Reading club kicks off for kids at library Thinking of how to get your kid's summer off to a good start? How about encouraging them to munch on a good book. No, we are not suggesting you feed them paper but rather that they join the Summer Reading Club at the Library. The title of .this years reading club is Munch-À-O'od-Book ahd the theme is, you guessed it, food and eating. We have plenty of books that will wet your appetite as well as feed your mind. The Summer Reading Club is for children of all ages. The only re- Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 21, 1989-5 quirement is that your want to read. Those wishing to join can do so at 1 any of the Library's threé Branches anytime after July 4. Children are encouraged to come into the Library as often as they like to restock on reading materials and a visual record of their efforts will be kept as an encouragement and incentive. The Summer Reading Club will run until the end of August and will jddk off what we hope will be an active active summer of.children's programs ât the Library. Keep your eyes open for other special events beginning in July. u Postal services are changing in rural Canada. Here's what many municipal leaders who have seen the change are saying about it: "PEOPLE IN MY COMMUNITY ARE BENEFITING FROM THIS NEW POSTAL SERVICE. IT'S GOOD FOR THE COMMUNITY." CLAUDE PICARD - Councillor Sts-Anges, Que. JANICE BUSH - Reeve Wilno, Ont. HAROLD F. CHAPPLE - Reeve Grandora, Sask, l-Counc rZ* leeve g. JOHN E. MOTIUK-Councillor Lavoy, Alta. b>-PI, . GARY COCHRANE - Warden Curry's Corner, N.S. /? ^7) ROSS MCLEAN-Reeve Inwood, Ont. ac- HENRYVOTH-Reeve Napinka, Man ANDRÉ ROUSSEAU - Mayor La Minerve, Que. PAUL SEMESCHUK - Reeve Danbury, Sask. BILL STRAUSS - Councillor Heidelberg, Ont. Sty** ' RAYMOND MALONEY-Chair Duritara, Nfld. GERRY VAN BEERS - Councillor Whitelaw, Alta. t C^- 4U*Ut LAURIE DUNCAN - Reeve Rideau Ferry, Ont. ROBERT PAQUET - Mayo Fugèreville, Que. zfy ROY S. MERRIFIELD- Councillor Blue Ridge; Alta. V\ MICHEL MORRISSETTE - Clerk Fauquier, Ont. ALAN JOHNSON - Reeve Oenfield, Ont: Ifa 0kA«V*-rt MARVIN ELLIOTT - Councillor Brownfield, Alta. LOU BADION - Councillor Swan Lake, Man, MARIE-ANGE LECOURS- Councillor Padoue,Que. DARRELL DENTY-Vice President Boat Harbour West, Nfld. BEN KNUTSON - Chairman Farmington, B.C. ROGER WILSON - Reeve Campbellcroft, Ont. c .x >, .■->-/ LÉONARD SABOURIN - Treasurer St-Clet, Que. •s 77. GÉRALDHUEL- Mayor Ste-Euphémie, Que. ( i DALY - Chairman ■ F Iliam.'N.B. JOHN BARRY GRAHAM - Councillot East Coulee, Alta. BOB MCKEE-Councillor Nottawa, Ont. GEORGE StEVEN - Reeve Millbank, Ont. GUS POWER-Clerk Branch, Nfld. St y EDWARD SPARROW - Councilloi Forrest Station. Man. RODOLPHE COTÉ - Councillor Foisy, Alta. Gjbccfc y f ■ • - - - COLETTE LACOURSE - Mayor St-Wenceslas. Que. GEORGE N. KRESS - Mayor Odessa, Sask. ARCHIE MAC ROBBIE - Reeve Arkell, Ont (ULlL_' ANDRÉ LEDUC - Councillor Ste-Julie, Que. GORDON LEE-Mayor Windham, Ont. BILL MUHLBACH Reeve Nevis, Alla. /r- EDWARD KOMADOWSKI - Councill Tyndall, Man. ELDON JENNINGS - Mayor Sheenboro, Que. CECIL O'QONALD - Warden Clam Point, N S. PETER MASNIUK - Reeve Sandrid'ge, Man. MICHEL DUFOUR - Mayor Ste-Anne-des-Lacs, Que. \J|* c RAY GOULET-Mayor Dollard, Sask. CLARK D. GLASSFORD-'Councillor Bellountain, Ont. ns**-*- ' O. JAMES piRSS-Reeve Congress, Sask. CUJ* CHARLES GRÉGOIRE - Mayor Lac-aux-Sables, Que. DIANA HOUNSELL- Manager Pool's Island, Nfld; \x MEL WILKINSON - Councillor Novar, Ont. GERALD MACDONALD - Vice Chairman DAVID J. MC NICHOL - Reeve Black Duck Siding, Nfld. Heathcote, Opt. JACQUES GIGNAC - Mayor Val-St-Gilles, Que. LLOYD ATCHISON - Councillor Belleview, Man. CLERMONT LAPOINTE - Reeve Kearns, Ont. GILLES CHARBONNEAU - Mayor St-Didace, Que DAVID A. NEDERHOFF - Reeve Hearne, Sask. LÉO SAUVAGEAU - Councillor Les Écureuils, Que. JAMES R. CHRISTENSEN - Reeve Heath, Aita. FRANK RUSSETT - Reeve White Lake, Ont. PAULINE DAWSON - Clerk North Valley, Ntld. ...and there are many more municipal leaders* who agree and have endorsed this new service! *We apologize to those municipal leaders whose names we could not include here due to lack of space. Canada Post Corporation is delivering on its promise. We're in rural Canada to stay. MAIL^POSTE Canada Post Corporation / Société canadienne des postes Our commitment: better service for you. DENIS POMMAINVILLE - Reeve St-Albert, Ont. PERCY BAKER - Councillor Prospect, N.S- ALLAN SHORT-Councillor Candiac, Sask. KEVIN GEORGE - Vice Chairman Lower Lance Cove, Nfld. W.S. MILLER-Mayor Matlock, Man. élu/ BRUCE DAVIS - Reeve MapleLçaf, Ont. DAVID A. NEDEF Hearne, Sask. pL.* yL LÉO.SAUVAGE/ Les Écureuils, Qt yZit-c/jiy SHEILA MOFFATT - Councillor Eureka River, Alta. , LORNE TAYLOR - Mayor ISIDORE CHAREST - Mayor Clavet, Sask. St-André-de-Restigouche, Que. zf tPcutdni $Guoa*ns ROELOF HEINEN - Reeve Diamond City, Alta. ■ #