2-Orono Weekly Times, V\ vdmsdin , .lamiiin 27, 1988 Oroito ElrrlUv Eimrs Second Glass Mail Registration Number <>00368 Published Évery Wednesday at the office of Publication Maih Street, Orono Roy C. Forrester. Editor NEVER ON SUNDAY The Town of Newcastle on Monday supported a Toronto City council resolution advising the Provincial Government that it does not support the transferring to municipalities the authority to regulate the dosing ot : retail businesses on holidays. The government is being requested requested to retain its authority in this matter. "Let the province do their business", stated Counc. Hubbard. We decide the future now The water problems in Courtice, Newtonville, north of Newcastle Newcastle Village and indeed throughout a great part of this immediate area should be cause enough to seriously consider the planning aspects as to future development in the Town. In all areas water quality is showing to have deteriorated requiring requiring some costly adjustments to provide a safe supply. The Courtice area has had some man-made assistance through lack of qualified foresight and adherance to planning on a long-term sound basis. At a recent, meeting of Town council it was stated by Counc. Harare that the north-west corner of the Orono area, although now strictly agriculture, would hot so remain for much longer. Already there is one application for a rezoning to allow lots being serviced by individual individual wells and septic systems, More are possibly in the making. It is a logical area for residential expansion in Orono. The north-west, area of Orono through the official plan and through zoning calls for the area to be serviced with water and this was setforih some years ago. But recently the Town gave approvalfor a rezoning application allowing individual wells on larger lots. The present present application before council also callsTor individual wells in this particular particular area. Surely it is sho'rt-sighted on the part of the authorities if they continue continue to allow developmentin this particular area without the service of municipal water and through rezoning change what was 1 a long-term strategy which surely must have sound basis. As we understand the Region is reluctant to increase capacity on: the new existing well and note that a pump-relay would be needed to. provide water some 1200 feet to Taunton Road along Main Street. But if this is not done what is the cost sometime in the future. We only need to check around to decide this. The former Orono Police Trustees and to some extent the former Township of Clarke faced a similar problem in the late 1960s when the Orono Estates development was proposed. The Orono water plant was operating near capacity and there was also a need for a pump-relay to boost pressure for the sub-division. This did not deter the provision of municipal water to the development and well it should not have. It is interesting interesting to note that only a few years later the Village turned over a water surplus of some $39,000 to the Region upon regionalization. As to cost and ability to carry, all is relevant between 1968 and 1988 and we know of no one in Orono that lost their home due to cost of water installation, in fact home value multiplied over the investment. It can be noted that the Town is about to embark on the Hamlet Plan for Orono and surely it is at this time that council give a good hard look to the future supporting municipal water for the area and that the Region of Durham do likewise. To do anything else is only putting off until tomorrow even greater problems and shows lack of sound planning on the part of both bodies. KENDAL NEWS . . Let us each day of this New Year Warm someone's heart, dry someone's someone's tear. Let's think kind thoughts and sing a song The day when-everything goes wrong. You feel my aim is much too high? Perhaps it is.■...but let us try. On Sunday morning The snow was softly falling, A blanket clean, and white, To keep the next years April All cozy in the night. So the snowmobilers and the skiers were all out. It will be a real boon to thôse who are depending on winter sports for a jiving, ft will protect the fall wheat. We were pleased to have Mrs. Margaret Slrachan worshipping with us at church. They have purchased the property, wcsl of the village, on the seventh near the pond. The choir sang "The Las I Mile of the Way." The flowers were in memory of Mrs. Ruth Robinson. - The scripture reading was Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:24-35; St. Mark 1:14-20. Sermon: "The United Church of Canada's Difficulty." Difficulty." On January 30th is* the Youth Rally in Newtonville. Be sure to attend and meet some of the line youth leaders of the Presbytery. A good lime is planned for,all the young folk of the Oshawa Presbytery lioni age thirteen' to grade thirleeit. . There is a delightful scene in the film "The King and I" when Deborha Kerr meets the King's many children - her future pupils - and quickly endears herself to them. She tells them of the ancient adage about teaching - in the end, "By you pupils you'll be taught." 1 thought about this recently when reading a note from a school teacher. She had bèen testing her young charges on General Knowledge. "Tell me, John" she questioned a small boy, "Which month has 28 days?" "Please miss," came the quick reply, "They all have!". After all the lad was right. francis: Gay Since dog sled races have become a popular sport we are likely to meet a team of sled dogs on the sixth line. My neighbour across the line-fence has a team of huskies but the snow has been lacking till this past weekend. The Siberian Husky Club are holding races at Ken t R'eid Conservation Conservation Area just north of Lindsay this January. The trail will run to the igrge peninsula, onto Sturgeon Lake, over a hill and hack to the maintenance road. Spectators can watch the races' from several picnic shekels both near the starting point and near, the peninsula. In Bill Bramah's new book that sells for $9.95 and is entitled "Bill Bramah's Ontario" 1 find the following story: Sled Dogs On one of those lazy, hazy,.hot, sumjner days we went to Tom Soper's farm near C'hesley to see his sled dog's. Clieslev is a pleasant little town south of Owen Sound: Join was Noi i h \ii.ioi a a - : , \ i i . h , : i, 'International < >pen .1 >og Sled Raws in Switzerland' lt- w vcais ago.-1 It 1 " and his dogs have won all soils of trophies. They've appeared in movies. They're well known in sled dog circles. So is Tom's wife, Marian. She not only races, she lakes care ol Tom, l heir three tccnaged daughters, and helps eare for about 50 husky'dogs as well. Her regular job though is handling the books for the family monument business. It was a most unlikely situation. It would have seemed appropriate in winter but it was about 90 in the shade and there was Tom and Marion hitching up eight sled dogs lo go for a workout? The dogs could hardly wait: Jenny Jenny stood well 1 back, 1 joined her. Cameraman Tim Moses set up his equipment near a bend in a wooded land that runs through the farm. Tom hopped on the back of a three-wheeled trainer and they were off. The dogs and Tom seemed to whiz by. They disappeared around the tiend. Jenny and I went over to see the other dogs. Each dog had its own doghouse. They were barking their heads off. They wanted to get into the act. We waited for about half an . hour. Then suddenly the team came tearing towards us. In the distance Tint appeared lugging his camera and tripod. As he came,closer wè could see the big grin on his face. He had the shots he wanted. But the highlight-of the day for trie Was meeting "Yukon" the lead dog. He was eleven at the time and Tom said he was still the strongest and smartest dog. Even more surprising, we learned he was the father of all the other dogs in the team. The team that raced raced both in Switzerland and down the country lane on that sweltering day. The younger dogs looked tired. "Yukon" didn't. One good way to prevent colds when our sun is so far south is to take a spoonful of Norwegian .Cod Liver Oil each morning (it's easy to ORONO PASTORAL CHARGi. January 31, 1988 Minister: Organist: Telephone: Rev. Fred Milnes Ross Metcalf Church 983-5502 Manse 983-5208 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship 11:00 am. Annual Meeting - 1 p.m. Pot Luck Lunch YOUTH GROUPS Explorers - Wednesday 6:30 p.m. C.G.I.T. - Thursday 6:00 p.m. Upper C.E, Auditorium BIBLE STUDIES Sunday Evening home of Bill and Jillian Stubbs-. Phone 983-5423 Ladies Bible Studies - Wednesday At the Manse 9:00 a.m. At Kirby Church 1:30 p.m. - YOUTH RALLY Saturday, January 30th 9 a.m. - 8:45 p.m. Newtonville United Church KIRBY-UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 9:30 a.nr. Morning Worship 9:30a.m. Annual Meeting ' Thursday, January 28th 6:00 p.m. Pot Luck Supper 1 uke with i Ini is I la,, mu ii:,v i i will . Iii'lj i .pievent ai I lii il r Mut i-iinl s ' mi umhi icai.mu. A Jeweller we know makes if a policy to record I he name and address address of each new customer- and- send him a personal lhank you note. Phrases like "We. arc. dedicated To serving you," "We strive to retain your valued friend-, ship" and "Sincerely appreciated" are used. One. note brought the following reply: "I appreciate your appreciation. appreciation. 1 remain dedicated to your dedication. I'm grateful for your gratitude. I appreciate sincerely your sincere appreciation. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, my wife opened your letter. letter. The gold necklace I bought was for my secretary. Do you have a market for used wedding rings?" Mrs. Eleanor Foster is con valesing valesing at home after eye surgery. Her daughter Judy Fonk is with her this week. Mrs. Alva Berry celebrated her 89th birthday on January 24th at her farm home. Congratulations. Now is (he time to write down your family history while grandma or grandpa are',still, with you. At least get the names and dales and places down. Ours reads like this: William Thompson, my great * grandfather came from Durham in England to Durham in Ontario. He, married Susannah Stevenson of ZicJn in Hope Township on April 11, 1832 in St. John Evangelistic' English Church in Port Hope, now cadet) St. Mark, Anglican Church. They had seven children, 5 born in Hope and 2 at Kendal. Moved to iio! Mi ul Kendal in 1850 lo -gy Reserves, I heir children - ,\ Its I ul low:.- .. ■ '- -- Then the 1861 Census records the (Continued page 3) ORONO G A TES OF PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario In ter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling St, Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET< ORONO, ONTARIO SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SERVICE 9;30 a.m. Valentine Specials SAVE 15% on all Gund & 1928 Jewellery CARLTON CARDS ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009