4 1 the Durham Liberal opening Doug Moffatt, Durham Liberal the official opening of the Durham agree with the signs in the candidate with A1 Furlong, M.P.P. Liberal campaign headquarters in background, "This is more than an Durham Centre and Moffatt's cam- north Oshawa on Monday evening. election, it is your future." paign manager, Ann Dreslinski at Moffatt stated that he had to Moffatt suggests federal Kendai assistance for garbage Doug Moffatt speaking at the official official opening of the Durham Liberal committee office in Oshawa on Monday evening spoke of Job Creation versus Landfill Sites. He was speaking to a liberal crowd of some 125. He said we were treating garbage as something that had to be hidden away at a short-term cheap costs but with long-term costs that are incalculable. incalculable. "As a start let me propose that the stream of garbage be reduced by immediate recycling and reusing techniques", he said. He suggested that cost for dumping be increased to encourage cost-efficient methods to reduce garbage; Moffatt suggested a complete new industry for research, manufacture and construction through to marketing and distribution distribution and that such a program would be partially funded by the federal government. He also said the penalty penalty funds for dumping would also be available for such a commitment. Moffàt further suggested that all was(e would be collected and separated with an expanded blue box program and this waste would be loaded on rail facilities and transported to a waste resource facility. All that could be done to recycle and reuse would be done An educator I'm not After last week's From Around Home it became apparent that an educator I'm not or at least not as far as geometry was concerned. No sooner was the paper out than ' I was getting phone calls pertaining to the attributes of a triangle. I had said thé length of the hypotenous of a triangle equalled the sum of the length of the other two sides. Of course this is not correct and Bill Bunting, Sid Rutherford and A1 Kerr were taking delight in catching me up on this error. No one wanted to accept my ex- and that research and development of the program would continue at the waste resource complex. Products Products not usable would be incinerated incinerated with '0' emission levels. The speaker spoke of the use of abandoned mines and quarries where such were safe to use. He said the federal government would be required to assist all provinces provinces in development of this type of a facility and support ongoing research into future development. He said the cost in the initial stages would be considerable but also said the cost of doing nothing would be much higher. , Moffat felt that as garbage costs escalate around the world Canada * would have developed a marketable technology and obtained obtained the objective of living in har- dmony with the environment. Moffatt Moffatt said it was his opinion that Canadians are ready to ÿike such a step and that it was now the politicians politicians who had to catch up to the people. In closing the liberal candidate outlined the areas of cost of the present present system of landfill from destroying destroying farmland to the cost of constant studies, depletion of resources and that in fact today the cost of transportation is all one way. case that it was a writing error rather than a knowledge error for I did know it was tlte square of the hypotenous was equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. I was even griddled if I knew how to find the square root of a number to which I had to admit that at this point in time I would not be able to find such square root other than by trial and error of a simple number. It made me wonder just how I had determined there was to be a difference in the height of the garage roof to that of the News Once again the Kendal L.O.L. Hall is buzzing, with the euchre parties. parties. On Friday, October 14th the Junior Orange Association held the first euchre of the season. High score Lena Clysdale; 2nd Cathy Switzer; 3rd a tie Wally Boughen and Brenda Lowery. The 50/50 draw was won by Joyce Boudreau, 14 tables in play. Next card party Friday, October 28th. On October 22nd the ladies of Kendal Kendal Hills L.O.B.A. will be holding a Bazaar and Bake Sale, there will also be a tea table, time 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. All Welcome! able to determine the height. Every, foot along the base or hypotenous the roof raised six inches. Now sureiy I'm not wrong about this. It was not only the above three that took delight in correcting the error but it was apparent that all were from the old school. For the next couple of paragraphs we'll forget about construction construction and comment on the issue of horticulture at home and the planting of a Rhododendron bush and an Azaela bush in the back of the lot. Dave Hinton had given me a call a couple of Saturdays ago saying he had a couple of bushes he was getting getting rid of and if I wanted to try them in the back lot they were available. With Dave's help and doing doing most of the work the bushes left the Hintons and are now planted in the valley behind the house. They are budded out for next years bloom and of course we are interested to see just what happens come late spring 1989. Dave had previously tested the soil in the valley and according to the instrument the soil is suitable for the growing of, such horticulture. horticulture. V I am continually amazed at what the Hintons have accomplished on their lands on the Taunton Road and the hours of labour and care that has gone into their garden and plantings. c We thank the Hintons for their interest in providing the plants and we have started a short walk way that will take us by the bushes and breeze way. It 'soon dawned on me that knowing knowing {he pitch of the roof 1 had been through the small plantation behind our house. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 19, 1988-3 Clarke Township Museum and Archives On behalf of the Board of Director's, Director's, the Museum and myself; I. wish to take this opportunity to extend extend our 'Thanks' to Lorna Atkins and the Orono Horticultural Society for their very generous donation of four dozen tulip and daffodil bulbs for the Heritage Garden. We are all looking forward to a great 'splash' of colour in the spring thanks to these generous citizens. With a little luck and a good spring, there should be plenty of colour for the Annual Open House Reception on Saturday April 22, 1989. Thanks, once again. Mark Jackman, Curator of Collections Elect HAL MCKNIGHT Mayor Do Your Christmas Shopping Early to avoid disappointment SEARS CANADA Inc. 5414 Main Street ORONO The War Amputations of Canada a tradition, of amputees helping amputees War Amps'Chief Executive H. Clifford Chadderton and Champ Karl deWit have something in common -- they're both amputees. The War Amps was first established established in 1918 to assist amputee veterans. Now the war amputees pass their many years of experience along to the younger génération through thé Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program. Champs receive receive artifidial limbs, counselling and financial assistance. What is our future? When there are no longer war amputees, we will become the Canadian Amputees Foundation. Graduates of our CHAMP Program will carry on The War Amps tradition of amputees helping amputees. Thei War Amputations of Canada, National Headquarters, 2827 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0C4. The War Amputations of Canada is a registered charitable organization operated by amputees for amputees on a non-profit basis. The War Amps does not receive government government funds Should you wish further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Toronto (416 ) 488 0600; area codes 519, 613, 705, dial toll-free 1-800-268-8821; all other area codes dial toll-free 1-800-268-8917. Charitable Registration Number: 0286831 09 _ 4 Downtown Orono 983.-9757 OPEN SUNDAYS Open the Door an Main Street and experience à delightful blend of treasures from days long past, beautiful jewellery and contemporary ' giftware ih the heart of Orono-Downtbwn ^Ep Le °t T| Pn JUDI'S JOE VISA J