. 77 , i Second l'Iasi. Mmi ReKialralion Number uim.lfiH r'uhllshed Every Wednesday il theoffu oof Piihlioalior Mein Street, Orono ■ " vtoteC.^rrMter. Editor Nothing comes without a price From recent reports it; appears that the other side of the coin is now showing as to the extension of funding to the separate school system. A recent recommendation submitted by the provincial planning and implementation commisssion, appointed by the province, and studying studying the rationalization of public and separate school services has could both the local public school board members and the separate school board members off guard. The planning and implemenation committee has recommended that the separate school board close their St. Mary's high school ini Cobourg and move the school to be housed in the Port Hope High School which is operated by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. It was further recommended that the move be undertaken no later than September 1988. This recommendation now has resulted in activating the joint committee of the local public and separate school boards who are to meet to discuss the recommendation. It also appears the Implementation Commission is not backing off from their recommendation which has been placed in the political arena of the Ministry of Education. Apparently such recommendations of one or another degree have been issued throughout the province within other local educational jurisdictions. Naturally the Commission makes the decision in what they would contend is in the best interest of education and this may well be the case. In what line local reaction follows has yet to be seen but at the present time there appears a lot of doubts on both sides. The full extent of the legislation extending funding in the separate school system is just now only unfolding but surely it must call for a co-operative reaction. Clarke Band Spring Concert and Auction On Wednesday, April 22nd from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. the Clarke Junior, Senior and Stage band in co-operation with the Band Parent Association will be hosting a dessert concert and Time, Treasure and Talent auction. The bands will play during the first hour while fresh baked goodies will be available along with tea or coffee. For the last hour of the evening Frank Stapleton has offered his time to auction off articles marie or donated by people in the Clarke community or services people have donated. It all promises to be an interesting evening at Clarke. Kendal News Such news, such news a» v»i day When angels rolled the stone away, And through the garden Jesus came.. Saw Mary weep, and spoke her name! "Mary," what a wealth in store To look into his face once more! The two who slowly walked along Emmous road, so much was wrong. They trusted that Christ had been He Who should" redeem and set men free But now - but now, their Christ was dead,.! Unlit,He suddenly broke bread! Sum news! Such news was on that lay When angels rolled that stoiie '.way! Maty, Peter, Thomas, Men, Tell ail the earth I live again! Take up the cry - to others give My message that they too shall live! Kathryn Vivian Ideating Sunday morning was Palm Sun day so of course wo all enjoyed th< 'very beautiful Easter music. The choir sang an anthem entitled "At Calvary". The children discussion was about the meaning of Palm Sunday. The scripture reading was St. John 12:1-19 St. Matthew 26:17-25 St. Mark 14:32-46, The sermon: "The Wiping away of Love". Next Sunday is Easter Sunday there will be a baptismal service as well as receiving of new members through transfer. On Friday, "Good Friday" a walk , will begin at St. Francis of Assisi at 1:00 p.m, and continue eastward to Newtonville. Kendal is responsible for refreshments at Morgan's Corners and another check point. On Good Friday Communion Communion Service will be held in Kendal Kendal United Church at 7 p.m, The Kendal Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Grace Manders on Thursday, April 9th with nine members present. The president opened the meeting with the singing of the Ode and the Mary Stewart collect. Cheques were made out to the Hospital for Sick Children, to the Cancer Fund and to the Heart and Stroke Foundation for $25.00 to . each one. On May the second Kendal's W.I. will hold their annual Penny Sale. There is to be a bake sale first at 2 p.m. Then in the evening admission admission for adults $1.00 for children 12 and under 50 cents preschoolers preschoolers free. Lunch will be served after the sale. The District Annual of West Durham Institute will be held at Kendal on May 7th. Plans, for the ..'inner were "made at this meeting. Then our election of officers took place. Moved toy Janet Dykeman sec. by Eleanor Terrill that Lovelitie Cathcart continue another year as president. Carried. Stye ask «1.mal We choose a vice-president. We will try to locate one. Mrs. Janet Dykeman volunteered to undertake the treasureship along with the secretarial work. All other offices remain the same. Lunch was provided by Mrs. .1. "Dykeman aneforn hostess. The next meeting is tp be May 14th at the home of Mrs. J. Dykeman. Get your tickets early for the theatrical evening in Newtonville Communify Hall, May 23 beginning with a country supper at 7:30 p.m. The performance begins at 8:45 p.m. and the tickets are ten dollars per person. The drama will be repeated on May 25 followed by a short period of dancing. The nine players have spent many nights in preparation. Proceeds to Manse Fund. Tickets sold by Don Peddar 983-9373, Bernie Martin 983-5188 1 or Ron Phillips 786-2099. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Martin had his îpother of London, Ont. visiting ' them for the weekend. Mrs. E. Foster attended her grandson Donald Fonk's wedding which took place at Hagersville on Saturday, April 11. Mrs. B. Catheart's father is in Napanee Hospital following a ji.oke. A student minister was doing his internship down Little Britain way witnessing from house to house. At one home he approached, an elderly man was sitting on the front porch. The following conversation ensued, , "Are you a Christian, sir?" "No I'm a Smith. The Christians live three doors down." "You don't understand, sir. I mean are you lost?" "No sonny I'm not lost. I've lived lived here for forty-five years." "But are you ready for Judgement Judgement Day?" "When's it going to be?" "Well it could be today, or it could be tomorrow." "Please don't tell my wife. She'll want to go both days." Padre C.F. Waite Oakwood Ten ladies of the Kendal Women's Institute went to Port Perry on April the tenth to tour the Flamingo factory. We enjoyed- looking at the fine farms around Blâckstock, then Port Perry is a very pretty place in summer with so much water, boating etc. The town itself is very neat the lawns were so green. When we entered the new plant we were given nylon covering for our hair. They make meat pies of various kinds as beef, chicken, steak, pork etc. These are sold under the Schneider trade name. They also make butter tarts, jam tarts, jelly rolls, Vachon bakery items, etc. All employees wore a covering on their heads. It was very noisy with all the big machinery " moving. To make the bottom crust of a large meat pie, a cubic inch of dough was dropped into an aluminum tart tin then the giant machine flattened the bottom crust.. For the top crust a great sheet of pastry perhaps six feet wide moved along on a belt. A press cut out circles of top crusts. It was most in-, teresting to peep into the ovens at various points to see the pies travelling travelling along and getting browner as they moved along. They . make 100.000 meat pies at one time. They were putting four pies into one box as the boxes moved along the belt. One girl put in two and the second girl put in two then the box was sealed by the machine. They let us enter the hugh refrigerator room the fans were stopped. When the fans are going it drops to 40 below. We saw the huge packing boxes filled filled with pies ready to be shipped out. They were of various sizes. One box was written in crayon 9.000 for Mother Jackson. The complete name would be Mother Jackson's Open Kitchens. Other, boxes had 7,000 or 5,000 etc. All their pies are frozen but all their tarts are sold fresh as people prefer" to buy fresh tarts. Pies that are perhaps a trifle too brown or have a little gravy that went through the vent in the top are called "seconds". Small meat pies (seconds) cost around 15 cents, large meat pies perhaps 30 cents each. So- we all enjoyed buying plenty for oursummer guests. They are frozen so will keep well. This was.a most interesting tour. While I was working at a delicatessen in Sydney, Australia, a woman overheard my accent and asked if I was an American. "Lovely!" she exclaimed, when I told her that I was. "I've been look- ing for one of your lot. My son is living in the States with his American wife, and .she sent me a recipe-that calls for half and half. Could you tell me luv,,half of wot . and half of wot?" There was a grass firé in the Provincial Provincial Park west of Kendal on Saturday afternoon April 11th. Fortunately the fire brigade were able to bring it Under, control. Solid blocks of pine trees are a great fire risk. Glad to report 1 that Mrs. Ella Geach isdoing well after her operation operation and expects to be home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood attended attended the 60th Anniversary of his parents wedding. The celebration was held in the Oddfetyows Hall on Sunday evening, April 12th. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. James Small Rector 987-4745 Sunday Service and Church School 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1987 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. BIBLE STUDIES Ladies Daytime Bible Study Wed. 9 a.m. at the Manse Wed. 1:30 p.m. at Kirby Church . Mid-Week Fellowship Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Friendship Room YOUTH MEETINGS , Explorers: Wed. 6:30 p.m. Hi-C: Tues, 7:00 p.m. C.G.I.T.: Thurs. 6:00p.m. all at Orono ynited Church KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. ORONO & KIRBY UNITED CHURCHES Good Friday Walk - 1-3:30 p.m. from Roman Catholic Church, Newcastle to Newtonville United Church. "A Walk with Christ - carrying a 'Cross" Good Friday Service Communion Service 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church