i 10-Urtirio Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 15, 1987 A winner at Toronto Home Show Congratulations are ifi order to Dini Schoenmaker of the Apple Blossom Shop who represented our district in the Ontario Horticultural Association floral competition at the Home Show in Toronto last week. Using her floral skills, in two separate designs, Dini was to give her interpretation of a "Highrise" and a "Single Dwelling". A great crowd of Orono Horticultural members supported Dini with cheers as she won a first and second prize. New curator at Clarke Museum A graduate of Sir Sandford College, College, Peterborough, IVtark ' Jackman, has accepted the position of curator for the Clarke Museum Board and is now set to create enthusiasm enthusiasm for the locW museum with the general public. Jackman has spent two years at Century Village in Lang for the County of Peterborough as well as a winter season with the Stratford Shakesperean Festival. The museum is now open and Jackman looks toward, an Open House event to which, he states, the general public is more than welcome to attend. The new curator intends the museum to be more active this year with ten different exhibits in which the'museum artifacts will be used. He said the museum Board does' have an extensive number of exhibits exhibits and he is hopeful of getting them on view for the public. Jackman said he looks forward to working with the local schools in which classes would attend at the museum and he would also give in school lectures accompanied with exhibits. ■ *' * ' ■ The curator said he welcomes views, suggestions and even criticism Tor, he said, this museum belongs to the people and we hope to be able to place in the museum those things the people want to see and to which they can relate. He said the Board is also planning planning a special event day at Which time the mill stone at the Clarke Library will be moved to the Kirby Schoolhouse Museum. Jackman, said hé will change the display at the museum on a monthly basis. As a further attraction a mystery display will also be changed on a monthly basis. At the present time a school display and a toy and amusement, display are being featured. Jackman said it is interesting to compare today's exams to those of the 1880s and 90s as it is also in- , teresting to make similar comparison comparison to the toys and amusement games which were in vogue in the ^past. » The Federation of Ontario Naturalists FON Conservation Centre, Moatfield Park 355 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, M3B 2W8 Phone: (416) 444-8419 WOODS, WATER AND WILDLIFE By Ron Reid Timberdoodles Take advantage of one of these fine spring evenings to walk along a quiet country roadside, just at dusk. If you pass close to a lightly wooded wet pasture, and if you are lucky, you may be treated to the dance of the timberdoodle - an unparalleled unparalleled show of sound and motion. motion. The timberdoodle_is really the American Woodcock, a common shorebird that has adapted to nesting amongst the trees. Its appearance, appearance, and its habits, can only be termed eccentric. Squat and rotund, rotund, this pigeon-sized bird is ideally ideally camouflaged in herringbone brown. But its short legs, combined with a slender three-inch bill and large bulging eyes set almost on top of thé head, makes everything look oüt of proportion. This top-heavy look has its purpose. purpose. Woodcock feed almost exclusively exclusively on earthworms, and while Its long bill probes the soil, these curious eyes can scan the evening sky for any sign of danger. To find woodcock, look where worms are easy to find - moist, sandy soil, preferably with a scattering of bushes or aspen trees. Old wet pastures are especially good. On a warm spring evening, a woodcock's main concern is proclaiming proclaiming his territory and wooing his mate. The most audible evidence of this is a loud nasal-sounding "Peent", repeated every 10-20 seconds. In a few moments, the woodcock will jump into the air, Community Care sponsors Health Fair on May 13th Community Care of the Town'of Newcastle is sponsoring a Health Fair on Wednesday, May 13, 1987 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. at Bowman- ville's Lions' Centre on Beech Avenue. Admission is free to this exciting event in which thirty-five agencies and health support groups will be participating. There will be displays and exhibits manned by experts experts who will provide brochures, free samples and information about the many services available in our area to maintain and improve health .-Several o f the groups attending attending are able to provide counselling and suport to individuals and .families with health problems as diverse as Alzheimer's, arthritis, cancer, ileitis, colitis, multiple sclerosis, heart and lung disease, and emotional illness to name just a few. Blood pressure checks will be available as well as lung function tests. Displays of aids for the blind and visually impaired and demonstrations, of cardiac resuscitation are planned. Community Community Care and C.I.V.P, will be giving out free "vials of life" and assisting people to fill out information information for them. Health Care supplies will be exhibited and Walkwell shoes will provide consultations for those wlfo pre-arrange an, appointment appointment by calling Gomgiuriity Care at 623-2261.' Door prizes wijl be awarded hourly and a tasty lunch will be available for $3.00 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Do plan to .attend this unique event and learn more about maintaining your good health and dealing positively with your health ca^e needs. spiralling upward with' a low twittering twittering song. If you look skyward, you can often see this strange songster silhouetted in the fading light. His careening course zig-zags across the sky, often hundreds of feet up. Suddenly the dance stops, and the timberdoodle plummets to the ground again, usually to within a few feet of the same spot. Armed with a flashlight, you can use this homing tendency to claim a front row seat for the woodcoçk's dance. Each time the bird spirals skyward, quietly move in the darkness a few feet closer to his peenting ground. When he returns, freeze. At this stage, a flashlight beam focussed on the peenting bird seems to have little" effect on its behaviour, and you Can watch its strutting and calling at leisure. Hunters claim that the challenges of bagging a woodcock twisting through the trees is unsurpassed. But the challenge of stalking its spring spring dance instead brings the reward of knowing that the elusive timber- doodje remains to fly again. Forest Fire Prevention Week The Province of Ontario and the States of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota have joined in declaring the week of April 19 - 25 Forest Fit Prevention- Week. V-. "Most people in our area consider consider forest fire to be a remote problem, problem, something that happens in northern Ontario", says Bill Forman, Forman, the Ministry of Natural Resources District Manager at Lindsay. "That's unfortunate. It's true we don't have large fires in the Lindsay district, the kind that make media headlines, but we do have a number of fires each year, all with a potential to cause damage." This year's forest fire prevention week theme, "Forest Fire Prevention Prevention is You", is chosen to remind us that people cause forest fires and each of us as individuals have the means and responsibility to prevent them. Municipalities play a key role in forest fire management in the Lindsay Lindsay district explained Mr. Forman. Fire departments are well organized and have an excellent success rate. Their efforts are appreciated. Let's all work together to protect our forests, homes and property. Remember, "Forest Fire Prevention Prevention is You": Plck-UP FLAT Pick-up flats are built of form steel to cut down weight. 8' long x 79" wide (narrow enough not to require clearance lights) Four stake pockets each side, front and rear. 7/8" oak floors with metal'wear strips. Come equipped with combination tail, brake and back-up lights, , splashguards and body clamps. Weight 400 lbs. ■ ' WILTSIE TRUCK BODIES.LTD. Ben's Auto Body, Newtonvjlle, Ont. Phone: 416-786-29.36 EASTER SUGGESTIONS (Hints from the Bunny), Easter Lilips in a basket Beautiful Pansy Geraniums Which you can plant outdoors in the spring Mixed Gardens of Tropical Plants FLORAL BOUQUETS Surrounded by Colourful Butterflies Me Do Have A Delivery Bunny Apple Blossom Shop Downtown Orono Phone 983-5291