2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 22, 1989 ^" M , '"'I'" 1 " 111 , " . • I #rono ®BeeWp ©mea H Second Class Mall Registration Number 000368 H Published Every Wednesday at the office of Publication E A n Street, Orono B Roy l . Forrester, Editor à step in the right direction The announcement by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Environment banning the use of Chorofluorcarbons (CFCs) is a step in the right direction and gives an indication that Ontario is coming to the forefront. At the present time and with this announcement- announcement- Ontario becomes a leader of all provinces in Canada. It has been said that the industrial world has led the human race down a perilous path by employing CFCs. The chemical is one that has been destroying the Ozone layer at both poles. This can lead to the exposure of cancer-causing ultrviolet radiation from the sun and possibly lead man-kind to cave- people. CFCs are used in aerosol spray, as coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners and in foam products such as coffee cups and insulation. There has been considerable movement on the removal of CFCs and this ban as it relates to aerosol sprays will only have a ten percent effect on the use of CFCs. The ban is come in on July July 1st. Other uses of CFCs are being allowed up to July of 1990 these being in rigid foam insulation and furniture parts. The timetable, however, for the use of CFCs as a coolant is extended for a ten year period. The use represents 40 percent of the total use of CFCs. If one was to be critical of the provincial move it would be the length of the time table for removal. Both the federal and provincial government must play their part in the course of action to protect the environment. Recycling is a costly venture and will become even more costly are more items are reclaimed for reuse. Banning the use of destructive chemicals and products can offset the cost of recycling. It is better to error on the side of safety at this point and time. We don't need it The Main Street of Orono is about the filthiest it has ever been to our knowledge. Sand and grit covers the full parking area on both sides of the street and without any snow to cover it up it is grimmy and unsightly. It certainly does not enhance a visit to downtown. One cannot be sure if the Region over-efforts their sanding sanding program or not but it really doesn't matter because it is a mess no matter how you look at it. There are street sweepers around and surely they also are operative in the winter season as well as the summer, what one takes off today is not required to taken off later in the year. Does Orono hâve to wait until mid summer for a clean-up or do we go back to the beginning of winter again and hope for some snow cover. Province seriously considering vaccination The province of'Ontario, according to a news story in the Toronto Star is seriously considering a full-scale meningitis vaccination vaccination program. The program would affect those living in the Region of Durham, Peterborough County, and the Haliburton- Kawartha area. Am 8-month-old child is the latest victim of the disease, a résident of the Brockville area. This bring the death toll to six in the province this year along with another 54 reported cases. There have been five reported cases in Durham Region this year with one adult flow hospitalized in Oshawa. Two further cases were hospitalized in Petrborough over the past week-end, one from Manvers and one from Port Hope. It has been pointed out that there are more occurance of the disease than generally but not an epidemic. ' Kendal News ' I never knew a man so good But I could find flaws if I would, I never knew a man so bad But that some virtue rare he had, And hence it is I cannot find A method certain in my mind By which to judge my brother's ways in terms of blame, in lines of praise And therefore feel no special call To judge my fellow men at all. L.B. Crothens On Sunday morning there was brilliant sunshine and good roads, with a splendid attendance at church. How encouraging it is to see all these young parents at hureh with their lovely little Vnn-u a new family cadi Sunday. The future of the church is in the Sunday School. Next Sunday, Sunday, February 26 our minister will not be with us but the young folks and choir are taking over the service. service. They will do well come and hear them. The choir sang, "A Mansion over the Hilltop." Scripture: Psalm 127; Gen. 15:1-12, 17 & 18. jPhil. 3:17-4; Luke 13: 31-35. Serrfion: "A Forgiving Act" (The words of a Caring God!). The Couples Group is having their first get together on Friday, February 24th, at 7:00 p.m. in the home of Bryan and Roberta Ransom. Ransom. They are starting with a politick politick supper. All couples are welcome. World Day of Prayer will be held in Shiloh United Church at 1:30 p.m. March 3rd. Old Tyme Dance at the Newton- ville Hall on March 11th sponsored by the Fundraising Committee from 8:30 - 12:00 midnight - $5.00 each. The Church Auction Sale to raise money for the manse will be May 6 starting at 12:30 p.m. If you wish to donate furniture, household items etc. contact Keith Wood at .983-5883, Wally Boughen at 786-2239 or Don Robins at 786-2954 for pick up. Good Friday service March 24th in Kendal.. Valentine's Day was perfect, sunny sunny 4 degrees celcius with very little wind. Just the day I'd been waiting for to burn out my stove pipes on the driveway with paper. They had not been done since before Christmas. When I was first married, I made a good fire with lots of dry hardwood. hardwood. I was busy getting my pies ready, on a very windy day, when I heard a great roar. I looked up, the stove pipes were a beautiful red above my head. I shut the drafts, ran to the door and called my husband. husband. He took one look and said, "Get a pail of water," then ran to the barn for a ladder. I handed him the water. He ran up the ladder and poured it down the chimney. What a njess on the kitchen floor but it sure put out the fire! A box of soda, or a pail of sand or ashes thrown on a roaring fire will smother it. My teaching partner at Normal School has just sent me a book entitled, entitled, "I Remember the One-Room School." It says, "One of the teacher's duties was to be ready to make decisions. She had no principal principal to tell her, and no telephones, and if she had had one she probably wouldn't have been able to get the trustees. This writer had to make a decision decision the first recess that I taught school. I handed one of the lads a new indoor baseball as large or larger than a grapefruit and very hard. He said, "Anti-anti-I-over, boys on one side, girls on the other." I joined the girls' side of course. He was a big lad with a powerful throw. One of the girls looked up and the ball came high over the school roof and hit her squarely on the nose. The blood just spurted out, I took her to the school pump right near the school steps. A boy pumped water ànd I put wet cloths on the back of her neck. Her brother said, "She looks, just like a stuck pig." It was only too true. Fortunately the water, was very cold and the . bleeding stopped. There wasn't any place for her to lie down so I knew she must go home. I sent an entrance boy on his bicycle to the nearest farm house to telephone her parents to come for her. I never thought to tell hin,, to tell them, that the bleeding had stopped. In less than ten minutes the parents arrived in their car with a bag full of long cut rags to plug her nose. She frequently had nose bleeds they said, so they kept cut rags ready. However, I was sorry they had had such a hectic chase. How fortunate that the bleeding stopped! Next week I'll write a similar "nose" story from this new book. Somehow or other as we get older work seems a lot less fun, and fun seems a lot more work. His Mysterious Ways ' by Dorothy Nicholas, Asheboro, North Carolina We were sitting at the table in our Florida home and talking to our next door neighbours. This young couple had helped us a lot in the past year and a half, after my husband's husband's leg injury and my stroke,. Unexpectedly the husband began telling us the story qf his troubled past . At age sixteen he had fallen in with the wrong crowd in his home ' town of Greenwood, South Carolina and had spent a year in a reformatory. When he wits released he'd had good intentions, but because of his record, he couldn't find a job. He became desperate and decided -to rob a local service station so he could have enough money to leave the state. He stole his father's car and gun and just. before closing time drove up to the service window of a gasoline'station. He was about to demand all the money from the woman manager. "But just then," he explained, "I looked up and saw the sign overhead. It read, 'God is Our Security Guard - Always on the Job.' And I knew I couldn't rob that place. I then rushed home and prayed all night. I was determined to get my life straightened out. And with God's help I did." As he finished, I looked at my husband. Both of us remembered a night 13 years ago when 1 sat at our kitchen table in the same town of Greenwood, South Carolina trying to make a sign for our business. I had scribbled down several words. Then finally it came, the slogan that my husband put on the sign that stood on the roof of the small service service station that we managed: 'God is bur Security Guard - Always on the Job.' The Sunday School teacher was working with her primary group. "Do you know, who Matthew was?" she asked. When she received received no answer, she asked "Do any of - you know who Mark was?" Still no answer. Then she said, "I'm sure that somebody knows vyho Peter was. Can anyone tell me please, who was Peter?" A little boy raised < his hand and said: "I think he was a wabbit!" H. Gordon Green tells us, that down in (he Eastern' Provinces of Quebec they have started to plant maple trees just like we plant apple trees and cultivate them. One farmer planted 200.black maples 16 feet between -the rows. However in Vermont an insect that resemble a miniature dragon fly is attacking the maple buds. It has ruined one acre m six of their maple bush down that way and is travelling north. No method of controlling controlling it has been found. We used to sing "The Maple Leaf Forever." . Mrs. Frances Cathçart and son Robert has just returned from Texas. They went on a planned tour with the Victoria Cattlemen's Association. There were ninety that travelled on two different planes St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO ' SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SERVICE 9:30 a.m. from the Pearson International Airport. Airport. Their plane left early Saturday morning February 11th, They enjoyed enjoyed fine weather and returned Friday night' February 17th. Sorry to report that Mrs. Edna Dobson has suffered a paralyzing stroke. She is in Bowmanville Hospital. ORONO GA TES OF PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minster: Rev. Fred Milnes Ojono Organist: Ross Metcalf Kirby, Organist: Mrs. Martha Farrow Secretary: Marlene Risebrough * REGULAR SERVICES " Sunday, February 26, 1989 Kirby 9:30 a.m. Orono 11:00 a.m. February 26, 1989 Installation of Elders ■ Evening Service of Praise 7:30 p.m. Orono church EXPLORERS Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Main Hall, Orono United Church BIBLE STUDIES January 25 - March 29 Ladies Bible Study Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Friendship Room or Mixed Group Study Wednesday 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. Friendship Room WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday, March 3, 1989 ♦ 2:00 p.m. Main Hall, Ororjo United Church Everyone Welcomed! Theme "Lord Teach Us to Pray"