Corning to Port Hope . THEl ARTHRITIS lilllll iiiiiiii lilllll ■ *. » lilllll it KîpfiKwïs : '/"S' ? 111:1111 8-0rono Weekly Times, Wednesday. October 5. 1988 FAIR WINDS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES ANTIQUES, MEMQRBILIA & COLLECTIBLES F COM TIMES GONE B> WE BUY AND SELL Open Thurs. ; .,§unday-10 to & Monday to Wednesday by chancb 5028 MAIN STREET ORONO, ONT. LOB 1M0 (416)983-9806 The Port Hope Friends of Music open their fourteenth season with one of the Wôrld's most famous and beloved musical ensembles, The Vienna Choir Boys. The group areto be in Port Hope on Fridy, October 14th. The series of six concerts this season is one of the most am bitious ever promoted by the Port Hope group. Tickets available at 885-5519, 885-9929 or 885-9839. Woods, water and Wildlife by Marion Strebig Hummers A route of Evanesence With a revolving Wheel A Resonance of Emerald A Rush of Cochineal , And every Blossdm on the Bush Adjusts its tumbled Head - f Nearly a century ago 'this is how Emily Dickinson described the forays of a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird in her garden in Massachusetts. The force and rush of her verse capture^ the electric energy of this shimmering little creature, the smallest bird in North America. So fragile-seeming are these tiny creatures that their survival in our harsh world seems miraculous. They have all the attributes of creatures from a fairy tale. One is an apparently supernatural strength. No larger than a good- sized insect, they will, when they leave Ontario late in September, fly thousands of miles to the extreme southern U.S. or even to Central America. To reach Central America, they will erdss the Gulf of Mexico whirring tirelessly along just above the waves. Unable to credit the strength of this mighty. mite, people still repeat the old wive's tale of Hummingbirds hitching rides on larger birds. Even the materials it gathers for its nest are out of the tales of elves and little people. The nest which is a compact mound about an inch deep and an inch across is often fastened down with spider silk. The main bulk of the nest is made up of bud scales, but the entire nest is encased in mdss and lichens. Inside, the nest is lined with plant down from plant like fireweed, hawkweed, and thistle. thistle. The eggs which lie in this elegant nest are no bigger than a pea. When it comes to brooding the eggs ^nd rearing the young we move from fairy tale to hard reality. The handsome male seldom lends a hand, though he may perch nearby and drive off intruders. At first the female regurgitates nectar and small insects to feed the young. One wonders how the young, no larger ' than bumblebees, escape serious damage when she thrusts that long. beak down their throats. Most people are convinced that hummingbirds live on nectar. In fact, a large part of their diet consists consists of the small insects which frequent frequent flowers. Male hummingbirds can sometimes be observed behaving behaving like hyperactive flycatchers, making forays from a perch into crowds of swarming insects. • As anyone who has put out a hummingbird feeder knows, these little creatures are attracted to a dependable source of sucrose. For this reason where there are yellow- bellied sapsuckers there will be hummingbirds. The holes drilled by the sapsuckers provide a source of sap and some insects. A ready-made larder like this .may help hummingbirds hummingbirds survive a late spring cold snap. A word of caution to those who have been feeding hummingbirds, especially in the north country. It is time to cut off this source of food, because it is time for these little dynamos to be on their way south. A feeder kept filled after the first week in September maV entice immature birds to linger, when linger, when lingering may mean death. In planning a garden one might plant with a view to attracting hummingbirds, hummingbirds, butterflies and moths. Start in the spring with early flower- (Continued page 9) Affordable Dream Vacations! • Free Vacation Planning Services • Discount Cruises • Airline Tickets Charter Vacations Honeymoon Packages Hotel and Car Reservations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International We're with you all the way 68 KING ST. 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