12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Classified (Continued from page 13) TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAIN ING for class "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Market Institute Institute of Professional Transport Training, Guelph. 1-800-265-7173 FARM SERVICES Please note copy change: FARMERS WANTED - who need a better tax return! When we prepare your tax return, you'll receive every break coming to you. You'll pay the least tax possible. possible. And you'll get all the new Tax Reform tax credits. Call FBC - Toll Free 1-800-265-1002. Home appointments are still available for 1988 Tax Returns! BUSINESS FOR SALE NEW Restaurant on 3/4 acre with thrcc-aparuncnt house. Ideal location location on highway between two motels. Parking for 100 cars. Licensed Licensed for 58. (705)335-2711 Kapuskasing, NOTICES WEDDINGS in a unique setting: The Church Restaurant. Superb cuisine; excellent service. Open year-round. Personal attention planning your memorable event: (519)273-3424, Box 51, Stratford. Stratford. SALES HELP WANTED A NEW CAREER. You arc loo-. king at the best opportunity you will ever sec in your life! For the past," 9 years our multi-million dollar company has made the average average salesperson $950 per week! There is an opening in your area. Isn't it time you started earning what you're worth? Call now! (416)756-7796 or (416)756-2111. AUCTIONS LIVESTOCK 20 SALERS BULLS - Fullblood, purebred & percentage at Tr- County Sales Bam, Hanover, Ont., April 20th, 8 p.m. All qualify qualify for red meat program. Bob Currie & Son, Shelburne, (519) 925-5510. TRAVEL/VACATIONS St. Lawrence River Cruising. Join us this year for a wonderful 3 or 5 night cruise aboard Canada's Canada's elegant CANADIAN EMPRESS. EMPRESS. Visit romantic cities, 'the world-famous 1000 Islands, the remarkable International Seaway and locks, Upper Canada Village and more. Dial-A-Brochure toll- free 1-800-267-7868. FOR SALE For Sale - One set of TONING TABLES in excellent condition. Many extras included. Price and delivery negotiable. Call (902)538-7588. STRATFORD FESTIVAL 1989 Arthritic Pain? Achin" Back 1 ? season brochure now available. stiff Joints? Sleeping Hands'? Ask for it - Free! Eleven plays: "Beulah Oil" helps!! Send $1 for from Shakespeare to Broadway. Brochurc/informalion: BEULAH Many other attractions. PO Box LAND, Box 1086, Portage La 520, Stratford, Ontario N5A Prairie, Man., R1N 3C5 Woods, Water and Wildlife The Natural Way by Marion Strebig What sort of landscape has the melting snow uncovered "around your home? Probably an expanse of brown stubble and some carefully pruned bushes confined to edged beds. There is the large Spruce set squarely in the middle of the yard. But it is all a little boring, without surprises or variety in vegetation or terrain. And yet you probably enjoy, spending time in more natural set; tings, walking in woods and meadows. Spring, like the start of a new year, is a good time to make resolutions. resolutions. Why not change your personal personal landscape a little tjiis year, and in the process, maybe your style of gardening. After all, less use of the power mower and a little more hand weeding might be good for your figure; and getting rid of lawn sprays will benefit all living things, including you. The earth will pollute with earthworms, the garden will swarm with bees, butterflies butterflies and ladybugs. This kind of garden won't be to everyone's taste. For some, nèatness is compulsive; everything must be symmetrical. Nature is seldom tidy; things sprawl and climb. However, if you would rather listen to the evening song of the Robin or the House wren instead instead of the roar of the power mower, maybe you're ready to make a change, and to be, like Nature, a little more relaxed. Take a good hard look at your lot. Maybe there is a strip along a back fence or on a slope where you could seed some wildfloweis and forget about mowing. One seed company in Ontario is putting out native seed mixtures this spring. Try a packet and see what happens; it can't look any worse than it does now. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised, you may get some interesting selfseeders selfseeders in the unmowed portion. Butterflies should certainly be one splendid side-effect of introducing native wild flowers; the Swallowtail likes 1 umbelliferous plants like Queen Anne'j Lace and Dill and the Monarch will seek out the wild Asters, which are genetic parents of the Michaelmas daisies. One very difficult thing to do in creating more natural space is to change one's mind set about what constitutes a weed. The much maligned Dandelion provides, on unsprayed land, nutritious greens and, gone toseed, food for Goldfinches and other finches and many kinds of Sparrows. Besides it is really quite attractive, and an early early and vigorous bloomer. How often have you seen the road verges which had been brilliant with Ox- eyed daisies, Fireweed and Buttercups, Buttercups, mowed or sprayed relentlessly because they're all weeds to the roads department. What mania drives us to turn open space into deserts? How much pleasure that fence corner,-so hard to get at with the mower, would give in September if it glowed with Asters and Goldenrod. Another way in which you might make your yard more like a natural woodlot is to replace dead or delicate ornamental shrubs or small trees with sturdy and attractive native species. Most nurseries now carry a selection of these. Many species like Nannyberry, Red Osier Dogwood and Sumach have ornamental ornamental fruit which also attracts birds. In what wet corner a clump BUILDING-Factory Inventory 28 x 40 = $3986.00 40 x 60 ■= $5450.00 46 x 90 = $8900.00 60 x 120=.$17,000.00 Clear Span Widths from 20 Feet to 240 Feet: Call Now 1-800- 387-2203 or (416) 792-2704. BUILDINGS FOR SALE by manufacturer: Pioneer qqonsct 19x9x26 $1,999; 40x14x60 55,899; with end wall and"■ end- wall with sliding doors. Econospan Econospan straiahtwall ' 24x8x20 $2,999; 40x14x60 $8,999. Wood-steel with cndwalls. Limited Limited stock. Call 1-800-668- 5422(24 hours). BUILDING SALE - Clear-out of various sizes and types - clearing out miscellaneous stock for spring - limited steel - save thousands thousands while supply lasts. PARAGON PARAGON 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours). WATER PROBLEMS? Water that causes iron staining, smell and taste problems and possibly contains bacteria & chemicals can now be treated successfully. New Statc-of-Lhe-Art technology can eliminate these problems thus providing clean safe water throughout your entire water system. system. For information on this unique system write Aztec Water Systems, #5 - 6380 Tomkcn Rd., or call tollfree 1-800-387-3423. Sales . and Service represented throughout Ontario. GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40% by subscribing to "The Gunrunner". The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds hundreds of new, used, modem and antique firearms for sale or trade. Subscription $20/yr to: Gunrunner, Gunrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alta. TU 3Z4. Sample copy $1.75. GARDENING/ NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned Apples, Pear, Apricot, Nut trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices'. Catalogue Catalogue SI. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont. KOK'21.0. No phone. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus free shipping program. Buy from the same source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. Y6B 3N9 (604)682-6636. SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark and Sylvania Lamps. Hydroponic kits and books plus much much more. Send $2 for catalogue. * Greenhouse and hydroponic Store, 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, London, Ont. N5W 5W7 (519)452- 3919. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • START NOW! An exciting career career in fashion, awaits you. "Earn extra money! Be independent. It's fun, easy and profitable. Call Collect (416)632-9090. MA CHERIE Home Fashions. GROW For It! Raise Baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odourless. Low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR#1, Smithvillc, Ont. . LOR 2A0. (416) 6434251, (705) 435-7463. Alliston" Area, (705) 776-7084 North Bay Area. Students to take part in area "Think Bowl" Faced with a number of international international or educational issues, about' 250 students from The Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education rose to the challenge, developing creative solutions to problems that included the destruction destruction of the ozone layer, and destreaming in high schools. of White Cedar would provide colour colour in the winter, fragrance in the heat and cover and food for birds. Or you may have an unused back corner or a high fence where you could allow the native Wild Grape to twine and curl itself into a dense tangle likely to attract a nesting Catbird in summer or provide shelter for a Sawwhet owl in February. Think about birds - Cardinals, Thrushes, Yellow Warblers, consider consider butterflies-Mourning Cloak, Red Admiral, Great Spangled Fritillary; or insects like the Praying Mantis and the Lacewing. Now look at your yard. What wildlife have you seen there in the past? Nature only needs little encouragement. encouragement. A little attention to what you plant, a little less tidying and no chemical herbicides or pesticides and who knows what kind of a little eden you could create. The F.O.N. has produced a very useful pamphlet called Backyard Birdwatching. This includes suggestions suggestions for making your yard more attractive attractive to wildlife. If you would like this free pamphlet please send a stamped self-addresséd envelope to the Federation of Ontario Naturalists, 355 Lesmill Rqad,.Don Mills, Ontario, M3B 2W8 - Attention Attention Marion Strebig. Held ,at the Lion's Centre in Cobourg last Wednesday, Think Bowl, an annual Board event, is designed to expose students to one form of problem solving providing them with a framework for taking a problem from the beginning and working, to its final solution, said , Think Bowl Co-ordinator Bev Wright, a Special Education Resource Programmer with the Board. Anna Mary Pulla, Co-ordinator of the Event and a Special Educa- - tion Resource Programmer with the Board, added that. Think Bowl "originally was intended for gifted students but, quickly was seen as valuable for all students and has expanded expanded considerably." The winning" teams at the Intermediate Intermediate Level (Grades Seven and Eight) proposed a number of solutions solutions to deal with the depletion of the ozone layer which included moving to new energy sources such as nuclear fusion, or harnessing energy from natural phenomenum such as electrical storms. The solutions, however, are not as important as. the process the students use, to arrive at them, said Pulla, adding that the event reinforces reinforces the Board's general directiofi in all programs which is creative problem solving in group situations. situations. Winners at the Junior Level (Grades Four to Six) are: Tabitha Palmateer, Ayasha Mdyty Jason Cody, and Ryan Blows from Kent Public School who placed first; Eric * Kim, Simon Rowland, Sonya Pitts, and Stephanie Lord, from George Hamilton Public School, who placed placed second,,' and Elizabeth Groeneveld, Sara Bridgland, and Jeff O'Neill, from Central Public HOME BUSINESS Opportunities: Opportunities: New Products Information Center. Also advertise your product product through International membership. membership. Send stamped self- addressed envelope. Box 544, Station W, Toronto, Ontaio, Ontario Ontario M6M 5C2. LAWN CARE Franchise avail- able! Up to 100% financing, full training, can start part-time while working from home. Up to $100,000 a year (416)8764545. CAREER TRAINING TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at 1-800-668-0031 with Postal Code. FOR SALE A-Z Pre-Eng. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset, quonset, cladding. For true value, action action & answers (416)626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pm week-ends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. STRAW WANTED, any type, square bales only. Also, hay for sale, round & square bales. (519)343-2336 evenings. Portable Band Sawmill. Canada's leading manufacturer offers 4 great models at competitive prices. Save money, Make money money ENERCRAFT, 474 Wclham Rd., Barrie, Ont. L4M 4S7 (705)734-1855. School in Port Hope who placed third. At the Intermediate Division (Grades Seven and Eight) Castleton Public School students Jennifer Smith, James May, Angie Massey, and Jesse McDonald placed First, while Grafton Public School students Matthew Forbes, Shana Gray, Bobby Sheehy, and Tracey Norris, placed second with The Pines Senior Public School students Mike Smith, Jonathan Dumetz, Tricia Dubeov, and Jamie Lovekin placing third. At the Senior Level (Grade Nine to Eleven) the winning team came from C.D.C.I. West and consisted of Shannon O'Grady, Jennifer Cochrane, Jane Sterling, and Ewen Brown. Placing second were Merline Watt, Meghan Thomas, Cindy Yule, and Bret Robins from C.D.C.I. East. In third place were Michelle Carr, Jennifer May, Sara Slater, and Stacy Young from East Northumberland Secondary School in Brighton, Ontario.' f WINDATT'S NURSERY FARM Shade Trees $30 Upright Junipers $20 Spreading Junipers $ 12 Fruit Trees ' $ 12 Flowering Shfrubs $6 4 Miles North of Newtonville on the Newtonvilie Road 786-2546 Jpjt Open 7 Days k mm -- nr n *