2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 17, 1989 ©rono WeeMp Cimes Second Class Mail Registration Number 000368 Published Every Wednesday at the office of Publication V Main Street, Orono Roy V. Forrester, Editor Hi ' . ■ , •' , - J There should have been more support A number of weeks ago the Town of Newcastle council was voting on a proposal put forth by the Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation to build a 60-unit town house complex at the corner of Concession Street and Mearns Avenue in Bowmanville. Council members were divided in a three-way tie with approval only coming through a positive vote from the chair. The Housing Corporation has a good record for their accomplishments in Durham Region providing affordable housing, some subsidized and others meeting other requirements requirements of a mixed society. This is the case across the province province ahd is not solely a plus in this municipality . There is à dire need for affordable housing due to a great extent to the widening gap between those with and those without the required employment to meet the financial demands that have skyrocketed in the past few years in the housing industry. It is as a result of society itself and can only now be corrected by such undertakening as Non-profit and Co-op housing. Unfortunately some feel there is a stigma associated with such housing and this comes to light when such proposals proposals are put forth, all in good faith, by the proponents. There has been enough studies undertaken throughout the province which denounce the idea that such housing devalues neighbouring properties. There is no reason that the Non-Profit'complex should detract in any way from its surrounding, surrounding, in fact it may well compliment the area and, in this case, we would expect that to happen. The fears expressed of crime, vandalism is no more true than if the housing were in the hundreds of thousands dollars class. Home ownership brings about pride in all parts of society, and equally to all financial levels of society. There have been errors made in housing in the past when areas were designated only to one class of housing. It brought about ghettos but on the other hand much has been written over the past years that a mix makes for a healthy and concerned community. The fact that Durham Region made the effort to form the Non-Profit corporation for housing is a sign of compassion compassion on their part. It is also such a sign for the Catholic Church and the United Church who have become involved in some major projects along with the province to provide Coop Coop housing in the larger centres. Without such action the, fibre of our communities would fester in some areas and the community as a whole would suffer as wotild the quality of life within that community. community. The Durham Non-Profit Housing Corporation project is to go ahead in Bowmanville but there should have been more support from the community and likewise from council. GARBAGE BAGS AVAILABLE The Clarke High School Parent Liaison committee is promoting the sale of Garbage Bags made of recyclable plastic from which the profit will be used for various items od need at the school. ' The bags are available at Reflections and other Orono stores as well as from members of the committee and at the school. This provides an opportunity to help the community and the schodl. The bags are selling for $5.00 for 25. MOTHER'S DAY WINNER IN ORONO A number of drays were held in connection with Mother Day promotions in downtown Orono over the past week-end. Judy Bedford, Pontypool, was the winner of the Orono D.B.I.A. $100.00 in D.B.I.A. Bucks negotiable in any of the stores downtown. Cheryl Reid, Oronp, was the winner of the in-store draw at Wendy B's Department Store - a gift box of cosmetics. Rorie Wood was the winner of a dozen roses at the Apple Apple Blossom Shop in-store draw. TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR COUNTRY HOE-DOWN If you like a good old-fashioned Country"Hoe-Down then you will want to attend the event along with a box social on Saturday evening, May 27th in the Orono Town Hall. Tickets are now available on a first come first served basis. Tickets are to be limited to 50 couples at a cost of $5.99 per couple. Ladies will be expected to bring their decorated lunch boxes for auction. The prospects of a good evening of fun. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MIL 1 STREET ORONl , ONTARIO SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SERVICE 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Milnes Orono Joyce Gray Kirby Mrs. Martha Farrow Minister: Organist: Organist: Kendal News The four sweetest^ words of the English language are Heaveh, Home, Love and Mother. We have just had a day to celebrate the goodness of motherhood. A day to say thank you to the one who has nursed our pains and cheered our gains. A day to honour the one who has been a guiding lij^ht, a warrior for right. But let's noi: stop with one day.. We ■ need to treat her special always, if you are living at home, give daily praise and offer to help. If you have left the family ome, make frequent phone calls and visits. Express your love and appreciation often. It's our turn now to meet Mother's needs. If you're far away write a letter letter no finer gift could she receive. Think about your relationship with your mother. Do you treat her as someone special? Oh don't forget Mother when old age comes on, There's so much she'd like to confide Her heart longs to see you, to know that you care, So lovingly stand by her side. Sunday morning was Baptismal Sunday at Kendal as well as Mother's day so we had a full house, April Switzer sang as a solo a new song entitled, "Out of deep unordered water" accompanied by Mrs: Helen Wood. Then the Act of the Baptismal Sacrament was carried carried out. The following .children were baptised: Ryan Robert, son of Ronald and Cheryl Lacroix; Erin Florence Marie, daughter of Douglas and Carla Switzer; Sara Nicole and Tina Leanne, daughters of Keith and Alva Walsh. The Scripture reading: Genesis 11: 1-9; Acts 2: 1-21; John 14: 8-17 and 25-27. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. , Reta Foster whose mother Mrs. Awde of Jarvis, fell on Mother's Day Sunday and broke her hip. Surgery was performed Sunday morning. Mrs. Martin Foster is her only daughter and' she was looking forward to being with the Foster family oh Mother's Day. Kendal Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Janet Dykeman on May 11th at 7:00 p.m. on a very rainy evening with seven members and one visitor present. The president Mrs. D. Turansky opened the meeting with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart collect. Mrs. Kathy Munckton read the minutes and gave the financial report. This was in fact a business meeting as the convenor of Agriculture Mrs. M. Stevens was unable to be there on such a bad night. Mrs. K. Dykeman read a humorous article on witching for water. Lunch was provided by Mrs. A. Cathcari and our hostess. The next meeting will be outdoors beginning with a pot luck dinner at noon at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Terrill on June 8th. Spring is a month late this year however we have been enjoying the new rhubarb, and brown betty made from rhubarb. Nature's spring tonic. His Mysterious Ways With our four little children and two visiting nieces to tuck in, bedtime bedtime that night took a long time. Over each drowsy child I said a prayer, asking God to watch over them. Later, when my husband and I went to bed, I lay on the edge of sleep lulled by the innocent noises, drifting down the hallway: deep- sleep sights, the mumbled words of dreamy conversations. At 4:30 I woke up abruptly, I heard a niece whisper. Suddenly I found myself out of bed, running down the hallway. But not to the room where my niece lay. Without knowing why, I ran to my children's bedroom on the other side of the house. I stood in their doorway, hearing my heart pounding in my eaj*s. Something bad was about to happen. happen. Seconds ticked by. The children went on sleeping peacefully , in their bunk beds. AH was quiet. Why did I run here? Am I dreaming? dreaming? And then before my eyes the upper upper half of the bunk bed came apart. 1 rushed forward to catch the heavy mattress board and mattress before they crashed down onto my littlest one, Rachel in the bottom bunk. I cried for help and my husband husband came, in a few moments all was set right. Andy and I stepped back. "Why were you in here?" he asked. "I don't know." "Thank God you were," Andy said. And then, with a smile hé added, added, "Listen, we're whispering. The kids never even woke up Lynn B. Link StevensVille, Montana The proud father phoned the newspaper to report the birth of twins. The telephone operator at the newspaper didn't quite get the message and asked "Will you repeat that?" The dad replied, "Not if l ean help it." A doctor who was giving a physical exam to a boy before he started school asked him, "Do you have any trouble with your ears or nose?" The lad replied, "Yes, they're always in. my way when I take off my T-shirt." The Dog Salesman "Then bucks, he's yours. That dog", said he "Has got a lot of pedigree, Just watch the way he holds his • ' head, And how he sits and begs for bread, His coat is soft, his eye is quick, And fast-just watch! Here puppy sic! Day in, day out, though rich or .poor, He'll watch your child and guard your door, When day is done,' right by your choir, , No need to loOk for he'll be there; And, should all others turn away, There'll be one friend you'll know will stay. Through summer's heat, through winter's cold. Here's something you can't weigh in gold." Meanwhile, the one who made the sale Just sat-just sat and wagged his tail. J. Harvey Haggard Remember the Annual Orange Supper, June 3rd. ORONO G A TES OF PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Secretary: Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 UPCOMING SERVICES Regular Service Kirby 9:30 a.m. Orono 11:00 a.m. Sunday, May 14th Mother's Ddÿ & Pentecost Sunday Sunday, May 21st Sacrament of Infant Baptism Orono Sunday, ivtay 28th Conference Sunday One of Orono Elders, Marvin Colvin will be leading the service at Orono and at Kirby, the Sunday School will be celebrating their Anniversary. Anniversary. Sunday, June 4th Sunday School Anniversary > Orono Sunday, June 11th Sacrament of Holy Communion Orono-Kirby OFFICIAL BOARD Meets Tuesday, May 30th 7:30 p.m., Orono For all members of Session, Trustees, Stewards and Reps, from Sunday School, U.C.W., Ministry and Personnel, M & S. This is an important meeting with the Oshawa Presbytery Support In Ministry Committee and all are urged to attend. attend. ReV. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, May 17th 8:00 p.m. Friendship Room