12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 7, 1989 Woods, Water and Wildlife by Marion Strebig Classified ads (Continued from page 13) CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1989 guide to study-at- home ' correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/ Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-268- 1121. YOUR' FUTURE starts with .....Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-265-0400 - Cambridge. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for class "A" licence. licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance, Markcl Institute of Professional- Transport Training, Guelph. 1-800-265-7173 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN an apparel or bag & shoe boutique. Invest from $25,000. Current designer, brand names below wholesale. Use our proven method and stock is guaranteed to sell or we'll exchange it. Call Mr. Henry at (904)346-0143. Fashion Ltd. - P.O. Box 51273 - Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240. LINDAL Cedar S unrooms dealers dealers do well! Be one in your town. Training provided, no franchise fees, prime areas still available. For information call: Win Allen, Manufacturers Rep, 705-722- 7577 Today! EARN EXTRA INCOME! Distribute Distribute our high quality stainless steel distillers and hardwood air cleaners. Contact: Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant St., Burlington, Burlington, Ontario L7R 2G6.416-639- 0503, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, • GROW FOR IT! $$$ Raise bai- tworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless. Low Investment. Investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) R.R.#1, Smith- ville, Ont. LOR 2A0. (416)643- 4251, (705)435-7463 Alliston Area, (705)776-7084 North Bay Area. Dealers required for CENTRAL VACUUM and Residential Intercom Intercom systems, Ontario territories. Reply to uite 104-183, 1920 Ellesmere Ellesmere Road,' Scarborough, Ontario Ontario M1H 2W7. EMPLOYMENT * OPPORTUNITIES PUBLISHER OF COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS in the N.W.T. seeks senior editorial staff. We need individuals with expertise in copy editing, editing, newspaper production and supervising reporters. Resumes to: Anrielies Pool, Managing Editor, Editor, Northern News Services, Box 2820, Yellowknife, N.W.T,, XIA 2R1. (403)873- 4031. SALES HELP WANTED HOUSEWIVES, Mothers & interested interested persons needed immediately immediately to sell toys and gifts for National National Home Party Plan. No investment, investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519)258-7905. - START TODAY! Exciting Fashions! Fashions! Independence! Flexibility! Extra Money! A free sample line! Call us collect 416-632-9090/ 827-2660. MA CHERE Home Fashion Shows, Est. 1975. HELP WANTED DINING, kitchen, recreation staff needed for resort in Halibur- ton. Experience not necessary. Advancement possibilities. Accommodation Accommodation available. Good wages and staff programme. Deer Lodge, R.R. #2, Halibur- ton, K0M ISO, (705) 457-2281. GARDENING/ HORTICULTURE GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus free shipping program. Buy from the same source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 (604)682-6636. SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark & Sylvania Lamps, Hydroponic kits and books plus much much more. Send $2 for catalogue. Greenhouse & Hydroponic Store, 63 Clarke Sidcroad, London, London, Ont. N5W 5W7 (519)452- 3919. FOR SALE BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40 $3,986; 40x60 $5,450; 46x90 $8,900; 60x20 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800-668- 4338 or (416) 792-2704. STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Sellcbration" on Quonsets and S Series. Payments, lease or purchase, purchase, we have a plan for everyone.Call everyone.Call Future 1-800-668- 8653. BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands while supply lasts - summer clearance - we have limited steel left from our largest spring sale ever - PARAGON PARAGON STEEL 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours). ' STEEL from us - Quality Buildings Buildings - Factory Sale. Must Sell! Quonset 19x9x20 - $2,029: Model "S" 25x14x40 = $4,175. Straightwall 30x10x34 = $5,499. Prices include endwalls and more! Quantities are limited. Call Today. PIONEER/,' ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). FOR SALE For sale, one set of used TONING TONING TABLES in excellent condition. condition. Many extras ' included." Price and dëlivery negotiable. Call (902)538-7588. ARITHRITIC PAIN? Stiff Joints? Say no to Drugs! "Beulah Oil" Helps!! Send $1.00 for Brochure/Information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, R1N 3C5. PROPERTY FOR SALE RESORT, 100-seat restaurant, licensed" licensed" dining room, cottages, motel units, ' beautiful sand beach, Golden Lake, Ottawa Valley. Immaculate condition. Janet or Gib Rccoskie, R.R.#2, Golden Lake 613-625-2525. PERSONAL FREE Singles Bulletin! Meet someone nice by phone or correspondence. correspondence. Write Barb; Box 2246-A, Sudbury, P3A 4SI. Please' state age. Write today. Our Fourteenth Successful Year. Stuff of Life A rainy May has helped to offset the effects of an abnormally dry year. Hovyever, in the ravine near the Federation of Ontario Naturalists, the rain has called attention attention to another problem, erosion, erosion, brought about by human interference. interference. • Progress decreed the expansion of the highway system adjacent to the ravine. As a result the course of the small creek which runs through the ravine was altered. In reconstructing .the banks, large amounts of fill were used, and, in spite of the introduction of woody plant materials on the slope, there has been considerable erosion. May's rains have further exacerbated exacerbated the problem. In places, islands of bank vegetation have slipped down towards the creek. The erosion of the creek bank is a small example of a problem which is global in character. In its report, Soil at Risk, published in 1984, the standing Senate Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests, begins with a quotation from the Soil and Water Conservation Society Society of America, Ontario Chapter. "Soil erosion may well be the most under-rated and most damaging natural resource problem of the 80's." The problem of erosion is directly related to soil degradation which the report indicated was costing Canadian farmers more than one billion dollars per year.in income. No doubt the figures are even higher today. Anyone who has attempted to create a garden in the soil of a new subdivision has had direct contact with soil degradation. Thirty years ago, in my small suburban plot, I found that the soil was the solid clay substratum. Virtually all of the topsoil had been scraped away. It took years to put sufficient organic material back into the soil in the form of peat moss, manure, grass clippings, compost and leaf mould, to make it rich and friable. But finally I had a vegetable patch which would feed my small family, COMING EVENTS HIGHLAND GAMES, Saturday June 24th, at Glebe Park in Hal- iburton Village. Pipe Band Competition, Highland Dancing, Ceilidh. Plan to attend. Call 1- 800-461-7677 toll free for information. information. Rough camping available. available. CAREER TRAINING TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at 1-800-668-0031 with Postal Code. HELP WANTED GOSS COMMUNITY PRESSMAN. PRESSMAN. Up to two years experience. experience. Shift work. Call Production Manager or Head pressman.* Hamilton Web Printing (416) 561-1375. FOR SALE ; " A-Z Pre-Eng. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset, quonset, cladding. For true value, action action & answers (416)626-1794. Leave message' or collect after 6 pm week-ends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. and a wild garden along the back of the property. My soil problem, lack of organic material which led to a compacted soil which resisted water absorption, absorption, and was therefore susceptible to erosion from both wind and water, is a problem which faces many landowners in Ontario. Much of the problem is of our own making. making. In urban areas, new development development routinely scrapes away the rich top layer of soil, and, ip farming farming country, the Old more leisurely agriculture practices have given way before the push for ever higher production. production. In the process the limits of the soil are ignored, and the old techniques which replenished the soil like crop rotation, leaving land for extended periods as pasture, and ,the application of large amounts of manure have largely been abandoned. Now a single annual crop like corn is grown yèar after year on the same soil, and practices which are hard on the soil like continuous row. cropping and intensive tillage are common. Studies on soil degradation degradation in Ontario have shown that the loss of organic material from intensive intensive crop production is as high as. 30%. These practices plus the absence of renewing organic material have led to the need for increasing increasing amounts of chemical fertilizers. fertilizers. But it is not pnly the'farmer who pays the cost of this new treatment of the soil. The run-off from agricultural land increases sedimentation sedimentation in all our waterways and seriously 'affects water quality and aquatic life. Al$o the increased use of chemicals is poisoning ground- water. However, the warnings of the senate committee about soil degradation have stirred the provinces, provinces, including Ontario, into positive action to encourage soil conservation techniques. Some of these practices look surprisingly surprisingly like the old methods my generation remembers. Tht^. ■government suggests preventing erosion by sewing a cover crop such as red clover, winter wheat or rye, interspersing forage crops with grain, crop rotation and strip cropping. cropping. As well, they encourage less intensive tillage, the use of windbreaks windbreaks and hedgerows, and the use of grassed waterways and rock chutes to dissipate the force of heavy rains. In response to requests for information information on soil conservation, the Federation of Ontario Naturalists in conjunction with the Soil and Water Conservation Society, On-, tario Chapter, is producing a Soil Kit for grades 7-10 which will be ready for use this fall. Information on the kit can be obtained by phoning phoning the FON at (416) 444-8419. Also, with the help of a grant from Environment Canada, the FON has run a soil workshop for teachers during Environment Week. If you are interested in learning more about soil conservation, and about your soil in particular, soil testing kits are available from your local office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for $7.00. For this fee jjpu will receive a Written Written analysis of your soil, and suggestions suggestions on how to make up any deficiencies. Questions about soil problems or requests for brochures on soil conservation should be addressed addressed to Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Horticulturalists, * Consumers Information Centre, 801 Bay Street, Toronto, M7A 2B2. DR Y CLEANING SER VICE 24 HOUR SER VICE GOOD RATES ONE DAY SERVICE 1 MILL STREET, NEWCASTLE "FLOWERS PLUS" FLOWERS, GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 KING STREET EAST, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton * 983-9819 The Mil! Hair Studio Located at the Mill, Main Street., Oroçio Call Christine ... 983-9040 Custom Fencing and Painting Specializing in Fencing and Decks ■, Established Over 50 Years Phone 983-5530