Officers for *89 and *90 of Orono Fair Board The officers of the Durham Central Central Agricultural Society were elected on Saturday at the annual meeting of the Society with Grant Yeo taking over as president. Pictured above are: Ray Staples, Past President, Karen Yellowlees, Secretary, Grant Yeo, President, Karen Pyke, 1988 Fair Queen, Ron Locke, Fair Manager, Carol Bailey, first vice President and Tom Moffat, Moffat, second vice president. Grant Yeo moves to president of Durham Central Agric. Society The Durham Central Agricultural Society as a result of their annual meeting on Saturday of last week starts off with new leader ship for the next two years. Grant Yeo was elected president with Carol Bailey first vice and Tom Moffat, second vice. Ron Locke and Karen Yellowlees continue as manager and secretary-treasurer. Directors include Gerald Rainey, Donna Scott, Elmer Huggins, Bill Tomlinson Jr., Bonnie Reid, Don Rickard, John Pleasance, Gail McKenzie, Todd Ormiston and Bonnie Reid. Finanacially the Society started the year 1988 with a deficit of almost $2000 but ending the year, December 31st with a surplus of $1265. Total receipts amounted to $112,714 comparing with expenditures expenditures of $111,452. Receipts increased increased by some $24,000 over 1987 attributed mainly to an increase in gate receipts as well as provincial and federal grants. Expenditures increased in 1988 over 1987 by some $19,000 due mainly to a capital expenditure of (Continued page 9) Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 1, 1989 £ Happenings YOUR CHANCE TO BE CREATIVE AND IT'S ALL FREE The Orono Downtown merchants are offering you the opportunity opportunity of being creative in a Valentine message to you sweet heaiFt and the merchants are picking up the tab. The message to appear in the Orono Times this coming Wednesday, February 8th. See advertisement advertisement page 8. Join in the fun. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING, FEBRUARY 8th A public information meeting is being held in the Kirby Public School on Wed., Feb. 8th concerning development and land acquisitions in the Ganaraska River watershed. All welcome to attend. attend. Commencing 7:45 p.m, RED CROSS BLOOD.DONOR CLINIC . The Red Cross will be a holding a Blood Donor Clinic at the Lions Centre in Bowmanville on Wednesday, February 1st from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Babysitting 'serviçes and refreshments will be supplied. Everyone's support would be appreciated as the demand for blood is great! EUCHRE RESULTS FOR ORONO TOWN HALL The euchre results for January 25, 1989 were as follows: High scores for the evening - Marg Linton with 82; Norma Moffat with 79; Harold Allen with 78; Morley McAllister with 74; Vi Hayward and Tom Wilson each with 73. Low score for the evening was Myrtle Wood. Winners of the draws were Ed Skinner; Pearl Clark; Marg Linton; Madelaine Buckley and May Tabb. Cards are cancelled for February 1st ONLY, then will commence again on February 8th. Euchre will be held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise notified. Ladies please bring a lunch. IMG BROTHERS BOWL FOR MILLIONS WEEK . February 4th through 11th is Big Brothers Bowl for Millions Week. Anyone wishing to get in some bowling action, should pick up a sponsor sheet at Big Brothers on Church Street, across from the Fire Hall in Bowmanville or call 623-6646. 1 he Grand Finale will be held on Saturday, February 11th at Liberty Bowl, Baseline in Bowmanville. Your support would be greatly appreciated. COLLECTOR'S FAIR There will be a Collector's Fair held at the Newcastle Village Community Hall on Sunday, February 5, 1989 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There will be over 25 tables displaying quilts, stained glass, Indian artifacts, perfume decanters and historical diplays. There will be draws and a light lunch. Admission will be $2.50. New officers elected for Downtown. Assoc There was a good turnout of Orono downtown merchants for the annual meeting of the Orono Downtown Business Association on Wednesday of last week. The list of officers takes on a new look for 1989 being headed up by Sue -, Sawyer, chairman, Wendy Partner as vice chairman, Judi Chad as secretary and Wayne Martin Martin as treasurer. / Directors include Sylvia Parker, Ralph Mclnnis, Kaÿ Lycett and Maureen Mumford. Ann Dreslinski was elected chairman of promotions promotions for the year. Prior to the election of the new officers, Roy Forrester outlined what he thought were the highlights of 1988. The list included the Outdoor Outdoor Art Show, the June Sidewalk Sale, The Lighting of Christmas with Santa, crafts and treats in the Oddfellow's Hall and as well the Moonlight Madness event in December. He said the Woods walk Park scheme was moving ahead and the special committee had recently meet with Town staff. He also informed the meeting that the customer survey was almost completed and would be tabulated in the next, couple couple of weeks. He said it did show some interesting aspects which might be considerd by the Downtown group. He said one of the highlights of the year had to be the visit of Bill Little speaking at a dinner meeting of the Association and at which an almost hundred percent attendance was obtained. In new business the Orono DBIA set a budget of $6500.00 for 1989. Sylvia Parker then presented a well-thought out video presentation accompanied by appropriate music in which it described, "We can move ahead." The Association are to continue to meet on a monthly basis with evening meetings. Will seek better lighting for Orono intersection Counc. Hamre at Monday's council meeting moved that Public Works co-orditiate a study between the province and the Region as to lighting of the south intersection and Regional road. She said she had had a suggestion that the intersection, intersection, on top of the hill, was not lighted and was a hazard. The director of Public works is to report back to committee of council. council. Further Counc. Harare asked that Public Works also report on the possibility of a drop-off centre for corrugated cardboard especially for industrial and commercial entérprises. She said there was going going to be restrictions on disposal at landfills and consideration should be given to alternative means of handling the material. Council of the Town of Newcas- ' tie has called for a staff report as to imposing a power supply lot levy application to all proposed subdivisions subdivisions in the Ontario Hydro service area within the Town of Newcastle. If such a proposal is put into force the levy would be placed in a reserve account to assist the Town, sometime in the future, to acquire the assets of Ontario Hydro. It was pointed out at the meeting that there is concern in the Courtice area as to the higher cost of hydro. It was also pointed out that under the terms of the establishing of the Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission Commission a review is to be undertaken every three years as to the possibility possibility of the Town of Newcastle purchasing purchasing the assets of Ontario Flydro in the town and thus servicing all of the town through the local commission. commission. Mayor Hubbard, who sits on the local commission, said the cost of purchasing the Ontario Hydro (Continued page 9) The Music Makers There is nothing like toe-tapping fiddle playing with a good rhthym and that what it was when Wendie Trimer and James Lowery playing the fiddles and Doreen Lowery at ' Thursday evening, the piano provided some spirited Doreen again heads up the Socie- ,numbers for the annual meeting of ty as its president for the ensuing the Orono Horticultural society last year.