A busy day washing cars .Oiono Weekly parent volunteers lor coming with u-. There was an Open House .held pji,.Tuesday; Oct. 6th. The parents who came that evening had a chance to meet the' teachers, watch slide presentations and tour the school. It was a success, and a pleasant pleasant evening. In houseleague, the school is playing the sport of floor hockey. During lunch hours, boys and girls play separately and the grade sevens play separately from the grade eights. The playoffs will be held in the middle of November, with the aid of Mme. Brunt, 'Who is the organizer of the soort. Times, Wednesday, October 21, 1987-5 This year, unlike last year, there will be a girls' socctfr team due to an increase in interest. Eighteen girls have bçen chosen to represent The Pines, including stabs. The league was expanded to include St. Stephen's and St. Francis. There will be two school games for boys and girls against M. J. Hobbs and St. Francis, then there will be a tournament. Thanks to Mrs. Gibson, Kathryn Vandermale, Mr. Massie and Mr. Hansen for organizing and taking the time to coach the games. by: Gait Jess Ramee Cyr 8C Students from Clarke High School spent a busy day at the IGA Plaza in Orono washing cars. Their efforts were in aid of athletic facilities and programs at the school. Clarke High School News Report Today, students will be receiving back the dreaded midsemester report card, evaluating how students have done over the first month and a half. The reports will be telling students to pull up their socks and get moving and others how well and badly they have started the school year. Up-coming on November 25th about 50 co-op students will be going going to a Cooperative Education Seminar at the Cobourg Lion's Center in the morning, then at the Port Hope, Legion during the afternoon. afternoon. Entitled "Working Today For Tomorrow," will be an all day workshop to help students in cooperative cooperative education to lead a fulfilling fulfilling and productive life. This is sponsored by the Northumberland Board and Newcastle Board of Education. One highlight of the day will be a three part carousel where students will be able to speak informally with a representative of three fields*of work. The students will have chosen out of a field of 45 different occupations occupations being presented that day.' In my interview with Mr. Hubbs, principal of Clarke High School,. I first asked what other schools that he had been with in the past. He said'that he had been viceprincipal viceprincipal at Cobourg West, Port Hope and Bowmanville High Schools and also had been acting principal at Port Hope and Bowmanville High Schools. Mr. Hubbs said he was interested in the evaluation system upon how students are being evaluated. He believes that more emphasis should be put on the process of learning, mainly to the development of skills and attitudes. That students should have the opportunity to practice and experience self evaluation and should also have the experience to develop peer evaluation. He emphasized emphasized that the skills and attitudes are just as important as facts. When asked about Clarke compared compared to other schools. He said, that each school has its particular strengths in different areas. He pointed out that Clarke has a strong standing in sports, and also very strong academically. He also said' that he was happy to be here at Clarke High School and that he was having a good time. ,By: Jeff Allaway The Pines Senior Public School News Report Hello, and welcome to another year at The Pines Senior Public School. It's only one month into the school year and already there are plenty of activities to .get all of the students motivated. " To start off the grade 8 year there is a four-day trip to Camp Tawingo which is located about six miles outside outside of Huntsville. The students going going on the trip will be on the go from sun-up to sun-down in various outdoor activities such as geology, survival games, orienteering, initiative initiative tasks, minimum impact camping and aerobic training. Mr. Farrington has been included in this fantastic experience for approximately approximately 15 years and has been the organizer for a number of years. In the words of Mr. Farrington, this is a great way to get the students to "interact" with each other and with adults in situations other than the classroom and to adapt to different situations. The teachers included in this exciting exciting adventrue are Mr. Smith, Mme. Brasch, Mr. Farrington, Mr. Prole and Mme. Brunt. Also, several parent volunteers will be ac- i mpanying us. The trip will extend V__pm Monday, Oct. 19th to lihurs- They report a busy morning and afternoon. day, Oct. 22. A good time should be had by all. On October 13, 88 students of The Pines will have the opportunity to see one of Shakçspearg's most , popular plays, a comedy, "Much Ado About Nothing". The teacher organizing this event is Ms. Wilson. It is approximately a four hour drive to Stratford on a school bus. » Students will be stopping at McDonald's and Harvey's for lunch and supper. They will be returning around 8:00 ,p.m. Students will have a chance for a half-hour walk along the Avon River that is named in honour of Shakespeare's birth ■ place. Ms. Wilson would Gke to issue a special thanks to the four parent volunteers for taking time to join us in this enjoyable enjoyable event which would not have been possible without them. Thanks!! , On September 30th, four buses containing approximately 150 students from The Pines went on a trip to Sainte Marie Among The Hurons and, The Martyrs' Shrine, which connected with the history program. It was a pleasurable experience experience ^t an important site. We thartk the teachers and the six SKELDING FUELS u mi .ed Newtonville Furnace Oil - Stove Oil Gasoline and Diesel Fuels Home Deliveries 786-2502 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NEW OPERATING SCHEDULE FOR THE NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE 49 Liberty Street North Bowmanville (next to Bowmanville High School) t Due to a shortage of daytime aquatic staff some of the pleasure swims scheduled during the day must be eliminated. The.co-ed sauna»and whirlpool and squash courts will still be available for use during all hours of operation. We regret any inconvenience this may cause our clients and hope we may resume our usual service by January 1988. Noted below is a new Pleasure Swim Schedule: NEWCASTLE, FITNESS CENTRE PLEASURE SWIM SCHEDULE Effective Tuesday, October 13,1987 EARLY BIRD-PUBLIC . Tuesdays and Thursdays 7.:00- 8:30 a m. FAMILY SWIM Saturdays 4:30- 6:00 p.m. (children must be accompanied by adult) Sundays 1:00- 2:30 p.m. PUBLIC SWIM Mondays and Wednesdays * 6:30- 8:00 p.*m. Fridays Saturdays , Sundays 7:00- 9:00 p.m. 2:00- 4:00 p.m. 3:00- 5:00 p.m. ADULT SWIM * Mondays, Wednesdays and 12 Noon- 1;15 p.m. (18 years and over) Fridays . Tuesdays and Thursdays Saturdays and Sundays 8:30-10:00 p.m. * 7:00- 9:00 p.m. PARENT and TOTS 'Tuesdays * 10:30-11.30 a.m. 'Note: Since there are no back-up daytime staff, in the event of illness the. daytime hours noted may have to be cancelled on short notice. You are therefore advised to contact the pool prior to the swim to ensure it fs still scheduled. ADMISSION: TOTS YOUTHS ADULTS SENIORS FAMILY (5 years and under, accompanied by adult) (6-17 years) (18-59 years) (60 years and over) (family household members) FREE $1.00 $1.50 $1.00 $3.00 10 SWIM TICKETS POOL MEMBERSHIP Youth and Seniors Adults » Family Junior Adult Family Monthly % 8.00- $12.00-' $24.00 ' $ 6.00 $10.00' , $20.00 Annual $ 50 00, $ 75.00 $150.00 PHONE 623-3392 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION