Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, January 27, 1988-7 <, ono Horticultural 1988 Executive Pictured above are the members of the Orono Horticultural Society elected last Thursday evening at the annual meeting. (Left to right) Eleanor Terrill, Cliff Terrill, Pat Windatt - Directors; Directors; Cor Nostert, Beautification Committee Chairperson; Carol Mostert, Secretary, Lorna Atkins, President, Adele McGill, Treasurer, ■HR ■. Vera Staples, Lawrence Staples, Inez Inez Harris, Bertha White, Minnie Zegers - Directors.. Absent-Corrie De Jong, Yvonne Trafford and Donna Hutton. Orono Horticultural annual meeting The Annual Horticulture Pot Luck supper was held on Thursday, January 21st at Orono United Church. Although the number was down some due to many other committments, committments, everyone enjoyed a bountiful buffet supper. The tables looked decorative with place mats, donated by Big Brothers and roses donated by Mostert Green Houses. Our President Mrs. Lorna Atkins, introduced the head table guest, Mrs. Lowes of the Agriculture Office, Mrs. Isabelle Challice, District 17 Director, Mr. & Mrs. Cor. Mostert, Mrs. Adele McGill, The President, Mrs. Lorna Atkins and Mr. Gord Atkins, Our Mayor Winters was unable to attend attend also Orville Challice who is in hospital. Flowers from the head table were sent to Orville who we hope will soon be home. After Town and Monitoring Committee in Ottawa (Continued from page 1) 1976 the AECB had called for decammissioning in 1987. John Veldhuis said it was his opinion opinion through his own observations that children who ljad lived in the area for a considerablç period -of time did have respiratory and allergic problems. He said this was not the case for children who had recently moved to the area. He said this has affected about 'fifteen children. « He called the two hour meeting in Ottawa most informative and interesting. interesting. It was pointed out at couniil meetingvon Monday that the AECB had extended the licencing for the use of the Port Granby dump by Eldorado Resource Ltd. to the end of February. According to Larry Kotseff and Mayor Winters this time frame was established to give Eldorado time to report their options if the Port Granby dump is closed. Kotseff stated that the Town had suggested that Eldorado either store their waste temporarily. on their Port Hope site or truck it to Elliolit Lake. He said the one month period gives the company to reply to the suggestion. Kotseff further commented that the Town has come a long way in this matter and that it now appears Eldorado is being held more V .nullable. * thanking and welcoming everyone. Lorna made a presentation of two books entitled "Everlastings" and Harrowsmith Book of Herbs, to Mrs. Hadley of Clarke Library. Mrs. Hadley thanked the Horticulture Horticulture for the books and said the books that had been presented before were well made use of. Many donations for our goody bags were received. The goody bags along with book marks etc. were from the O.P.P., other donations were from C.I.B.C., Durham Farmers, Orono Times, Matthew and Associates, Partner Plumbing, Dominion Seed Co, Apple Blossom Shop, Phosphrogen Fertilizer, Orono Fuel & Lumber and Remax. Cheese for the table and prizes were donated by Warkworth Cheese House. A big thank you to all of you for all the goodies. Roses were also given away as door prizes. The reports for the year were all photo copied and placed, on the, tables for everyone and the minutes were accepted. Lorna made a few announcements. There Is to be a bus trip to the Garden Club Flower Show on March 3rd Jo Casa Lorna, anyone interested contact Lorna 983-5608 by February 5th. The entertainment for the evening evening were the "Harmonicats" who were greatly enjoyed and were given a standing ovation for, there half hour of music and fun. The group consisted of Gladys Brown on piano, Sid Barraball, Doreen Lowery, Ross Allin, June Wilson, Ross Metcalf, Ted Miller, Walter Woolley, Vivan Pickard, Tom Rheader and the leader of the group Trudy Garrod who introduced the band (on Harmonicas). Bertha White thanked the group and along with a gift were all given roses from the tables. Lawrence Staples, chairman of the nominating committee was-called was-called on to present the offices for 1988. Mrs. Isabelle _ Challice, District Director was in charge of the election and installation of the new executive, being as follows: Past President, Mr.' Orville Challice; ••President, Mrs. Lorna Atkins; 1st Vice, Mrs. Yvonne Trafford; Trafford; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Donna Hutton; Hutton; Secretary, Mrs. Carol Mostert; Treasurer, Mrs. Adele McGill; Directors for one year, Mrs. Inez Harris, Mr. Lawrence Staples, Mrs. Vera Staples, Mrs. Bertha White, Mrs. Minnie Zegers. Two year Directors, Mrs. Corrie DeJong, Mr. Cor. lyiostert, Mr. Cliff Terrill, Mrs. Eleanor Terrill and Mrs'. Pat Windatt. They were congratulated and wished the best of luck for » 1988. Isabelle Challice read a few Orono Fair Annual Meeting (Continued from paged) of the event and great interest was shown in the Rock band competition, competition, an event which catered not only only to the teenagers but also to parents and others. Bill Tomlinson drew attention to the part, played by the Town of Newcastle in creating a display of .industrial and commercial activities within the municipality. He also pointed out that the Town booth had given away prizes valued in- total, $3500.00, He also spoke of the Courtesy Tent featuring other aspects of the Town'in volunteer services and recreation. Thirteen schools take part in fhe Friday event and it has been est imated that -800 to 1100 kids make up this contingent for the parade, sporting events and the amateur show. The Fair Queen and the new manager, Ron Locke were introduced introduced to the meeting. The annual Fall Fair banquet is being held April 2nd in the basement basement of the Orono United Church. Courtice- residents seek repayment of water costs Larry Hannah, president of the Courtice and Area Community Association, called for restitution of some $50,000 to $60,000 to fifteen fifteen Courtice home-owners who had paid this amount to the Region of Durham for water service. He pointed out that these home- owners had paid this amount to the Region for water hook-up while others were charged only $300.00 each. He said the problems these people faced were due to development development in the Courtice area similar to. those who gained their water service service for $300.00. He said the Town and the Region allowed the development that has created the problem,, and he was calling upon the Town to help resolve this inequity. He said the 15 had hooked up to water prior to the $300.000 agreement. In closing his presentation he said, "1 think this Town has a moral obligation to look after the residents of this municipality. He also stated the Region said they were not going any further in this matter. He suggested to council that council apply to the government for .the use of OHAP funds which he said had been turned down. He felt that if a proper submission was made pointing out all facts and uses for OHAP funds that approval would be given to use such funds to re-imburse the fifteen homeowners. Mayor Winters stated that it would take approval from" the Legislature to gain such approval and he expressed doubt as to this happening. Council did however pass that the Mayor and staff approach the Ministry of the Environment submitting submitting that OHAP funds be made available to re-irnburse the homeowners. , Mayor Winters suggested that the province was passing the buck to the Town but for the Town to do anything they would have to have the proper authority. inserts from past secretary books from 1933 to 1955 and .others she received which'will he on display at forth coming' meetings. Our next meeting will be held on March 24th at 7:30 p.m. See you then! Lorna closed the meeting and thanked the Girl Cjuides for working working in' the kitchen. President Secretary Doreen Lowery Come In and See Our New Line of Childrens' Wear UNDERWEAR, SOCKS, Size 3 Months and Up SLIPPERS - Boys' & Girl's PJs LONG JOHNS for Mini Skiers WENDY B's DEPARTMENT STORE Downtown Orono - Phone 983-9816 INFORMATION CENTRE 1988 GYPSY MOTH CONTROL PROGRAM You are invited to review the Ministry of Natural Resources' proposal for dealing with the gypsy moth on Crown lands, in 1988. * . An information centre will.be held at: Location: Campbellcroft Lions Hall Date: Tuesday, February 16, 1988 , Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m and 7:00 pirn, to 9:00,p.m. The'proposal will also be availably during normal business hours at. the District Office for a 30 day review period, until March 21, 1988. Comments concerning the proposal proposal should be submitted during this period to: * ¥ District Manager , , Ministry of Natural Resources -322 tjent Street West Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4T7 Telephone: 1-705-324-6121 Ministry of ' Natural. Vincent G. Kefrio Minister Resources