Oruno Weekly Times, Wednesday, October J4, 1987 7- A Thanksgiving Party at Orono Public Junior Kindergarten and Senior tional skills in the form of measur- stew , and vegetable soup were Kindergarten classes participated in ing, sharing and developing a better delicious. a Thanksgiving Treat. The ex- understanding of the real meaning . Miss David perience has provided alot of educa- of Thanksgiving. The vegetable Mrs. Deremo Presented with toy windmills Thç classes of Mrs. Deremo arid Partner of Wendy B's Department the young group at the Orono Miss David, Junior and Senior Store. ; Public School and a big thank you kindergartens, were présented last The gifts were well received by expressed, week with toy windmills by Wendy . Orono United Church Anniversary (Continued from page 1) piano or vocal solos at meetings of the W.M.S. and W.A. and sometimes played for the hymns. When I was older I was actively involved involved in the'Young People's Society Society which met on Monday evenings. I played the cello in the Sunday School orchestra under Mr. A.J. Knox, which rehearsed weekly, played for çhurch service for concerts, concerts, from time to time. I sang in ' the choir from 1924 until'sometime in the 40's. I played the organ in the year 1934 and again when the organist, Mrs. Brown took ill, before Mrs. Workman took over. All my activities were in the old church, before the time of the fire. My father, Mr. Harry Rowe, my brother George and my sister Betty all played in the orchestra as 1 well. by Dorothy Payne Orono United Church choir history Perhaps many of us do not give enough credit to the choir for their efforts in bringing the Christian message to us in music. At time they may appear to be a background or a rôunding-out of our services of worship. However, when we , 1 "iusly consider the dedication of members of our choir to our Sunday worship services and Jo the musical functions at our church we can finally realize the choir is a very important part of thexlife of our church. Surely, there is not a better way our faith can be expressed than through music. -The following article has been prepared by Stella Carson, a choir member for many years in Orono United Church. Orono United Church Choir through the years presents one anthem anthem each Sunday and on special Occasions such as anniversary, a guest soloist or quartet. Rev. A. E. Eustace, the first minister officiating in the . present church, sang with the choir each Sunday. He had a delightful bass voice.. Through the years we have had some excellent choir members and they were very willing to give of their time and talent. , 1 hesitate to mention names because I might accidentally omit one name and then that causes hurt feelings. During my time in Orono United Church Choir we have had some excellent excellent Organists and Choir Directors. Directors. I have gained much .knowledge and assistance will) singing in the' soprano section and I appreciate Jhe help given to me immensely. It is a pleasure to sing in Orono United Church Choir we have a 'superb group and we get along so _ agreeably, we have a good.learning experience each. Wednesday evening at Choir rehearsal. Then on special occasions such as Christmas or Valentine's we have a party and it is most enjoyable. ,.l. could write a book on the experiences experiences 1 have had in the Choir but space would not permit that. It is so rewarding to sing "Praise to God" in the lovely hymns printed in the hymn book. All the anthems have a message contained in the words that is worthwhile. It is a pleasure and privilege to sing to the glory of God. We appreciate the efforts of.pur present Minister Rev. Fred Milnes because he sings with us on many Sundays. ' The following is a list of organist who served: In the church that was destroyed by fire: Mrs. O. Sandercoçk; Mrs. R. H. Brown; Mrs. Dorothy Payne. In the church now standing: Mr. & Mrs. Workman; Stella Morton Morton - 1962 to April 1973; Douglas De well - April 1973 to September 1977; David Gray - September 1977 to August 1987; Ross Metcalf - September 1987 to Present. (Continued page 8) Friends of Music announce 87-88 program An outstanding series of concerts by internationally acclaimed artists has just been announced by the Port Hope Friends of Music for its 1987-88 winter season. With tl?e help of its Program Committee, chaired by tfie Rev. Paul Walker with the assistance of Ian McDonald, the local organization organization has arranged a line-up which promises at least to equal the highly successful series now concluding. The season will open on Friday, October 16 with a song recitaThy Irish soprano Mary O'Hara. When Miss O'Hara emerged after twelve years in a closed religious order to resume a highly successful career, producer Russell Harty wrote of her Royal Festival Hall debut that "she (Continued page 8) We're Having ANOTHER BLITZ This FRIDAY 2- 8 p.m.- SATURDAY 9:30 - 1:30 iâSiWâfe, J Jewellery -3f Belts and ^ 51 Scarves 8 125% Offf with purchase 1^' KV>s v»°, O" Vo o| ° *■ « Bonda Knit (.Sweaters Coats AN EXTRA_ ,10% Off k, U«P r \'» • *p-v I Surprise Specials NOT NOT JUST FASHIONS Main Street, Orono Phone 983-9466 If Jack Frost Is Nipping at Your Plants Take Advantage'Of Our 15% Off SALE on HOUSE PLANTS THIS WEEK Don't Forget We Have ... * POTTING SOIL & FERTILIZER m We.Accept Vis^t & Mastercard at the The Apple Blossom Shop 983-5291 f.