10-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 22, 1988 Fun Day at Orono Just one of the games at the number of games with individual Orono Public School when students teams in competition, took to the playing field for a Fun This group is all lined-up for the Day activity which represented a tire roll. Nothing like candyfloss A plan to stop smoking (Continued from page 6) firm date on your calendar. On that special day, stop totally. Stopping completely is much better than trying trying to cut down. Try to enjoy not smokiqg. Put aside the money you save and see it grow. Then go out and spend il on something you see over Radwanski report Elaine Cline,' president of the Federation of Women Teachers Association of Ontario, in an address address to the local chapter said recently in Port Hope that the Radwanski Radwanski report was essentially regressive. She said the report was going back to an era of "non- individualized classrooms and province-wide testing of students. The Radwanski report presented to the Provincial government last year called for drastic reforms to the public educational system and teachers felt they were faced with intense criticism, a criticism which they say is unjustified. Elaine Cline said teaching is not just a job, but rather a trust. "Let's be proud of that trust", she said. Cline said standarized testing breeds standardized children, and that's drastic, she said. She also said the role of the teacher has been continually expanding over the past 20 years in an effort to meet increasing increasing demands from society, parents and the children they teach. Cline said there is a much greater emphasis on the process of learning and that desks in rows are giving way to activity-based learning cen- It certainly must have been a long , of no concern for William Lofgren .time sipce candy floss has been sert- of Orono as he enjoys the floss at ed in downtown Orono but that is the sidewalk sale. as a treat. During the first difficult weeks eat as much as you want and don't worry about weight. It's far less harmful than smoking, besides you can take off the weight later. The first four weeks are hardest. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms ease after about three weeks. Even if you fail thç first time, try again. If you find quitting impossible lçok at group therapy methods, hypnotism or acupuncture. Any of , these may help. Mainstream Canada " Help wanted By Ann M. Smith Economists are almost never without without an answer, even when no one has asked a question. A point in fact. When the Canadian Federation of Independent Business revealed the findings of their most recent study on the issue of serious labor shortages in this country, a handful handful of economists were quick--too quick--to respond. Whatever the problem problem was, some said, had to be the business business community's own fault. This assertion is, of course, ridiculous. ridiculous. The problem of finding qualified labor has been high on the list of small business concerns for several years now. CFIB's study found that 37 per cent of its 80,000-member firms would hire more employees if suitable labor was available. In other words, more than 100,000 jobs remain unoccupied within the small business community alone. The results of this study are by no means universally popular. One economist, economist, for example, was quoted as say- tres. It was stated that teachers are not opposed to educational change and that teachers of today have nothing to fear from accountability. Cline said there has been a shift in the thinking about the way children learn and that temperment, cultural background and exposure to television are, among the many contributing factors to a changing learning environment, , "We simply have to keep pace with society and the students, she said. She commented that teachers deal directly with the student in the classroom and thus have to cope with change. . The speaker complained of the crowded curriculum that continues to grow but nothing is ever taken away. "We have ■ values education, AIDS instructions, and we deal with suicide in the community', human rights and peace issues," she said, noting that it is by miracle that all aspects of instruction can be fitted fitted into one day. Cline said she believes that the present educational system is vastly improved over the one in which she grew up in, "It's far more dynamic because it reaches out to students. ,As a result, she said, there is more problem solving and reasoning. Cline said that much of the criticism that children are not receiving a good education arises from s the fact that many parents simply don't realize how much their children are learning in school. She said teachers and parents are more in partnership than ever before. She further stated that the educational system must reach out as much as possible to parents. She said co-operation sends a strong message to children that in fact ■ both parties care about the child. Despite the many changes, stated Cline, the teacher remains the vocal point of the educational system. Remember, even if you smoke and feel healthy, the sooner you stop, the better. For more confidential information information about how to stop smoking, . ffse a Touch-Tone telephone to reach Healthcall at 1-976-3333, pause for instructions and the enter' the 4-digit code: 4289. Without Touch-Tone service, call 1-976-3232, and wait for instructions. instructions. Codes for related, topics are: heart attacks and smoking - 1348; pregnancy and smoking - 1401; women and smoking - 1452. Each call adds $1.99 to your regular telephone bill. By calling 1-800-268-4209, toll- free, you can receive a free copy of the Healthcall directory listing 350 topics. Or, you can pick up a free copy at any Boots Drug Store. ARTS ODD JOBS • CUSTOM WOODWORKING • SPECIALIZE IN CABINET DOORS COLONIAL FURNITURE REPRODUCTIONS Free Estimates - 5 Yr. Workmanship Guaranteed AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS and SERVICE MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE Workmanship Guaranteed 28 MILL STREET 10% Senior Citizen Dis. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9454 BARBEQUE JULY 1, Canada Day Newtonville United Church - Time 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. $7.00 Adults - $4.00 Children Pre-Schoolers Free ADMISSION BY TICKET ONLY THE ORIGINAL FOUR-IN-ONE GENUINE PEWTER BOX """"" - by Ms. Qee Zi#*™"- x \A,/ 1. Top is pinned for use as brooch. X Earrings (store in lid) 3. Storage Box. 4. Pendant. 'E % j#* l o N, MAIN STREET ORONO 983-9757