early as Newtonville Hall ,is small. Price $10.00. Then the Drama will be repeated on Saturday night in Newtonville'-Hall followed by a short periocbof dancing. For tickets contact D6n Peddar 983-9373 or Bernie Martin 983-5188. Proceeds will go to the Manse Fund- Rev. Bryan Ransom toid the story of the boyhood of Francis. Later he became Saint,Frau vis and wrote a beautiful prayer. Each child - was given a copy of the prayer ay" Jhev could read it when they got home or/nave men mother reâd it to «them ' « non the children's , v „.u 'Uesus bids us shine'!' was sung. Rev. Bryan Ranspm dedicated the beautiful Baptismal Font to be used in the service of baptism in Kendal Church. Then it was accepted accepted by one of our church elders on behalf of the Kendal congregation congregation in memory of Mrs. Irene Mercer. The Mercer family were thanked for this fine and Useful gift in memory of their mother who loved and served this church. Also Edmund Edmund Couroux was thanked for his master craftsmanship. Rev. B. Ransom explained that baptism was at the very heart of our Christian faith. It was an outward sign of the surrender of our life to Christ and his service. To conclude this part of the service service the choir sang a yery lovely anthem, anthem, "At Calvary," Scripture reading St. John 11:17-45 Sermon: 'The Hope of Life'. Then a social hour was enjoyed. I heard one visitory say it was a very lovely service. service. Several pictures were taken by the Mercer family in the church after the service. One was of George Mercer and his four sisters the family family of fylrs. Irene Mërcer with the Baptismal Font in front of them. Mr. Bill Darlingtoh of Kingston heard of this special service in Kendal Kendal Church. It just happened that he was returning from St. Mary's where his sister Georgina lives. He and his sister Helen Glover had attended attended Georgina's seventy-fifth birthday birthday party so he came. Bill taught school for seven years then he took over his mother's store. He kept store in Kendal for several years. He was telling me that he taught a rural school with all eight grades and 58 pupils for $500.00 the first year. Then the second second year he said he must have $700.00 a year. Thé trustee came several times to see if he wouldn't take less. Finally they said "We can't let you go." and paid him the $700.00. He stayed there three years. He said it was a wonderful training. Each day he had to have everything planned. Quebec is the only province in Canada in which you can not turn right on a red light. One thing we all must remember is to come to a full stop before you turn right on a red light. The United Çhurcb Women met at the home of Mrs A. Cathcart on Wednesday afterndon with eleven ladies present. The president open-,, ed the meeting with the poem "Resurrection" and the Lord's Prayer. We all repeated "The U.C.W. Purpose". We sang 358 "Jesus calls us; o'er the tumuft of our life's wild restless sea," Then Mrs. M. Stevens gave as her roll call: Name a church that is a Christian church. She asked one lady to read Exodus, "Thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, etc." and another one to read Matthew 5:38-45 "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but I say unto you resist not evil: but whosoever shall Smite thee on the right cheek turn to him the Other also...." She \yas very much against restoring the death penalty. However when a itian deliberately deliberately shoots a policeman like Sushan did thirty-five years ago (You'll remember Sushan and the Boyd gang.) He was trying to get back to Montreal after a Toronto bank hold-uj) that took place the day before. A policeman approached his car at a stop light. He shot the policeman point blank. For this he paid with'his life. If he had been given a life sentence at $30,000 a year which it costs. We would have paid a million and a half to keep 'him since that time. , Almost every month,a policeman is shot. Think of,the suffering caused caused to their wives and children. Mrs. Stevens referred to the book, "The Spring of Living Waters". , .Then Mrs. Stevens spoke of the great need for all Christian people to work together. She hàd attended- lenten services at Newcastle where people of several churches gathered in one church for worship and fellowship. We all have one Heavenly Father. She then read Sunday Service and Church School 9:30 a.m. ® ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1987 ORONO UNITED CHURCjH Sunday School 11:00 a.m. . Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. BIBLE STUDIES Ladies Daytime Bible Study Wed. 9:00 a.m. at the Manse Wed. 1:30 p.m. Kirby Church Mid-Week Fellowship Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Friendship Room KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 9t30a.m. Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Good Friday Good Friday Service 7:30 p.m. Holy Communion for Kirby and Orono Congregations at Orono United Church Flower-Sweet Pea Birthstone-Diamond SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY > WEDNESDAY Thursday [FRIDAY SATURDAY The mdst beautiful religious sentiments can be found on cards from Carlton. ; i 2 3 -4 V r AC ATI ON STO 9 RE h 10 IOUR 11 IS 12 Palm Sunday 13 14 Passover Begins 15 16 17 Good Friday 18 19 20 21 Passover Ends 22 ' 23 9-6 24 9-9 " 25 9-5 26 27 9-6 28 9-6 29 CLOSED r to 1 9-6 • ■ I SUNDAY \ MONDAY TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY I FRIDAY .SATURDAY Carlton has many appropriate items for Mother's Day --4 all. you supply is the lov,e. 10 Mother's Day 17 24 9-6 18 9-6 CLOSED 9-5 12 19 13 20 14 21 9-9 /* ■ 15 22 25 ORONO. ÔNTARIO 983-SOOè 9-5 16 23 30 St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO. ONTARIO Rev. James Small Rector' 987-4745