12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 11, 1988 ' The Federation of Ontario Naturalists y -- " T - L- . FON Conservation Centre, Moaifield Park x 355 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, M3ti 2W8 Phone: (416) 444-8419 ^ by Marion Strebig Protect Our Emblem In our little woodlot the buds of the white trillium are fat to bursting. After a cool April they are a little late blooming. Perhaps because it has been our provincial emblem since 1937, the white trillium is one wild flower everyone knows. In her Studies of Plant Life in Canada published in 1885, Catharine Parr Traill comments that "few of our indigenous plants surpass the trillium in elegance and beauty...". Although most people are familiar only with the white trillium, a fairly common flower of the rich deciduous woods of southern Ontario, there are several other less common varieties. The deep red flower of the red trillium, known also as squaroot or stinking Benjamin, gives off an unpleasant odour like carrion which attracts pollinating insects. Like the white trillium it is most common in the moist woods of southern Ontario. Perhaps the most beautiful of all the trilliums is the painted trillium with the red blaze at its throat, and its streaked petals with the undulating undulating edge. It thrives in the acid woods and swamps on the shield, and is seldom seen farther south. The nodding trillium, its head hanging hanging delicately on its long drooping stalk, ranges even farther north and is rare anywhere south of the Canadian Canadian Shield. All trilliums develop from underground rootstock (rhizomes) which must store enough food during during this growing season to produce next year's plants. Picking the flowers removes the leaves, the food-producing organs of the plant, so that rootstock may die of the starvation. This is why picking trilliums is illegal. Enjoy the woods full of trilliums and leave them so that they will carpet the forest floor again next year. Since the trilliums root acts as a powerful emetic, perhaps anyone caught picking one should be forced.to eat the root. However, the main threat to all wildlife, including our wildflowers, is the disappearance or disturbance of habitat. As more and more woodlots disappear before the bulldozers, preserving small natural areas becomes increasingly urgent. Even where woodlots are saved from the bulldozer, they are often so tidied and cleared of undergrowth and native ground- cover, like the delicate spring wildflowers, that they are as sterile environments as the cleared expanses expanses of mowed lawn so dear to many people's hearts. In reaction to this manicured environment environment devoid of variety and life, many people have chosen to make their lots into miniature woodlots using native shrubs and wildflowers. This is often a positive step, a way of restoring the land. But there is a danger to other areas in this increasingly common practice. practice. A Gardener Alert has been sounded by wildflower societies asking gardeners to refrain from buying certain ferns and wildflowers such as trilliums, native orchids, hepaticas, Jack-in-the- pulpit and'yellow trout lily unless the vendor marks the bill of sale with "Nursery Propagated" and signs the bill. Wildflower magazine urges its readers to try starting their own, stock from seek or spores. Many species which are difficult to grow or are very slow-growing are being 'dug from the wild on a massive scale. The sudden and insatiable insatiable demand for wild plants to keep up with the "new" fashion in natural demand for wild plants to keep up with the "new" fashion in natural gardening has brought unscrupulous operators into the business of supplying material from the wild. It is up to each of us who is interested both in naturalizing our gardens and inpreserving wild stock to check the origin of any plants we buy. If present trends continue, a vvoodlot white with our provincial emblem may become a rare sight. Y ear-round OPP Ride prograrii shows results (Toronto) - Of 40 Ontario , motorists charged with drinking and driving offenses during the first week (April 17 to 23) of the new OPP year-round RIDE program, 25 per cent (10) were caught in the vicinity of Metro Toronto. The OPP RIDE team working in the Toronto area, stopped almost 2,500 vehicles during its first week of operation and charged the 10 drivers with drinking and driving offenses. ! "Clearly there is a problem with some motorists thinking that they can drink and drive on provincial highways," said In^sp. Norm Wasylyk. "That kind of thinking is deadly. It costs lives and'it must stop." | During the first wee); of operation, operation, the OPP stopped 28,699 vehicles across the province. In addition addition to the 40 drivers charged at the OPP checkstops, 118 other motorists were given 12-hour licence suspensions. "As the OPP R1DË Program Coordinator, I am confident that the year-round OPP ; RIDE initiative initiative will help make our highways safer for all motorists," said Wasylyk. The OPP RIDE team working in the London area stopped 4,816 vehicles and charged only one person person with a drinking and driving offence. offence. The Ottawa area OPP RIDE team stopped 2,437 vehicles and charged three motorists with drhiking drhiking and driving offenses. « The OPP RIDE team working out of Thunder Bay stopped 1,071 motorists and charged seven with a drinking and driving offence. Earlier this month, OPP Commissioner Commissioner Tom O'Grady assigned 96 officers to work full time on the year-round' RIDE program following following the committment of $14 million • by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. "The six-officer teams working out of each of the force's 16 district headquarters are discovering that drinking and driving isn't behaviour associated soley with the holiday season," said O'Grady. "We are convinced that the year- round RIDE program will save lives and reduce injuries." Classified Ads (Continué from page 13) CAREER TRAINING TURN that time on your hands into CASH for you. Get to meet new people ahd make new friends through Auctioneering. Next class June 18 - 25th. Register Register now. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR#5 Woodstock, Ont. N4S' 7V9 (519)537-2115 (519)469-3936. FOR SALE A-Z Pre-Eng. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quon- set, cladding. For true value, action action & answers (416)626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pm week-ends. Ask for Wally, Free brochures. Just in time for BUG SEASON; the original "Bug Jacket" (as featured featured on Television). Don't let the bugs ruin another great outdoor experience! Send for free information information on our full line of Outdoor Outdoor Clothing. Lynn Valley, Box 1271N, Gravenhurst, Ontario P0C 1G0 (705)687-8816. BARRELS - Whisky - Fresh. FREE Delivery on large quantities. quantities. Call Tottenham (416)936- 4560. CUSTOM HOMES Custom Built LOG HOMES ...Alberta's International Handcrafted Handcrafted Log Homes. Will build every need and/or design. Think ....Log, Think ... Handcrafted. 1- 800-661-9661, (403)962-2337. Dealership inquiries welcome. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT, Hotel, deli, bakery, butcher, grocery, submarine submarine & pizza equipment for sale or lease. Arctic Refrigeration Store Fixtures. Established 1945. Hamilton (416) 528-8528; Toronto Toronto (416) 283-2600. Welland (416)788-3433. CASH IN - CASH OUT. Coke, Pepsi, Libby's, Heinz - world famous famous drinks you will refill in your new, unique, cold pop/juice vendors with separate price settings. settings. Minimum investment of $11,980 secured as we supply freight, equipment installed in locations, locations, product fills, supplies etc. Own your cash business, your choice, part or full-time. ' Call/write (24 hours) for brochure. brochure. Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive, Suite 200, Bram- alca, Ont. L6T 1B3. Mr. Halbot 1-(416)761-5705. Speed limit on Highway 115 to increase Even though the Town of Newcastle has registered opposition to the raising of the speed limit on the section of Highway 115 from 401 to Enterprise the Ministry has made note that the speed limit will increase The notation was made through a letter to the Town received by council on Monday. The Ministry notes that the highway is a four lane divided highway and designed for speeds up to 110 kilometers per hour. The Ministry intends to increase the speed limit from the existing 80 km/h to 90 km/h. The time for posting the change in the speed limit has not been made known at this time but expected shortly. FARM NOTICE Elders Grain Company providing alternative marketing avenues for all traditional crops. Also offering contracts on new & exciting Alternative Cash Crops. For fall delivery into the Port of Prescott for all grains. Phone (613)925-4273 COLLECT. POULTRY: Offering over 175 varieties of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, swans, pheasants, pea fowl, guinea fowl, partridge, quail. Roblyn Eyrie Farm, Robinsons, Perth, Ont. (613) 267-6623. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Qualified RED MEAT BEEF BULLS. Polled Hereford Charolais, S immental and Angus. Also five registered bred Charolais Heifers, two registered bred Hereford Heifers. Mack James (613)257-2032. FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS. Quonset ' or Straightwall. A cheap building offers no flexibility, may even cost far more money. The answer - Miracle Span for the last 30 years. Thousands of people can't be wrong. Beware of imitations. Call tollfree 1-800-668-5111. TRAVEL/VACATIONS FREE '88 Brochure on scenic Rideau &, Trent Severn Canal Cruises aboard comfortable cruise ship Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, RR#3,. Peterborough K9J 6X4. (705)748-3666. EMPLOYMENT , OPPORTUNITIES OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds Hundreds of top paying positions. Attractive Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Employment Services, Dept CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P MISCELLANEOUS ,. CANADA FOR Christ Crusa-. . World events beginning 1948, and Bible prophecy fulfillments indicate nearness of: 1. Rapture (1st. Corinthians 15:35-58; 1st Thesçalonians 4:13-18) 2. Antichrist Antichrist (head of Common Market and NATO) 3. W.W.3 (Russia deated by divine intervention) 4. Deceptions and sufferings of antichrist's antichrist's 7-year rule. 5. Battle of Armageddon (antichrist defeated by Jesus Christ) 6. Jesus Christ establishes true peace, justice, prosperity worldwide. Get "Watdh 1988" by Charles Taylor: Today in Bible Prophecy, 104 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ont. L1N5T3.' $6. Control yju candependon -- Weed Spraying -- Crab Grass -- Fertilizing . -- Insect Spraying -- Plug Coraeratlon -- Programs available See The Difference Quality Makes! or 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle) 14-tfSN Affordable Dream Vacations! e Free Vacation Planning Services e Discount Cruises • Airline Tickets e Charter vacations e Honeymoon Packages i # Hotel and Car Reservations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel. Agents International We're with you all the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE ' Over 300 Agencies in North America ( 023*6600 Lifetime Wa'rranty for as long as yçu own your car MANGAR'S. AUTO CENTRE ORONO MILL STREET NORTH USED, CAR SALES Radiators - Air Conditioner - Mufflers - Brakes - Body work Tune-Up Electronic Ignition - Fuel Injection Systems Propane Conversion and inspection - Rebuilt Engines & Cylinder Heads Safety Inspectioh Station - Guaranteed Service , Lie. Cl. A., B, H,_3P, S6A, S6B I Call' Mike ... 983-5130 or 983-5487