2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 8, 1989 A great show The Newcastle and District Historical Society have had a number of successful promotions and the Collector's Show held on Sunday was one that meet with great success and cer tainly must have held interest for everyone attending. The wide range of collector items whether it be milk bottles to dolls, china and even cookie cutters was most interesting. interesting. Interesting also were those who follow their enjoyment enjoyment in collecting items of their choice. These people were wide spread from the area. If memory serves us right Orono was represented by Mable Goode with her chocolate and cocoa pots, Eira Duvall with her carnival glass and Connie Hooey and Eileen Stephens with their dolls. Bill Lake certainly had an interesting story on the artifacts artifacts he has on collection from the Orono area and it would seem that the Orono Creek area was settled from time to time by the natives in the early days. We would like to commend the Histroical Society in their promotion and state simply, "well done". A reasonable plan It would appear that the Hamlet Plan proposal offered to the citizens last week and promoted by the consulting firm of Procter Redfern and the planning department of the Town of Newcasle was a reasonable one. Without sanitary sewers Orono is not going to have an abundance of development as other areas in the Town and there is also some limitation on water supply being that the lake is not next door. It seems logical that the plan would suggest that residential development be by means of municipal water. It makes for a better use of land, one acre lots, and also guards against such as a Newtonville problem sometime in the future. If the Town holds to the requirement of municipal water for development such development will span out from a central core rather than spotted over a wider area. Residential growth will, however, depend on the interest interest of developers and the demand for' new housing. It is encouraging that the Region is about to increase the supply of water through the rehabilitation of the well at the south of the Village. This work, we understand, is to be completed this year. As to the parking resolutions in downtown the consultants consultants have certainly provided suggestions that are workable and financially reasonable. All too often consultants can offer offer grandiose scaled solutions but this is not the case. There is an oportunity for both the Town and the private sector in the downtown to take part. Surely if one has commercial rental property in the downtown one would be interested in creating their own parking facilities. The opportunity exists for such a move through a joint effort, As to the Orono Woods Walk Park it is open for great things if the effort is available, the plan gives a good concept and we expect somewhat along the idea that has been in the minds of local interested citizens. Maintenance and operating costs should be a con- . sideratipn in this development as well as the natural aspect of the area. • It will be interesting to see what the future holds and the plan has been a long time in coming. Happenings . . . . Don't forget that Clarke High School is holding a Blood Clinic on Monday, February 13th from the hours of 9:30 to 2:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to be part of thé event. . . -- Kendal News Valentine Wishes May the skies above be cloudless On this February day, May the sun beam warm and golden As it shines along your way May your problems find solution, May vexations not arise, And may all the joy of living Be reflected in your eyes May the dreams and hope you've cherished Find fulfillment very soon, And max all your world be happy , \ birds sing a joyous time. ' May God's blessing rest upon you, And may everything you see Make you know how much I* love you, And how much you mean to me. Alice Kennelly Roberts Sunday was a grand winter's day with lots of sunshine. There was a good turn out to the pancake breakfast and the pancakes, syrup and sausages were tip-top. The choir sang, "Amazing • Grace." , The Kendal Sunday School welcome the church for a social hour on the 12th. This will be a time for the congregation to sample cookies and purchase them. Scripture: Ex. 34: 29-35; 2 Cor. 3: i2, 4:2; Luke 9: 28-36. Sermon: "How do we speak of God's Glory to a world that waits in hope." There passed : ,wa >' ' n St. Michael's hospital, Toronto on Thursday, February 2nd, 1989. Dorothy Mercer wif e °1 George Mercer, She, came to Kendal as a bride from Toronto in 1948. There her six children were born, now they live in the surrounding area in their own homes. The funeral service was held in the Morris Funeral Parlours, then the friends and relatives gathered at Kendal Church. Lunch was served by the U.C.W. and the Legion on Monday afternoon. We extend our deepest sympathy to George, the children and grandchildren grandchildren in the loss of such a fine wife, mother and grandmother. The United Church Women met at the home of Mrs, Peggy Frank on Wednesday afternoon, February 1st with eight ladies present. Mrs. D. Youngman opened the meeting with the poem "God Bless You" and the hymn, "All the way my Saviour leads me." The devotional devotional was Psalm 116 # 675. Mrs. Ann Dilks read the minutes. Mrs. ' L. Downs gave the treasurers report. Offering $!8-00. The need for beautiful sacred music before our church service begins, was discussed. Mrs. P. French moved that a tape recorder be purchased, seconded by Mrs. E. Foster, carried. carried. Mrs. Dora Youngman attended the workshop held in Pickering United Church on January 23rd. When Helene Hannah was the special speaker in the morning. Dora gave us a fine account of this study session which she found most helpful. Mrs. M. Stevens gave us her roll call. Name a country that is over populated. Kenya, Brazil, India and China were mentioned. She said her topic was on Ecology. That is the relation of population growth to the plants and animals of our environment. We have only limited Natural Resources, fossils fuels, hardwood forests etc. Kenya's population grows 4 per cent a year, highest in the world. It's population will double double in 17 years to 46 million. Kenya has not been blessed with much rich arable land. Food production has fallen far behind the population growth. A husband often finds that the family farm can not support a large and growing family and he may travel to the nearest town in search of work leaving his wife to raise the family. Some young men try to seek a living by poaching on the wild animals in the national parks. Tourism is Kenya's main source of foreign exchange. How could they survive without the money the tourist brings? He comes to see those large animals. It should be the concern of all nations that these ' huge herds of large animals be- perserved. Another Kenya family wish to educate their four children. The Munorus do not want more children. "If we have more how can we send them to school, how can we feed them?" asks Susan. Kenya's leaders now talk of the heed for family planning. The Indian government struggles mightily to curb a relentless population population by 16 million people a year and will reach one billion by the year 2,000. In 34 years the population of Brazil will double. Will the Imperiled Imperiled Rain Forests of Brazil survive? Deforestation continues, even in protected areas. More than 2d per cent of the rain forest has been destroyed already. Happily people are becoming more aware of the desirability of reducing population growth and have increasing access to methods of limited births. (Continued page 11) ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE ORONO GATES OF PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414, Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling Notice The Rt. Rev. Douglas Blackwell, Bishop of the Trent/Durham area will be guest preacher Sun., February 12 - 9:30 a.m. St. Saviours, Orono 11:00 a.m. St. Georges, , Newcastle St. Saviour's ■Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURGR SERVICE 9:30 a.m. Minister Rev. Fred Milnes Orono Organist: Ross Metcalf Kirby Organist: Mrs. Martha Farrow Secretary: Marlene Risebrough REGULAR SERVICES Sunday, January 29, 1989 Kirby 9:30 a.m. Orono 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Main Hall, Orono United Church January 25 - March 29 Ladies Bibje Study Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. * Friendship Room or Mixed Group Study , Wednesday 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. Friendship Room ■ KIRBY ANNUAL MEETING Thursday, February 2, 1989 Pot-Luck Supper 6:00 p.m. Meeting at 7:30 p.m. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday, March 3, 1989 2:00 p.m. * Main flail, Orono United Church Everyone Welcomed! Theme "Lord Teach Us to Pray" < .LA. CHRISTIANS IN ACTION Is a group of young adults that meets regularly for'Christian study, fellowship and fun. If you are in your twenties or thirties and would like to join a group of Christian friends, please come and join us. Regular meetings are on first and third Wednesdays at Kingsview United Church in Oshawa, Monthly social events. For further information contact Cathy Millson 983-5754. Specials for February 14th Gund & 1928 iMriirav* >it»Ki imwni --*-- «*!.■ >HMMiiniiNT«|-i SAVE 25% Carlton Cards ORONO. ONTARIO- 983-5009