Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 27, 1988-11 4 CLASSIFIEDS INEXPENSIVE PROFITABLE NOTICE If you have questions or concerns about your muericipality, please feél free to call me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Harare, Counc. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle.- . tf NOTICE Women in Abusive Relationships For Help Call Auberge Transition House For Women and Children Toll Free 1-800-263-3725, or 728-7311 confidentiality assured. Mar. 25/88 . NOTICE The Orono Senior Citizens will meet at the Oddfellows Hall on Thursday, February 4th at 1:30 p.m, for euchre. Everyone Welcome! 27,ap Lomax Renovations Replacement Windows Decks Roofings and Whirlpool Baths All Aspects of Home Improvements Call Dave Lomax 983-5554 tf OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE .SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1M0 "35 Years of Service" Susan Sawyer Nelda Dawson 416-983-5767 416-623-4835 P-O. Box 340, Park & Church Streets Orono, Ontario LOB TM0 Telephone (416) 983-5032 Matthews £r Associates INSURANCE BRdkERS LTD Pauline Mote, aiic Branch Manager Are you thinking of buying, selling or are'you in need of Real Estate advice? Feel Free to contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINE GAGNON I can sell your house. Please give me a call for an appointment. I'll be happy to show you any property at your convenience. \Ar 623-6000 pat irwirt lycett broker/owner Res. 983-9475 or 983-9605 wanted Babysitting available in my home. Non-smoker, clean environment. environment. Days preferred. Call Carol 983-9892. 20,27 ap COMING EVENTS Revs. Lyle and Marg West invite you to join with them on Tuesdays at 7:30 in their home for bible classes. (983-5962 Res. and 983-9341 Bus.) COMING EVENTS. Orono Horticultural Society Bus Trip to the Garden Club of Toronto Flower Show at Casa Loma, Cullen Barns and Pickering Town Centre, Thursday, March 3rd. Members $11.00, non-members $12.00. Contact Contact Lorna Atkins at 983-5608 by February 5th. 27, ac if" ai*OT!<W'^!vsesii8!i«e h SoBiiSSItoiregspxw*».»,--^ m DURHAM T\7 & ANTENNA. Bill Van Der Herberg 623-9955 Antenna & Tower Sales and Service We Also Do TV & Stereo Repairs 151 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario 0ALEK TRICIAN WE ALWAYS TRY TO^ BE FIT AND SPRY.WE KNOW IT'S OUR SPEED AND EFFICIENCY, ON WHICH FOLKS RELY M O. CHATTERTON Electrical Contracting Pole Line Construction PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5949 Orono, Ontario HWY 115 TRUCK & AUTO Ltd. To All Cars and'Trucks TOWING 983-9151 or 983-9152 COMING EVENTS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wednesday, February 3rd 12 Noon - 8 p.m. at the Lions Centre Bowmanville 27,ac COMING EVENTS Tri-County Novice Hockey Team, is sponsoring a dance, January 30, 1988 from 8:00 p.m. -1:00 a.m. Music - Disc Jockey, $10.00 per couple. Tickets 983-9293 or 983-9218. 27, ac OPEN HOUSE The ■ family of Marjorie and Horace Best cordially invite friends and relatives to share in the celebration celebration of their 50th Wedding'Anniversary. Wedding'Anniversary. An Open House will be held at the l.O.O.F. Hall in Orono on Saturday, February 6, 1988 from 2 - 5 p.m. Best Wishes Only! 20,27,3 ac ' FOR SALE 1984 Chev Caprice Classic, p.s., p.b., air conditioning, power windows, windows, AM/FM cassette radio, approximately approximately 37,000 kill, certified. Asking $9,00p.00 cash or'certified cheque. Phone 983-5556. '* ' • 27,ac i* TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 11:00 a.m., Fri- • day, February 5, 1988 for. grass cutting cutting at various schools. North Hope Central Public School, R.R. I, Campbellcroft. Plainville Public School, R.R. 1, Gores Landing. Hilicrest Public School, Campbellford. Campbellford. Kent Public School, Campbell Campbell ford. Campbellford High School, Campbellford. Kirby Centennial Public School, R.R. 1, Orono. Newcastle Public School, Beaver Street, Newcastle. Bowmanville High School, 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville. _ Kendal School, Kendal, For further information please contact G. M. Holmes, Manager of Plant Operations. . Specifications may be obtained from the office of: R.C.'Sudds, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street North Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 (Continued ) t+j C. HOOPER -INCOME TAX SERVICE BUSINESS - FARM - INVESTMENt ' CAROL HOOPER - 983-5322 R.R. 1 ORONO, ONT. Call Evenings or Weekends JO-ELEN <'"6)623-816, SPORTSWEAR & GIFTS Suppliers to TEAMS, SCHOOLS AND CLudo -mo n or CORPORATE GIFT PACKAGES 102 Queen St. Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 1M6 J. Wayne Aa'sen NEW YEAR SPECIALS ' ■ AT Fruit Market 1/2 bus. Fancy Delicious 6.95 1/2 bus. Gee Grade Delicious 4.95 We make the best cider ' at this time of year $3.50 128 ozs. Farm Fresh ' WHITE and BROt/VN EGGS Highway 115 - South of Orono 983-5628