, 6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 17, 1989 , . Quilting at Kirby Public WÊjsfiËÊ 1 "" Grade Two at the Kirby Public School can be proud of their efforts in the art of quilting with the completion completion of a quilt which is in the background in the above picture. Each student completed one of the squares with their own name sewn on the square. A quilting frame was used under the direction of their teacher, Suzanne Westheuser. The quilt will be on display at Not Just Fashions in June and later all the names of the students will be entered in the school computer which will pick a winner. Some lucky student will have a keep-sake of their days in Grade Two at Kirby. Christian Corner . . , by Rev. Marg West As Christians we are to do the things that Jesus did, everyday of the week. Going to church and being being pew warmers is not where it's at. When we have asked Jesus into our lives we are adopted into the family of God. If God then is our Father like our earthly Father we should be obedient to Him. When we ask our children to do something and they do it, it makes us feel good; also they are learning to be obedient, it's the same in the Bill We've been to the southwestern Ontario village of Lucan quite a few times, mostly to do stories about the Donnellys. They were the hard-drinking, fighting, feuding Irish immigrant family that, in the last century, caused all sorts of 1 trouble around the village with their escapades. Eventually, every violent thing that happened in the district was blamed cm the Donnellys whether they did it or not. • Then on the night of February 4, 1880, a vigilante group descended on the Donnelly cabin in nearby Biddulph Township and brutally murdered and mutilated five members of the family,, including Joanna' the mother. It was one of the most vicious episodes in the annuals of Canadian crime. Some of the vigilantes were brought to trial. It's thought even the town constable was in on it. At any rate, none were convicted and Lucan became known as Canada's most lawless town. I'd had more than a casual interest interest in the story because Terry Culbert, our cameraman, was born and raised there and knows all pf the historical details. But recently, there was another development. The son of one of the murdered brothers built a house on the family property some years ago. And late last year a school teacher named Robert Salts and lv- will Linda bought the house and sin rounding property, which includes Front row; Adele Jenkins, Jacki Green, Natasha Hills, Meaghan Parker, Saranne Allin: row two, Jonas Bonnetta, Dustin Stapleton. Jonathan Kirby, Ryan Parent, Urnt Hawkshaw, Jonathan Henderson: third row, Colin Allin, Joshua Hill, Bradley Galley, Michael Haywood, Andrea Rutherford, Karen Bridgett, Sarah Benford, fourth row, Casey Taylor, Steve Gates, Jeremy Ross, Anthony Dibar- tolomeo, Joel Shephard, Anthony Bier and teacher Suzanne Westheuser. family of God, as we read His word (the Holy Bible) we see there are things that He wants us to do, and as we are obedient to God's word He gets pleasure from us. Psalm 149:4 says, "The Lord takes pleasure in His people." Next week we'll take a look at some of the things God expects us to do, so get out your bible and dust it off and check out the scriptures we'll be using, it is God's words not mine. 's Ontario the original barn, and the cement remnants of. the cabin. The interesting interesting thing about • it is that Robert Salts is a trance psychic! I've done stories about psychic phenomena and observed psychics wnue they're in a trance. There's nothing new about it. Similar principles principles have been common in the East for thousands of years. At any rate, Robert says when they moved into the house, his keen perceptions sensed something. "I felt quite at ease in the house itself," he said. "But out in the barn, I felt I was being watched. This was intensified later and 1 became aware of figures. There were men with black beards. And I have seen Joanna several times. She wears a dark dress and ÿ bonnet." Along with that, a friend of ours, Karen Winstone, visited the site after the Salts family moved in. She took a photograph out in the barn. There was a strange luminous light in the picture. The people who developed it checked both the camera and the film. They had no explanation for the strange light. Since Robert Salts is a recognized psychic with a clientele who come to him for health energy and psychic advice, his perceptual powers cannot cannot be completely dismissed. It's possible, 1 suppose, the resiless spirits of the Donnellys still roam the place. In any event, the circumstances add still another chapter to the Donnelly saga. One that seems shrouded in mystery. Attends United Nations seminar (Continued from page 1) very interesting and that at times the discussions became quite emotional. emotional. Christy said in one of the debates she had represented Lebanon, and had found it very interesting to have research the foreign policy of that ..nation, She also referred to a political science professor who had spoken on the political situations in South America where survival is the main factor of daily life and where the environment is not even considered. The Clarke student said one of the most interesting and most emotional emotional debate centred around the fact that the militia had been invited to the seminar to which there was a lot of opposition from the student body. She said the issue became quite emotional even to the point of shedding tears by some. It had been pointed out that the militia had nothing to do with peace but it was also a point that their presence gave balance to the debate. Christy said she felt that the militia should be allowed to remain as she wanted to hear the other side of the issue. In the end the students voted to have the militia remain at the conference. conference. Dr. Oliver of Cameco, Port Hope was present at the meeting giving an outline of work being undertaken at the Port Granby dump. He said the company is I only maintaining the , site at the present time but some ac- ' tion will be taken to further stabilize the shore bank. He stated that monitoring equipment equipment have been placed around the site and even to'the community which will now provide data to which comparison may be made as time passes. The Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS Notice of the of a By-law The Corporation pf the Town of Newcastle BY-LAW NUMBER 89-72 being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive ' Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS thé Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deëms it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Section 2 Definition of By-law 84-63, as amended, Is hereby further amended by changing the following definitions to -read as follows: "Dwelling - Semi-Detached Shall mean a building separated vertically into two separate dwelling units, connected fey a common wall above ground, or connnected . underground by footing and foundation, each of which an Indépendant entrance directly from the outside of the building and each of which will be located on a separate lot. » For the purpose of Interpretation, this definitioq shall not be applicable to a*dwelling unit to be erected next to or add onto an existing single family dwelling within the R1 zone." "Dwelling Shall mean twb (2) or more habitable rooms, designed or intended for use by one family, in which sanitary facilities and one kitchen are provided provided for the exclusive use of the family, in which a heating system is provided and which > has a private entrance from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. For the purposes of this By-law, a dwelling does not include a tent, trailer, mobile home, or a room or group of rooms in a boarding or rooming house, a hotel, motel, motor hotel or camping establishment. For the purpose of this definition, dwelling shall also mean dwelling unit." 2. Section 12.1(a) (II) a} By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: "semi-detached of Section 2". dwelling, as per the definition 3. Section 12.2 of By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting Section and adding the following following new Section 12.2.1. I): "I. Special Yard Regulations , ' I) Notwithstanding the interior sldeyard requirements requirements above, where a semi-detached dwelling dwelling Is only connected by the footing and foundation, foundation, the horizontal distance between the Interior ' walls of the two (2) dwelling units above finished grade shall be between 1.20 metres and 1.5 metres." . » > 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing thereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this 8th day of May 1989 BY-LAW read a second time this 8th day of May 1989 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 8th day of May, 1989. Marie Hubbard ' MAYOR Patti Barrie CLERK .Date of Publication: May 17, 1989 P.O. 3511