Graduates from Durham College LISA STEPHENS ' Durham College, May 28th. Lisa Daughter of Don and Eileen received her diploma for 3 year Stephens of Orono, graduated from Course in Graphics Design Arts. Stark Naked Don't get excited over the above caption for I haven't been streaking down the Main Street nor have any intentions to do so but psychologically I did have the feeling feeling late last Saturday afternoon of being 'stark naked'. , It all started a week ago last week-end on a visit to Picton when buckling Billy into the car seat belt I had placed the binoculars on top of the car. Of course in the process I forgot all about them and drove off never to retreive them, I hated to loose them since they have been around from the time we departed on a houseboat trip on the Trent canal system some years ago. Other than that I had forgotten about the lose. Well that was the case until last Saturday afternoon. Driving back to the Ganaraska Forest Saturday for a walk along one of the trails I had a feeling something was missing. It didn't take'long to realize that it was the binoculars I was missing ... they just were not with me. It surprised me to get this feeling but then they have been hanging around my neck on such outings for Town asked to tender garbage collection - in all fairness (Continued from page 1) costs be based on a uniform rate for each of the residential and commercial commercial sections of the Town. Staff are then to report to the Town committee committee with recommendations as to the process. Counc. Cowman said she had no objection to the urban contracts being being extended for another year but in that' the contract under consideration consideration would almost be double that of the present contract, she did object. Counc. Cowman pointed out that was waiving their purchasing policy in not asking for tenders and said each farmer would be paying up to $125.00 for garbage pick-up. She the last ten or so years. An old friend just wasn't there anymore and this realization was even stronger when a number of birds made their presence known. I - almost wanted to throw a stone into the tree or fence post to scare them off for being so bold and me so unprepared. unprepared. Maybe it was not so much a feeling feeling of being stark naked but rather the lose of an old friend. Love That Ann Landers By any stretch of the imagination I am not a reader of Ann Landers ■but turning over the pages of the daily press last week my attention ' was taken to her column due to the heading. The heading I have forgotten but the letter to which she w^ answering answering w'as complaining of an over zealous husband in showing his affection affection by heavy slaps and pinches., It had become unbearable even though it was a good marriage. "Meet him at the door dressed in a football uniform with all the padding padding and helmet", was Ann's reply, "and I'm serious about this". 1 must say that wouljl be an eye opener'. . . and 1'tn still chucklihg. also said charges would range from $8.00 a month to $15.00 with an average of $11.00 a month. At this point Counc. Hubbard charged that Counc. Cowman was providing information from a confidential confidential meeting. "This is unbelievable," she said. Mayor Winters said the resolution of council was not a final stage and pointed out that staff must return with a recommendation on the process. process. Counc. McKnight was assured that no decision would be made on the process until it comes back to the General Purpose committee. The resolution to renegotiate the contract on a unit basis for at least five years and then to return with a recommendation on the process was approved with the exception of a negative vote by Counc. Cowman, Mrs. T. McKenzie of the Com- Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 15, 1988-3 Come On Orono and area Let's bring by Katrina Johnstotl Hey Everybody! Here's a great chance to tell that certain someone in your community thanks for all of his/her's unique qualities that helped make your community a better better place. In a joint venture between Air Canada and your community newspaper (Orono Times) nominee's will receive a certificate and can be eligible for consideration consideration as a recipient of Air Canada's "Heart of Gold" award. Nominees must (of course) be nominated, 19 years of age or over and must be a resident of Canada. So far Ontario has the lowest number of nominations out of all of Canada's provinces. Only 250 nominations have been received out of an expected 3,600. Please consider nominating that special person but consider that nominations must all be in on July ,31st. Don't read this with the attitude that someone else will participate in the nomination. If everyone thought this then there would definitely be no participation from our community. Let's bring a "Heart of Gold" to Orono and let's recognize those that deserve to be recognize. mittee of Clarke Constituents addressed addressed council as to their concerns over Metro undertaking investigations investigations in the Newtonville area as to a dump site. She said the group was outraged over the Metro search and said there was no reason for Metro looking looking for a site in the area. She outlined the hazards that a landfill site would bring to the area. "We don't want it here", she said. Mrs. McKenzie said the committee committee was looking forward to working with the Town over the issue. She called for a news bulletin to be publish in which pertinent facts would be available to the public and as well called for the Town to advertise such information. She also called for support from the, Region. On a question from Counc. Stapleton Mrs. McKenzie said that Metro was seeking permission to go on private property for soil testing and that area residents were being intimidated and somewhat threatened. . She suggested that a helicopter had landed in one field and taken off with a soil sample before the owner could make contact. She said there was a need for accurate accurate information. Mayor Winters said the Town would be forwarding her presentation presentation to their solicitor for consideration. consideration. Counc. Stapleton said that through the Town's solicitor there was monitoring of Metro meetings and that the solicitor was keeping in touch with the Town. It was noted that a meeting was being held in Newcastle Village in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, evening, to-night, at 7:30 p.m. at which all concerned citizens were asked to attend. Couhcil on Monday rejected a request request by Metro to allow geotechnical soil investigations on road allowances in an area south of 401 highway on both sides of Morgan's Road. This area is to. be' tested prior to another area north of No. 2 highway just west of Newtonville Newtonville and almost extending north tp the Fourth concession road. Altter from Metro stated that they were contacting local property owners requesting permission to test on their lands. a "Heart helpful and understanding person fill out a ballot printed in your community community paper, or write a letter including including the name of the nominee and the reasons for the nomination and forwarding it to the Orono Times. This unique award is a celebration celebration of community spirit. Now is the time for all of Orono's residents to speak out on behalf of their fellow citizens. Let's bring a greater sense of pride to this community by nominating a fellow member of our society. George remembers D-Day June 6th, has come and gone - just as it does every year, but for some of you older folk the memory lingers bn. What were you doing on that date in 1944? Remember "D" Day? So many of us had waited and suffered suffered so long, Tor the invasion of France to happen, it often seemed that it would never materialize, but suddenly overnight it became a reality. Were you at home here in Canada, listening on the radio? (No TVs in those days!!) , Were you in a. landing craft, (throwing up?!!) or on the bçaeh (too busy to throw up! !•!) Maybe you were in a plane, "Doing your thing," or perhaps you were in a warship covering the, landing! Whatever, you must have memories. Thé hardést part must have ]been for the wives , and mothers, back home arid not knowing knowing "What"!! (There must have been a lot of prayers uttered that day.) I sincerely hope they were answered satisfactorily. Let me indulge you briefly of my memories, After being at sea almost, continually from 1939, in practically practically every theatre of operations, the big day finally came, and I along with abbut 150 more Royal Marines, were on board a brand new cruiser, in dock in the north of England. The ship had only just been built, and had never been to sea. We waited all day (in full equipment) ready to move south - but nothing happened. Toward evening the "Skipper" notified us that the' Marines could "stand down" for it had been decided that the Army, was doing alright without us!! But he added an after thought to the effect that he had something else'in mind for us. Several weeks later we joined the American flèet in the South Pacific, and were in action off Okinawa and lowjima and ' believe me the Japanese "suicide" bombers were no joke, and being at sea for six to eight weeks at a time, without even seeing land, much less going ashore, . can get rather tedious. *■ However, I did get to visit a lot of Japan when it was all over, including including Hiroshima, and Nagasaki to view the aftermath of the (Atomic Bomb) which were "childs toys" compared with what we face today. Heaven help us if there is ever a repeat performance. So although I missed "D" Day, I feel, I still got the best of a bad bargain. At least the weather was good where I was!! Just George Try the Classifieds ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Phone 983-5301 DOWNTOWN ORONO - SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Featuring ELMO THE CLOWN SPECIALS.... With Each Purchase You Can Buy Millies Chips for .39c. Reg. 75c 15% OFF Everything In The Store - Free Balloons ' Fresh Cheese and Curds * Come On Down of Gold" to Orono To nominate that selflessness,