12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 10, 1989 Classified (Continued from page 13) PROPERTY FOR SALE FISHING LODGE - 4 fully equipped modern cottages, 8 boats, 8 motors, main lodge with restaurant kitchen, diningroom, lounge, family quarters. 35 ft. service boat. (705)841-1045. GARDENING/ HORTICULTURE GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus free shipping program. Buy from the same source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 (604)682-6636. SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark & Sylvania Lamps, Hydroponic kits and books plus much much more. Send $2 for catalogue. Greenhouse & Hydroponic Store, 63 Clarke Sidcroad, London, London, Ont. N5W 5W7 (519)452- 3919. Hardy KIWI Vines for sale. Plant these unique vines and harvest exotic tasting fruit. For free catalogue catalogue write: Paul Klassen, RR#3, Niven Rd„ Niagara-on- the-Lake, LOS 1J0. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hun- dred^of top paying positions. Attractive Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Employment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Quebec H3P 3C7. ALBERTA JOBS. Subscribe to Employment Update, a biweekly magazine listing current employment employment and business opportunities in Alverta. S14/2 ■ mths; $27/4 mths; $39/6 mths. MC/VISA (403)381-7757 or send cheque to Employment Update, #200, 410 Stafford Drive South, Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB TU 2L2. FOR SALE Please change Phone No. * BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40 $3,986; 40x60 $5,450; 46x90 $8,900; 60x120 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800-668- 4338 or (416)792-2704. STEEL BUILDINGS Clearance Sale - Quonsct 19x9x24 $2,149; 40x14x50 $5,699; 50x17x60 $8,499; with Endwall and end- wall with sliding'doors. Straigh- twall 30x10x30 $4,399; 40x12x45 $6,799; Wood steel vyilh endwalls. Limited offer. Call Pionccr/Econospan 1-800- 668-5422 (24 hours). ' _ BEST BUILDING BUYS - Compare - Complete Commercial Commercial Quality straightwalls 40x64x15 $8840 (Not quonsct type) sirtiilar savings on various - limited steel - Serious buyers only. PARAGON 1-800-263- 8499 (24 hours): • STEEL BUILDINGS. Beat the price increase; we have a limited amount of steel left over at the old price. Let us make you the building of your choice and save thousands. Call Future Steel 1- 800-668-8653. Arthritic Pain? Aching Back? Stiff Joints? Sleeping Hands? "BEULAH OIL" helps!! Send SI for brochure/infonnation: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man., R1N 3C5. SALE $17,000 One set of seven toning tables in excellent condition: condition: Originally $38,000 (902)538-7588. ! Mrs. Craik, R.R.#1, Bentley Road, South Berwick, Nova Scotia. BOP 1E0.« BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROW For It! Raise Baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odourless. Low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR#1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4251, (705) 435-7463 Alliston Area, (705) 776-7084 North Bay Area. BE WEALTHY. If you're serious about your future, consider calling calling one of the fastest growing companies in Canada. Our average average salesperson makes $950 per week! If you're not successful with this job, you shouldn't be in sales! (416) 756-2111 or (416)756-7746. MAKE $200/Hr. Part time or Full lime. Open your own STOP Smoking Laser Centre. Only $5,000. Write: Lighllascr Technology Technology Inc. 900, 840 - 7th Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB T2P 3G2. t Restaurant, hotel, deli, bakery, butcher, grocery, submarine & pizza equipment for sale or lease. ARCTIC REFRIGERATION Store Fixtures, Est. 1945. Hamilton Hamilton (416) 528-8528, Toronto - (416) 283-2600, Welland (416) 788-3433. CAREER TRAINING NOTE:New Phone No. TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at 1-800-668-0031 with Postal Code. FOR SALE A-Z Pre-Eng. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonsct, quonsct, cladding. For true value, action action & answers (416)626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pm week-ends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. "MOTHER'S DAY" Quinte collectible collectible Show and Sale Sunday May 14th Ben Blêcckcr Auditorium, Auditorium, Belleville. 10-4. Admission S2. Nostalgia, kitchenware, toys, 1 bottles, advertising, pins, post- . cards, china. HELP WANTED Advertising Franchise Hands on Management For Five Years Small Fee. Must have references, •. Box 385,' c/o 'Listowcl Banner, Box 97, Listowcl, Ont. N4W 3112 or (519)832-6370. COMING EVENTS ARTFEST '89 - Port Perry. Saturday, Saturday, Sunday May 20, 21. Featuring Featuring 30 artists: Michael Dumas, Alberto DcCastro, Jerry Coulas, Terry Andrews. Draw for Dumas original "China Gold". For info contact Ted (416)985-9746 (9-5 p.m.). 1 . Lung Asso c. pro gram - for young asthmatics The Durham Region Lung Association will bring its new Family Family Asthma Program to North Oshawa this spring. This five week, nine session course will be held in the evening at the Kedron United Church, in North Oshawa, from May 31st - June 28th, 1989, for a $20.00 registration fee. Places are strictly limited and early registration registration is advised. Based on the highly successful AIRFORCE program developed by the Ontario Lung Association this course teaches simple self-care techniques which helps 3-12 year olds keep their asthma in check. These techniques include breathing and body relaxation methods and the correct administration administration of prescribed medications. medications. Recently added to the program Motorcyclists take to the road Motorcyclists take to the road in record numbers each spring, and all too often, an enjoyable activity turns to tragedy- In 1987-88, on highways patrolled patrolled by the Ontario Provincial Police, 112 motorcyclists and passengers were killed. The most common contributing factor in fatal motorcycle accidents is loss of control at high speed, which accounted for 52 per cent of the deaths in 1987-88. Other major causes of fatal accidents are alcohol consumption and failure to yield. "Basically, motorcycle operators face the same situations as car drivers, except they are driving a two-wheel vehicle as opposed to a four-wheel one. With this type of vehicle, there is less margin for error," error," said S./Sgt. Bob Lyon, Ontario Ontario Provincial Police traffic and marine section. Motorcyclists are often involved in accidents because they are not seen by other drivers. Motorcycle headlights must be on at all times, even during the day, and bright reflective clothing should be worn. "On a motorcycle, even if you're in the right, you lose. You're much more vulnerable than a car driver or passenger.' Motorcyclists should keep this fact in mind, and drive defensivély," said S./Sgt. Lyon'. "FLOWERS PLUS" FLOWERS, GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 KING STREET EAST, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO 987-1500 are several new teaching aids including including a cartoon video which helps young children understand their asthma. Through fun activities the children are shown how to take control control during an asthmatic episode. Parents and children also learn how to identify an impending attack more quickly, thus reducing its severity. During the program, children and morns and dads meet such friends as "Clippy Doll" (a cardboard cardboard & paperclip doll used to teach floppy relaxation movements) and "hot Botts" (a hot water bottle inside inside a soft cloth covering). Jumpy Ball and Step-Up-Step- Down Games are other important components in this unique service for Durham's young asthmatics. For more information, call the Durham Region Lung Association at 436-1046. WINDATT'S NURSERY FARM Shade Trees $30 Upright Junipers $20 Spreading Junipers $12 Fruit Trees $12 Flowering Shrubs $6 4 Miles North of Newtonville on the Newtonville Road 786-2546 ft* Open 7 Days TRAVEL/VACATIONS GREAT FISHING or Summer Holiday at Rice Lake. Modem 2 and 3 bedroom cottages with hot water/shower. Sandy Beach. More fish per acre than any other lake. Off season rates May 1 - June 24 and Aug. 19 - Oct. 31. S295/S325 per week. Daily rates available. Sunnymead Cottages, RR3, Hastings, Ontario K0L 1Y0 (705) 696-2601. Resort TAPATOO (New) Parry Sound on beautiful Otter Lake. Experience a quality resort. Safe sandy beach, windsurfing, wa- terskiing, childrens' program, meal plan available. (705)378- 2208, 1-BOO-461 -5410. FARM, FURNITURE, ESTATE & ANTIQUE AUCTIONS Earl Gauslin AUCTIONEER 416-640-5398 STOUFFVILLE 416-640-3079 DR Y CLEANING SER VICE 24 HOUR SERVICE GOOD RATES ONE DAY SERVICE 1 MILL STREET, NEWCASTLE Affordable Dream Vacations! e Free Vacation Planning Services • Discount Cruises ' • Charter Vacations e Airline Tickets e Honeymoon Packages • Hptel and Car Reservations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International We're with you all the }vay 68 KING ST. E., BOWMAN VILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-6Î300 THE ORIGINAL MUFFLER GUARANTEE I l I Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 Authorized Dealer Lifetime Warranty for as long as you own your car MANGAR'S Auto CENTRE ORONO MILL STREET NORTH Radiators - Ai, in/etiton SXXf Be6ui " En9lne= and salety iospect,on Stations Guara^dsewioe ' cal, Mike . : 983-5130 o, 983-|487_