12-Oron<) Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 14, 1988 OCNA announces '88 Junior Citizens . OAKVILLE-Ontario's Junior it r s a lesson that shouldn't be lost ing to be part of a pilot study to Citizens for 1988 have been se- t)n the rest of us. eliminate insulin injections. le ^ d - . _ XT ; Ontario's 1988 Junior Citizens ♦ Joey Philion, 15, of Cumber- Ontano Community Ncwspap- include: land Beach for his heroism in ers Association (OCNA) presi- ♦ Douglas Anderson, 9, of saving the lives of his family dur- dent Harry Stemp announced the Lindsay for his efforts despite his ing a house fire and for his supe- award recipients December 9, own suffering, to brighten up the rior courage and strength in fac- after they were chosen from lives of other young patients by ing the daily treatments he re- among 117 nominations submit- successfully campaigning to ceives as a victim of third degree ■ ted by member newspapers, persuade a major company , to bums to most of his body. The Oakville-based OCNA, provide fun face masks for doc- ♦ Melissa Rogers, 9, of Sarnia which represents over 250 com- tors. for her quick thii iking in saving munity newspapers in Ontario, ♦ Christine Barber, 16, of her sister's life by pulling her to and the Northwest ^ Territories, Cambridge for her enthusiasm the surface her after she had fall- has honored Ontario's junior cit- and helpfulness and her outstand- en into the deep end of a friend's izens with an awards program big volunteer activities with dis- pool. since 1981 with co-sponsor Ca- abted young people in her com- ♦ Hannah Schoch, 17, of nadian Airlines International. munity. Scarborough for her leadership Youngsters from ages 6 to 18 are ♦ Colleen Beattie, 13, of Peffer- through service to fellow stu- recognized for their courage, in- law who despite her own battle dents with special needs and her genuity, resourcefulness, initia- with leukemia has continued to volunteer support for the larger five, leadership, fortitude and contribute her time and efforts to community, community service. school and community activities ♦ Ian Shire, 7, of Inverary for r T" c awanl recipients and their that benefit others. his brave and prompt actions in families will be the guests of Ca- * Nancy Featherston,. 18, of saving the life of a friend who nadian Airlines and the OCNA at Hagersville for her leadership had fallen into deep water and an awards ceremony at the For- and contributions to the S.A.D.D. was drowning, onto Hilton Hotel on Friday, and 4-H groups and the Branch- ♦ Lara Wakegijig, 10, of Wik- ' March 3. The awards will be pre- ton 'Camp for Mentally Handi- wemikong for her courage and sented by Ontario Lieutenant- capped where she was both coun- strength in. dealing with the pain- Govemor Lincoln Alexander and seller and 'special Olympic' ful surgery to correct her physical each recipient will receive a $200 coach. ' handicap and for sharing her cul- cheque, a commemorative ♦ Tammilyn Leslie, 13, of Mill- ture with other young patients, plaque, a gold lapel pin and a grove for quick thinking and ♦ Group Award: Andrea Dro- : am il y portrait with die presence of mind to promptly uin (18), Nicky North (16), Mi- Lieutenant-Govemor. shut off a machine when her sis- chelle Renaud (13) and Sayelle Mr. Stemp praised both the ter became trapped on a conveyor Plunkett (18), of Guelph for the awards recipients and the other belt and for helping breathe life patience and care they provide nominees. "They can all be proud into her until police arrived. with horse-back riding instruc- of their accomplishments," he ♦ Brad Park, 14, of Dungannon tion for the mentally and physi- said. "They proved they're will- for showing' courage and deter- cally handicapped at the Sunrise ing to go the extra mile, if for no miration in maintaining an active Equestrian Centre, other reason than for their own lifestyle despite an ongoing battle For more information: Ilona personal growth and pride, and with diabetes and for volunteer- Morch, Junior Citizens co- BFI medical waste plan concerns environmentalists An announcement by Browning- . Ferris Industries of a proposed development of a medical waste treatment facility in the Town of Newcastle has concerned local environmentalists. environmentalists. According to Helen MacDonald the plan includes a pathological incinerator incinerator for the town which she said is already over-run with waste ordinator, Ontario Community- Community- Newspapers Association, P.O. Box 451, Oakville, 1 Ontario Ontario L6J 5A8. (416) 844-0184. dumps and proposed waste disposal areas. She emntioned the Port Granby nuclear dump, tritium at Darl- ingtoh, the Laidlaw, propoal, a possible Regional dump along with a Metro dump as well as the proposed proposed Lakeview Ash disposal proposal which could well come to Newcastle. Newcastle. MacDonald said she had phoned Mayor Marie Hubbard about the BFI proposal but the Mayor, said MacDonald, was unaware of the BFI plan. * Be sure to view■ the selection or ,n vita fions announcements Reply Cards and others at the, Orono Weekly Times DOWNTOWN ORONO Phone-983-5301