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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Oct 1987, p. 1

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V Take part in Scout Apple Day limi Last Saturday morning the Orono Beavers were out in full force of the Scout Apple Day in the Village of Orono. The Orono Scouts carried out the selling of apples on Friday afternoon. afternoon. Pictured above from the Orono Beaver t Pack are: Scott Bowmeester, David Cartier, Kelgan Brown, Jim Coatham, Andrew Reid, Jeromy Weeks, Gerrit Vàn- Dyke and Wayne Werry. Standing behind the Beavers Kevin Scott, Orono Scout member. LCBO committed to move store out of downtown to Plaza Orono downtown business people people and two members of the Town of Newcastle council were told last Friday morning that the LCBO store in downtown Orono would he moving. Two representatives from the Liquor Liquor Control Board of Ontario stated that a committment had been made by the Board to move the store to the IGA Plaza. It was stated that the move is expected to be completed sometime in June. They .said they were committed to lease property at the Plaza which would provide a much larger store than the present store in the; downtown area: The meeting was held in Sam Cureatz's office and was organized by the member of the legislature for Durham East. The downtown representatives and council members were told that the Board was looking for a location location that would have exposure to Highway 115 and that would attract impulse buying from the highway. They further stated that the present location was inadequate with poor facilities for a liquor store. It was stated that the new store would carry a greater product line, over double that now handled. Beer sales would still be part of the operation. The LCBO representatives were to|d that the liquor store was an anchor anchor store for downtown Orono and that the loss of the store from the area would be a blow to the downtown as a business centre. Further the Orono delegation said they very much doubted the store would attract business off the highway when travellers would have to drive back into Orono through a maze of roads at the north entrance and then drive back out. The, delegation said they felt the present store did serve the community community in a most suitable location and they were opposed to the change of location. The LCBO representatives said ■ the committment had been made. Councillor Frank Stapleton said, "You might as well know right now that 1 am opposed to this mqve and will be when it comes before council". council". Counc. Hamrc made a similar comment and also staled that on the one hand the government encourages encourages the development of downtown core areas and their revitalization. On the other hand they are here taking away from the downtown area. Happenings . . . Gone All Out for Hallowe'en It's worthwhile to take some time and visit Mom's Kitchen in Orono where the Betina and staff have gone all-out with their Hallowe'en decorations. Congratulations to those at Mom's. New Face Lifts Hamiltons- Insurance it) downtown Orono has cçmpleted exterior decor on their building with a fresh coat of paint as well as sortie other modifications. Stutt's Pharmacy is in the midst of a new face lift for the top portion of their building with-an application a siding. Both stores are looking great. Bingo Tuesday, October 20th " Don't forget the Great Pineridge Kinsmen Bingo being held Tuesday, October 20th in the Orono arena. $500.00 jackpot and 20 games. Help the Kinsmen help the community. HEALTH CLINIC » There will be a blood pressure, blood sugar count held at the Durham Senior Citizen Lodge on Tuesday, October j>7th at 1:30 p.m. Please come out and help support this venture! EVERYONE WELCOMED! ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS OF OCT.' 14TH The winners of the evening were: High No. 1 - Bernice Partner Partner with 79; No. 2 - Roy Winters with 78; No. 3 - Aleck Moffat with , 73; No. 4 - Thelma Lane with 71; No. 5 -Marie Cou roux and Ed Skinner with 70. Winning Low - Robin Alldread. -Winners of the draw were Ken Gimlet!; Jean Allen and Robin Alldicad. EUCHRE EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 8 p.m. - Ladies Bring A I unch, PARENT'S NIGHT AT CLARKE HIGH -SCHOOL Clarke High School will be holding its Parent's Night on I huisday: October 29th from 7 - 9 p.qi. in the auditorium. "Come « - \ku me l cachets!" ALL PARENTS WELCOME. Rural Dignity meeting being held in Orono A Rural Dignity meeting is being held in Orono on Tuesday, November 17th in the Orono Oddfellow's Oddfellow's Hall commencing at 7:30 p.m. 'Rural Dignity is a grassroots organization, with _ no formal membership or any political affiliation., affiliation., It is dedicated'to mount an effort effort to save rural post offices from being closed by'Canada Post. Cynthia Patterson, who has travelled all across Canada collecting collecting information and assisting with the aims of Rural Dignity will be the guest speaker for the evening. The meeting sponsored by the Orono Downtown Business Association will be inviting Allan Lawrence, M.P., Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. and a representative from Canada Post Rural Services. A total of 5200 rural post offices now operated by the corporation are slated to be closed or privatized and although no names are mentioned mentioned Orono is considered to possibly be within the category under consideration. Recently Enniskillen lost their Post Office now being su vice for letter delivery by group mail boxes. Over-the-counter service is provided provided by travelling to the Hampton Post Office for parcels, stamps and other services. Columbus is but another closing of a rural Post Office. Office. Much in the news of late has been the future fate of the Nestleton Post Office. According to a Toronto Star story Canada Post would close out the operation arid has offered the former operator a contract to provide the service for an amount determined by a percentage of revenue for 1986. Mr. Peter Fitton suggest this amounts to $1542. annually annually an amount he could not accept accept for the office which was to be open on a weekly basis of 34 hours. He said he would lose money even at a minimum wage rate. Fitton is reported to have contacted contacted Allan Lawrence, M.P. for Durham Northumberland, who in a letter of August 24th said he had (Continued page 8) A. Lawrence retiring wont run in next election Hon. Allan-Lawrence, Member of Parliament for Durham- Northumberland,' announced last night to the executive of his Progressive Progressive Conservative constituency association that he will not be a can- diate in the next Federal election. "Next spring I will have completed completed thirty years in elected office, firs): as a Member of the Ontario Legislature, theft for the past 15 years it hai been nty privilege to represent the people' of Durham- Northumberland at Ottawa, "Mr. Lawrence stated. "Now it is time to step aside into a different endeavour, and to encourage others to serve iq public life." "Supporters of any political party party should choose their candidate calmly and rationally, and the eve of an election campaign is not the best time for that," he stated. "This is a wonderful area to represent, represent, the people are superb, there are many significant changes in the community and exciting challenges for the'future." "1 hope that, by making my decision decision known, now, people will give the questions of standing for office and choice of their candidate more detailed deliveration than if I had waited until an election was imminent." imminent." Lawrence was born in Toronto in 1925, November 8th and has been active in law, politics and government government for the past thirty years. (Continued page 8) Greetings at Anniversary Rev. Frep Milne (right) greets Rev. Jeff deJongc, a former Ojqno Orono boy, who preached at lljc Sunday evening service at tlye Orono United Church, in 1 its celebration of the . 140th anniversary. anniversary. The mornign service was taken by Rev. andy Eustace, a former minister at the church. > There was an excellent tut nom for both services. The Country four offered three selections for the evening service while .the Orono Chyrch choir provided special music for the morning service. A multi-image pictorial presentation presentation by Gordon l'eek using inspiring inspiring music was,a feature of a Saturday Saturday evening program in recognition of ilie anniversary.

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