6-Orotio Weekly Times, Weanesurty, October 26,1988 Hallowe'en safety from Ontario Provincial Police ago-a pilot pfOgràm to integrate drug education into the daily cir- riculum. That pilot program is now complete and will be expanded to other schools irt the board. Bob Finley of the Addiction Research Foundation describes the program as one of the leading programs programs on drug education in the province. province. He expressed complete support support for the board and its efforts. This program is another example of the leadership Northumberland and Newcastle exhibits within the province. The program at Clarke is the direct result from a cooperative effort by students, school staff and community. Many will not know of the hours our teachers have spent making this program successful. To them my sincere appreciation. Although I am not going to be an elected official I do not intend to fade into the background. For those of you who know me this would be impossible. There is a lot to be done in this community. While my time will be directed into new efforts I will still be there watching and ready to put my two cents worth in - whatever the issue. Again - thanks for the opportunity opportunity and the best to each of you. Around the Board with Bob Willsher This will be my final column. My term of office ends on November 30, 1988 and as most know by now I am not seeking re-election. I have enjoyed the past six years. 1 have had the chance to learn new things, meet new people and generally expand my knowledge. I have enjoyed writing this monthly column (well most moiiths I had a column). I want to thank Roy Forrester for the opportuntity of writing the column. column. Many of you have stopped me on the street to say you have enjoyed enjoyed it. Some of you have called me to say you disagree with my viewpoint. That's been the purpose- communications with the taxpayer. I'll miss the chance to express the view in the format I've been given. Again my thanks to Roy for the space. The past six years have seen a lot of change in Northumberland and Newcastle. We've gone from closing closing schools to incredible growth and expansion of our facilities from Newcastle to Brighton. We have gone from an unbelievable deficit of $750,000 in my first year, to organized financial planning that helps us better address the needs of the system. The board has improved improved and the students are better for it. I do not lay claim for this change. It has been a true team effort between between the board adminstration, teachers, parents and students. All elements have pulled together for the benefit of education. I am only proud to have been a small part of it. I wish to thank the taxpayers of Ward 3 for that opportunity. Please take the time to get to know the people running for school board in the election. They spend more of your property taxes and more importantly it affects the future of our children. Your selection selection should not be by chance but rather by choice. I am very pleased with recent events concerning Newtonville Public School. Most will remember public meetings over the last few years and the problems we faced as a result of declining enrollment. Back then Bill Carman and I said we would never support closing the school. We believed in the long run things would turn around and they have! Newtonville by September will be a full JK/K to Grade 6 schdol again. I am convinced the board will have to add an addition to the school and eventually they will get their own principal. A little faith goes a long way. I am equally pleased at a report released at the last Education Committee Committee meeting by th'e Clarke High School Lifestyle Committee. The committee recommended, and the board approved, more than 2 years Safety measures for children take on added importance during , Hallowe'en, when, in their excitement, excitement, trick-or-treaters are more apt to forget to obey the basic safety rules. In order to ensure Halloween is a safe and enjoyable outing, parents should follow these guidelines: - Masks and hoods can obstruct a child's vision. Makeup can be used instead, or eyeholes should be made large enough to allow the child to see properly. " - Costumes should not be so long" that a child is in danger of tripping. - Costumes should be brightly coloured. coloured. - Children should travel in groups or with their parents, and they should be instructed to avoid dark alleys, parks and schoolyards should they become separated from the group. - Children should be reminded to look all ways before crossing the street and told not to go* into a house unless accompanied by their parents. - With safety in mind, children should be encouraged to trick or treat in areas familiar to them. - Parents should check all treats before allowing children to eat them. Chocolate bars should be broken in half and fruit cut in sections. sections. Any suspicious looking treats should be discarded. If we told you Barbara speaks with her hands, would you listen? "At first my being deaf was difficult. I had to have patience to help my co-workers feel more comfortable with me. Now they know how much I can do." Between the deaf community and the hearing world, difficulty in communicating , Fora Foster of this ad write: Ontario Office for Disabled Persons, 700 Bay Street, 16th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z6 can be an isolating and frustrating barrier. Yet, every day, people like Barbara are facing facing the challenges and building bridges. With encouragement and support from her family, the deaf community and hearing people, Barbara has had access to teachers and interpreters who have opeped doors tp a promising future. Barbara is doing everything she can to be recognized and accepted for her abilities. Let's see what she and others lijte her have tç say'and hear-what they're saying. Office for -r^v 1 ' ' • 11 Disabled Persons Do you have an open mind.' © Ontario Remo Mancini, Minister David Peterson, Premier FEDERAL ALL CANDIDATES MEETING Tuesday, November 1 at 8:00 p.rn. Blackstock Recreation Centre Sponsored by Durham Region Federation of Agriculture