Newton ville Alive by Peggy Mullan "Hi Mom!" Erma Wood with her four sons, (1-r) Robert now of Newcastle, Floyd, Oshawa, Glen of Newcastle and Earl ('Clemmer') of Oshawa. What do you get when you mix sunshine with four (still slightly impish) impish) young men? You have warmth, love and laughter. You have Erma Wood and her four sons, Last Sunday, all over everywhere moms, grandmas, aunts and thousands of terrific ladies were celebrated on Mother's Day. Like Robert, Floyd, Glen and Clemmer Wood, many sons and daughters will readily say that their's is the mom of moms, and nothing is too much or too special for her. And as Erma would add, she is close with her boys and their wives and children. A fuss on Mother's Day isn't at all required or expected. expected. "They are always coming and going. I try to have their favourite home baked cookies and squares in good supply. Those days of kids bustling about our home here in town, teasing one another, and us, giggling and raiding the refrigerator are far from gone - and it's great!" In this age where we wohder at times where the old fashioned family family has gone, we do every so often have a warm, most distinct pleasure of knowing or being touched by a family such as Reid and Erma Wood's. Thank you for making me feel like I've known y'all for years. Happiness always to all moms and their families all throughout the year. Little Scoops... - Happy Wedding Anniversary' to Joe and Connie Mark of Newton- ville as they celebrate their special day on May 20th. - Congratulations and Happy Anniversary Anniversary to Peter and Alice Glasbergen on May 21st. - Check out the Clarke Museum this coming Jjjunday if you can. A Tree Dedication is planned on the grounds. - Excess garbage will always be a problem. One aware citizen had my nod when he voiced one opinion -"If people would stop putting good useful items such as chairs, heaters, clothes out for garbage collection, collection, think of all the space alone we would gain. So many people who look to the community Goodwill Goodwill outlets say that these same "discarded items could really be put to use!" -- You're right! If you have items you are all just tired of or cannot use, or if something could easily be repaired, donate to a worthy worthy cause, or even try the auction. Someone else will be pleased, you will have rid yourself of unwanted clutter and your trash contribution is diminished! The warmer weather has been heavenly. Over the next two weeks, the nurseries will be hopping as May vegetable and flower planting moves into high gear. Enjoy! , Nor ah Stoner comes under Newcastle attack Norah Stoner, M.P.P. for Ontario Ontario riding, came in for some strong criticism on Monday at the Town of Newcastle council meeting. Counc. Hamre spoke of attending attending a meeting in Pickering over the proposed PI site near Whitevale and was most critical of statements being made by Stoner at. the meeting. Hamre said she wished Stoner had done her homework and not stir up the emotions of the people in the area. She stated that Stoner had said Durham did not have a garbage disposal crisis as Laidlaw could ac commodate Durham's waste for a period of 20 years at the Newton- ville site. Stoner was also stated to have said that approval could be gained by Laidlaw in the next two years. Hamre said it would take five years for a full Environmental hearing hearing and that Stoner knows of the concerns that the Regional Public < Works have for the Newtopville plan as well as those by the Ministry of the Environment. Hamre said Stoner has been misleading the residents of Pickering Pickering and that she took exception to this course of. action by Stoner. Counc. Hamre suggested that One out of two will be boating this year Statistics show that one out of two Ontarians will be involved with boating this year. With that in mind, the Ontario Provincial Police has prepared information designed to alert the public to dangers related to boating. Last year, fatalities were up, with 64 killed compared to 43 in 1987. Approximately half of fatal accidents accidents are alcohol related. "Alcohol consumption is more hazardous on a small boat than on shore," said S/Sgt. Larry Smith, "It throws off coordination, balance and judgement, which are very important factors in safe boating.", Eighty-five per cent of those killed killed were not wearing life jackets. "Life jackets won't work if you don't wear them," said Smith. "It is difficult even for a good swimmer to locate a jacket and put it on after - capsizing." Hypothermia is another dangerous factor that should be considered. Most lakes have an average temperature of 2 degrees Celsius in May, and at that temperature, life expectancy can be measured in seconds. "Cold water chills 25 times faster than cold air. If your boat capsizes, you should try to get as much of your body out of the water and onto onto the boat as you can. Of course, you should also dress warmly for this kind of weather. Even though the air may feel warm, the water isn't," said Smith. More than three-quarters of the fatal accidents that occurred last year could have been prevented if boaters had respected basic safety rules and used proper safety equipment, equipment, according to Smith. Mayor Hubbard write a letter to Stoner outlining the current status of the Laidlaw proposals with all pertinent information. "I will be delighted to do so", stated Mayor Hubbard. She said- the issue of garbage is not going to go away. Counc. Hamre said if the Region does not approve the PI site on Wednesday there is always the Brock South site that is now owned by Metro Toronto. Counc. Hannah said the misleading statements were unfortunate unfortunate and said he felt certain that the Waste Management committee, of which he is a member, will makè a decision shprtly. ROKA LUMBER For all your BUILDING NEEDS and Fire Wood Hwy. 35 South of Pontypoo.l MILL (705) 277-3381 Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, May 17, 1989-11 Northumberland Meat Packers Government Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING CUT - WRAP - FROZEN . BEEF KILLINGS FOR THE HIDE ONLY PIGS - $10.00 FOR THE KILLING Pigs & Beef - Cut, Wrapped, Frozen 17c» lb. Beef Patties - Sausage - Smoking 797-2134 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM : DURHAM; - IMPORTANT NOTICE The Durham Region has initiated a Recycling Program for appliances (i.e. fridges, stoves, water heaters^tc.) and other-scrap metal. Residents can bring these goods to' the Oshawa and Scugog Transfer Stations and to the Brock Landfill Site in the Brock Township. For more information on special pick-up days, contact your municipality. These appliances are.also collected from residents at the Brock West Landfill Site in Pickering but large loads have been banned there as of January 18, 1989. For further information on recycling markets, please contact the Durham Region at 668-7721. W.A. TWELVETREES, P. Eng. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS The Corporation ol the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS, clearly marked as to contents, for,the Services listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. ' Quotation Documents can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address: 1 Quotation Q89-6 Part A - Fine Grading, Seeding, Fertilizing Quotation Q89-6 Part B - Supply and Installation of various trees, evergreens and shrubs. Closing Time & Date: 4:00 P.M. (Local Time) , Friday,, May 26,1989 The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. i rC2î2k> Mrs - Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing anti Supply Agent , Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 267 Date of Publication: May 17, 1989 P.O. 2602