4-Oiono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 24, 1989 Merlin Slute of Bowmanville, ment outlining the design feature of who judged the spring show at the the arrangement. The arrangement Orono Horticultural on Thursday was by Jessica Mostert. evening, holds up the best arrange- Board of Education approve 7 p«m. start The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education at their recent meeting approved a request request that the Board open their meeting at the hour of 7:00 p.m. rather than 7:30 p.m. The new time was suggested by Wilf Day of Port Hope and did meet with some opposition from some trustees who represent areas on the fringe of the board's area. Trustee Bill Carman, was one trustee, who stated that the 7:00 o'clock opening time would incon- vience those who have to drive some 45 minutes. The school board area stretches from the Oshawa board on the west to Trenton boundary boundary on the east and north to Hastings. Carman also said if the trustees wanted an earlier closing time they should dispense with the coffee break. Other changes in the list presented by Day included a 30-second speaking limit for the chairman who otherwise must vacate the chair to continue dialogue with the trustee. Provisions Provisions also include that the chairman must vote if a recorded vote is called. called. Conservation Authorities amalgamation approved in principle Amalgamation between the Otonabee ànd Ganaraska Conservation Conservation Authorities has been approved approved in principle by the boards of both authorities. , The merger does need the ap-„ proval of the Ministry of Natural Resources and is conditional on the government providing adequate funding to carry on the programs of the new merger system.i Gerry Houston of the Ganaraska said the amalgamtion is conditional on funding and if the funds are not there from the pro-, vince then they are not interested'in any merger. The Ontario government in 1987 released a report insisting on the reduction of the number of Authorities in the province from 38 to 18 and are now receiving comments comments from municipalities, the public and conservation authorities as to the report. The province is expected to make a final decision sometime this year. The provincial report recommended recommended that the Central Lake Ontario Ontario Conservation Authority merge with the Ganaraska. However neither the Central Lake nor the Ganaraska has given approval of this merger. ■ The Otonabee-Gaparaska agreement agreement in principle would have the Wilmot , Graham Creek and other smaller watershed join with Central Lake Ontario Authority. The rest of the Ganaraska would join with the Otonabee. Mike Reader, chairman of the Otonabee, states that a merger would create a better operating system for the area with more money available to spend on projects. projects. Ben Burd, a Ganaraska member from Cobourg points out that funding funding is an unknown number at this time and likely will not be known until after the fact. The merger proposal suggest a board of 15 of which two would be provincial appointees. At the present present time Otonabee has a membership membership of 20 on the board while the Ganaraska has a membership of fourteen. It is expected that the offices of the new merger, if approved by the .'province, would be in Peter- L,O.B.A. hold 70th Annual Sessions The 70th Annual Sessions of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association of Ontario East were held in the Lions' Centre, Bowmanville, April 20-22, 1989. The proceedings commenced with the exemplification of the Scarlet Degree for the candidates by a combined combined Degree Team of members from Blackstock L.O.B.A. # 849, Tyrone L.O.B.A. # 1244 and Kendal Kendal L.O.B.A. # 1420. The active officers were introduced introduced and escorted to their stations by a prepared drill team once again composed of the members of the three area lodges. The colors of the association and the apple blossom were combined in the corsages worn by the team and also presented to each officer. The word "love" was the basis of the floor work performed performed by the team to the music, "In An English Country Garden" and "Butterfly". Rt. W. Sister Verna Woodbeck, Prov. Grand Mistress opened the session in ritural form, honors were given and everyone was given a warm welcome. Sister Linda Erwin # 1244 and Sister Diane Lowery # 1420 were appointed as Pages for the sessions, Sister Phyllis Lowery # 1420 and Sister Terrie Griffin ft 1420 were appointed as Guards. Sister June Deguere # 849, Sister Cathy Switzer ft 1420, Sister April Switzer # 1420 and W, Sister Pat Griffin ft 1244 were responsible for the sale table. Brookes Memorial J.O.L. ft 525 initiated a candidate during their part of the sessions. As the Prov. Grand Black Chapter of Eastern Ontario and the Prov. Grand Loyal Orange Lodge were also meeting at this time the branches of the Orange family joined joined together to parade to St. Andrew's Andrew's Presbyterian ' Church for Divine Worship. Rev. W. Chatterton Chatterton delivered a truly inspiring message and the organ music of Mr. Corrie Kuipers greatly enhanced the service. The Chaplains of all three branches read scripture selections during the service. Upon leaving the church the members went to the Cenotaph for a brief service of remembrance at which time the Provincial Grand Masters and Mistress laid wreathes in memory of all who have served in the Armed Forces. Following a short social time a delicious banquet served by the Lions' and Lionesses was enjoyed by the delegates and their guests. The Butterfly, the symbol of peace and love was chosen by Rt. W. Sister Verna Woodbeck when she attained her office two years ago. Butterfly pins were sold (these are now all around the world). As a result of this project, a cheque for $10,0]00 was presented to the Administrator Administrator of the Belleville General Hospital for the purchasing of equipment for the Pediatrics Department the choice of the Junior Orange Lodge ft 525 was to give the . "pennies" from J.O.L. Lodges collected during the past borough. The issue of a fifteen member board is subject to change at the provincial level. Ben Burd of Cobourg noted that the province had not asked'for such a report on a merger, and further stated that the merger should bring efficiencies which could see some employees lose their jobs. Gerry Houston, Chairman of the Ganaraska, commented that the two authorities now have a staff of 32 and that new staff would likely be added for the new organization. year to the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A dance followed the banquet. Rt. W. Sister Mary Hayes L.O.B.A. # 97 and Rt. W. Sister Mary Thompson L.O.B.A. # 583 both visitors from the Prov. Gr. Lodge of Ontario West acted as scrutineers for the election of officers, officers, which was conducted by Rt. W. Sis. Vivian Alexander Imm. P. (Continued page 7)