Forthcoming Marriage ABRAMOFF - ANDERSON Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 12th, 1989-3 Happy 24th Birthday Dan Love Buttons Lordy, Lordy, Bobo (daddy) is forty Love Kelly and Katie Mr. & Mrs.. Dennis Abramoff, Orono are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Debra Diane to Paul Some things just never change We often hear the comment, "The ever changing world", and I suppose that in most aspects this is true. Compare life to-day and what we have to ten years ago and the "changing world" is noted. Go back another decade the change is greater . . and this change gets greater and greater as one refers back in time further and further. The past half century has done much to our style of living, to our advancements in technology and of course there has been some adverse William, son of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Anderson of Hamilton. Wedding to take place August 12th, 1989. affects.. But then some things just never seem to evolve or to differ over the period of time. We can easily go back to the days when our young girls held up the parade to the washroom while they primped the last thread of hair. Or go back to the days when camping. If they couldn't be found in swimming swimming the next best bet was the comfort comfort station where those long mirrors mirrors were ideal to prepare the coiffure coiffure for a beautiful look. Many parents will recall the parade a,nd as 1 understand the boys are just: about as bad today as the girls. It had never entered my mind to what extent it goes until the last Wednesday in June when with granddaughter Kelly and her friends Cheryl and Adele we left Orono to attend Les Misérables. Of course this trip has always been by GO train to subway, to our destination, which this time was the Royal Alex. It's fortunate we had lots of time having left Orono mid-morning for a 2:30 showing of Les Misérables. A ten minute wait at the GO in Whitby, another ten minutes at Union Station. And at a deli on King Street for lunch, "May I take your order sir." "Not just now there are three others with me." We were all seated at the Royal Alex when the three disappeared once more and at intermission I'm sure it was more than purchasing Les Miserable T shirts. Of course there was time on our return at Union Station for more primping. And at St. Hubert's in Whitby for dinner . . you guessed it. To say the least the three looked beautiful all the time and grandpa enjoyed their company. , Now for Les Misérables I'm sure I will see it once more sometime before it runs out. it brought tears and as well rounds of laughter especially with the inn keepers. The /as enjoyable enjoyable and in ins utstan- ding and it was an all-Canadian cast even to Frank Moore of the Orono area. Newcastle Library News NEW CARDS AT THE LIBRARY New cards for old. Beginning on Tuesday July 18, 1989 the Library will be re-registering all members and issuing new Library cards. The old yellow cards are being replaced by bar-coded, laminated white ones. These new cards are being issued because the Library is bringing online, a computerized circulation system for the checking in and out of Library materials. How do you go about getting your new Library card you ask? Its simple. Go to any of the three Library Branches; Bowmanville, Clarke or Newcastle Memorial and bring any piece of identification with your name and address that shows that you live, work, attend school or own property in the Town of Newcastle, for example, a drivers licence. Your card will be made up for you on the spot. CALLING ALL SECRET AGENTS... Have you registered for the 1989 Spy School? The Bad Guys are becoming sneakier every day. So sign up NOW for our refresher course for Good-guy spies. Learn all the latest secret codes, fingerprinting fingerprinting techniques and many more exciting and secret things. Register now at the Bowmanville Branch of the Newcastle Public Library for thi£ two day programme beginning Wednesday July 19. It runs Wednesday and Thursday from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. on both days. One has to marvel at many of the technics used in the settings and scenery. It was just outstanding. The three girls were certainly excited excited about the whole production and this in itself made me feel it was a day'well spent, and I still had the added feature of thoroughly enjoying enjoying the show myself. It is best that some things don't change. * Public Notice To Its Citizens 1988 Municipal Elections Notice of Non-Compliance Pursuant to Section 132(8) of The Municipal Elections Act, 1980, as amended, hotice is hereby given th@t,the following individuals have not complied with the Act in that they have failed to file a financial stateme'nt and auditor's report, thereon, report or statutory declaration, of their campaign contributions and expenses: John Fowler , ' Paul Gearing Darryl Somerscales . Patti L.Barrie, A.M.C.T.(A) Town Cle'rk Town of Newcastle ,40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1G3A6 Date of Publication: 'July 12, 1989 P.O. 3520 Jl Happy 36th (teehee) Birthday Brian