lO-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Robins in the Rain - Beginners A feature of great delight One of the features at the Or Skating Club's fortieth annual nival was the appearance of Robins in the Rain. ono Those taking part (not in order) Knapp, Kyle MacDonald, John car- Nathan Adegeest, Daniel Andrews, Patrick Pisani, Katie Ann Riley, the Matthew Caruana, Shawn DeJong, Curtis Robinson and Dustin Victoria Grabowski, Michael Weagant. Thank Heavens for Little Girls Jacqueline Petr and Mark Jano'schak, of the Upper Canada Skating Club and Jr. Canadian Dance Champions in 1988, thrilled the local capacity crowd at both performances of'the annual skating carnival last Saturday at the Orono Arena. The couple placed sixth in the recent recent Senior Canadian Dance Championships Championships in Chicoutimi, Quebec. Jacqueline and Mark presented two performances at both sessions which both were a delight to the audience. audience. They performed wih excellence. The skating carnival would be the same without the y skaters be they Robins or, in case, Little Girls. Town provides funds for arena Council gave approval to a Interim Interim Financing Requirement Bowman ville Recreation Complex report on Monday. The report dealt with the need of funding the cost of watermain servicing servicing to the site on Highway 2 in the amount of $530,053.34. It was noted in the report that the Region has submitted submitted their bill for payment. Council Council approved that interim financing be obtained from the Public Works Lot Levy Account which would be submit annual employment data, including projected vacancies; 3) public accountability will be ensured ensured through the annual publication publication of board achievements by the Ministry; 4) the program, of certification certification for principals and supervisory supervisory officers will reflect employment employment equity. More than 300 delegates from school boards across the province are attending the Focus on Leadership Leadership conference on employment equity for women employees of school boards, in downtown Toronto. Toronto. The conference is sponsored by 17 educational organizations, including including the Ministry of Education* and the Ontario Women's Directorate. Directorate. In the above group, Rebecca Boyd, Sarah Dewsbury, Jerusha Konopka, Beth Knapp, Erin Moore, Christy Spracklin, Jennifer Thiele and Sheri Thiele. (Names not in order). Pure Spring Water from water replaced later this year. It was pointed out in the report that there is the receipt of a contribution contribution from Skate '88 campaign fundraisers fundraisers which should include all funds currently held in their possession. possession. Other funds to be available will be funds derived from the sale of the old arena property on Queen Street in Bowmanville. These monies are to be used to repay back to the Public Works Lot Levy Act. • Employment equity becomes mandatory School boards across the province province will be required, starting ib September of 1990, to establish arrd maintain employment equity policies for women, Education Minister Chris Ward announced today. today. Speaking at a major conference nn I'mnloymcnl equity lor women in the education system, Mr. Ward said lie expects school boards to develop plans to put these policies into effect, and to designate senior officials responsible for their coordination. coordination. "From now on, employment equity for women will be the rule, not the exception," Mr. Ward said. The Minister also announced that the minimum objective for representation by women in certain positions added responsibility will be raised beyond the current target of 30 percent by the year 2000. The new goal of 50 percent will apply to the positions of supervisory officer, principal and vice-principal. "When many senior officials are retiring, when more than 56 percent of school board employees are women, when almost half of the successful candidates for principal's qualifications and supervisory officer officer examinations are women, these objectives are not only realistic, but plain common sense," he said. Mr. Ward released today the third annual Minister's Report to the Legislature On the status of women in Ontario school boards. The report confirms that much remains remains to be done to raise and diversify diversify the occupational distribution of women in the educational system. The Minister said that he will be appointing a panel composed of representatives of the educational stakeholder groups,, to assist the ministry in achieving employment , equity for women in education. To help ensure province-wide success in the implementation of the new policy, the following measures will also be taken: 1) the Ministry df Education will periodically audit school board employment equity policies and plans; 2) boards will be required to KENDAL HILLS Ontario's Cleanest Water Salt Free ; No Additives Available from: Kirby Store : Kirby Fice's Variety, Newtonville Ye Olde Health Shoppe, Bowmanville Minimum Order Home Delivery Cooler Rentals Phone (416) 983-9860 or <416) 728-2021