Orono Weekly Tihies, Wednesday, August 19, 1987-7 Over3000 attend Park Barbecue From Around thé Region Confirmation from autopsy An inquest will not be held into the bathtub death of an Orono woman reported in last week's paper. Coroner Dr. Charles Mcllveen said an autopsy has confirmed that 18-year-old Judy Lee Brooks of Main Street died of drowning late on August 5th after first slipping into into a diabetic coma. Council acts on Disabled parking The petition bearing 700 names brought to Port Hope Council set them in motion to ease the town's handicapped parking problem. Two more spots downtown will be Created as well as an expected hike in fines by $20. A costly search for Golden Plough administrator This time the Northumberland County Council is taking no chances to find the Golden Plough Lodge's new administrator. A Toronto consultant has been hired at a cost of up to $12,000. The Ontario government will fund two thirds of the cost. During the hiring period Glen Whitehead will temporarily temporarily run the lodge. Wednesday night's warm summer summer weather was just perfect for the Orono Town Barbecue held on the bank of the Wilmot Creek in Orono Park. A crowd of over 300, a con siderably larger turn out than last year, made the Orono Arena and Project Committee's fundraiser a . tremendous success. The money raised by the barbecue supper is to go towards an Orono summer flower and vegetable show The Annual Flower and Vegetable Show of the Orono Horticulture Horticulture was held on Thursday, August 13th at the Oddfellows Hall, due to renovations at the church. The fairly good attendance enjoyed the many exhibits. Most classes were filled with entries. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Slute of Bowman- ville were the very capable judges. There were 17 exhibitors with 169 exhibits. Our Vice President Yvonne Traf-' ford was in charge of the meeting as our President is on holidays.. Yvonne opened the meeting with a welcome to everyone and we sang O $14 million for training program (Continued from page 4) • stay competitive. In less than 20 years, older workers will make Up fully a third of our labour force." Mr. Sorbara says. Under 'Transitions' oldei workers receive up to $5,000 cjredii over two years. They may use thi; money for training with new employers, private , trainers oi public institutions. The credits are used to pay training costs involved The workers can chodse theii own training, but it must be wort related. More than 6,500 oldei workers are expected to participait in the first year of the $14 millior program. With this program, older worker can adapt their talents to keep up, with technological changes anc employers will acquire experienced reliable workers with up-to-date skills. Older workers, it has been pro ven, take twice as long to find new jobs as younger people. In addition it is at a lower wage rate. * "For 25 years, we have concert trated on the distinct problems ol younger' workers. 'Transitions' responds to changing demographic; and gives'older workers a bit of ar edge ' *he market place" says Mr Canada with Doreen Lowery at the piano. The secretary report was read by Carol Mostert followed by the Treasurer's Report by Adele McGill. Adele presented the May prizes to all winners. Merle Slute commented on the entries and Doreen Lowery read out the prize winners and prizes for the specials were presented to the following. Best red rose - Dudley Deeley; Best dahlia - Carlos Tamblyn; Best gladiolus - Dudley Deeley; Best arrangement arrangement - decorative - Carol Moster; Judge's Choice • - Carlos Tatnblyn; Most points - specimen flower - Dudley Deeley 40 pts. Most points - vegetable - Carol Mostert 24 pts.; Most points - decorative - Carol Mostert 12 pts. Most points - entire show - was Carol Mostert with 57 (but was 'not eligible because of winning in 1984) so the prize went to Isabelle Challice with 41!/2 points and was presented' a beautiful silver engraved tray by Mrs. Sylvia Wilkinson from the CISC. • The special competition was judged by David Harrison: Best outside window box -Yvonne Trafford; Best outside small ' planter - Doreen ' Lowéry, Minhie Zegers; Best outside large planter •- Isabelle Challice, Gladys Moffat and Doreen Lowery; Best outside hanging basket - Doreen Lowery, Lorna Atkins and Gord Atkihs. Winners of the exhibits are as follows: Dorothy Barnett - 1 first, 1 second,' 3 thirds. Isabelle Challice - 3 firsts, 13 seconds, 6 thirds. Orville. Challice - 1 second, 2 thirds. Dudley Deeley -11 firsts, 3 seconds, 1 third. Donna Hutton - 1 second. Doreen Lowery - 2 firsts, 1 second, 1 third, 2 fourths. Arnold Mostert - 2 firsts, 1 second, 1 fourth. Carol Mostert -15 firsts, 6 seconds. Cor Mostert -1 second, 3 thirds, 2 fourths. Jessica Mostert - 4 firsts, 4 seconds, 6 thirds, 1 fourth. Edna Mercer - 1 third. Carlos Tamblyn - 5 firsts, 3 seconds, 1 third. Eleanor Terrill - 2 seconds, .1 third. Yvonne Trafford - 3 firsts, 4 seconds, 4 thirds. Carman White - 1 first, 1 second; Bertha White - 4, seconds, 2 thirds. elevator for the handicapped at the Ororto Arena. Russ Major serves up dinner to the guests at Orono's Annual Beef Barbecue. After the prizes were awarded ■ Mr. Merle Slute was introduced by Isabelle Challice as guest speaker on "Drying and Preserving Flowers" and gave us many ideas on all our different weeds and flowers we can use for decorating. Isabelle thanked Merle and a lovely lunch was served by Isabel Trim, Bertha White and Isabelle Challice. Don't forget our Sunday Flower show on September 20th with Rev. Keith Henderson guest speaker. Press Secretary Doreen Lowery Tell Someone. . "You're Sweet' with a Sweetheart Rose Longer stemmed •' . Sweetheart Roses This Week Only- $1.49 ea. (CASH and CARRY ONLY) The Apple Blossom Shop 083-5291 DURHAM NOTICE CLOSURE OF DARLINGTON LANDFILL SITE The Darlington Landfill Site will be permanently closed on August 15,1987. For a three month trial period, bins will be provided on the grounds of the former Darlington Landfill Site for your convenience for the disposal of HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE ONLY. All other refuse is to be taken to the Metro Toronto (Brock West) Landfill Site in Pickering. See map below for directions. ' , HOURS OF OPERATION Monday to Friday (Incl.) 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday a Metro Toronto ~ +/\ oc ti> LU (Brock West) LA Landfill Site a . oc id u * o oc CD 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. .TAUNTON RD. REG.RD.4 3RD.CONCESSION RD. FLASHING LIGHT PICKERING' HWY.2 HWY.40I W.A. TWELVETREES, P..ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS