Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Angus! H>. 19X9-3 I andermale - Prescott Wedding Suzanne Vandermale and Ken Prescott were married on Saturday, May 20, 1989 at Kendal Kendal United Church. Rev. Bryan Ransom officiated at the ceremony and the organist was Mrs. Helen Wood, The bride was given in marriage marriage by Ken Prescott, the groom's father. Lisa Skinner of Mississauga was the maid of honour. Bridesmaids were Karen Moffat of Orono and Jacqui Campin of Toronto. Jillian Prescott of Oshawa was the flowergirl. The groom's best man was Sandy Doleman of Newtonville. Ushers included Mike McNamara of Newton- ville and Ken's brothers, Scott and Jarret Prescott. Following the service a reception reception was held at the Newcastle Town Hall where Jarret Prescott was the master of ceremony. The happy couple honeymooned honeymooned in eastern Ontario. Ken and Suzanne now live in Oshawa. Special thanks to all those who helped to make it just a perfect day, especially Ken and Shirley, the groom's parents, for all their love, kindness and hard work. Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: Mail boxes are most interesting. interesting. Sometimes they produce produce happy news and sometimes not, at other times they produce curious things. Last Monday, a sheet of paper appeared in my box with a list of all those who had contributed contributed $100.00 or more to Marie Hubbard's mayoralty campaign last fall. In retrospect ' I'm sorry I didn't contribute financially to her campaign ' because I too would have liked to be shown as a supporter. Who produced and distributed this list and why? It says at the bottom that it was produced by "The Concerned Citizens of the Town of Newcastle." Who are these "concerned citizens?" They have gone to great lengths to list full names and addresses of those who had the courage and will to put their money where their mouths are and support Ms. Hubbard but the "concerned "concerned citizens" don't put their own names on their mailer. What are they "concerned" about? Do they think that as a result of a few hundred dollar political contribution the donor has some tremendous power over the mayor and council? Orono - Newcastle Ventures report The 1201 Omno-Newcastlc Venturers are still enjoying ourselves after our two weeks at camp. We have enjoyed many camp activities during the days such as building a wheelchair ramp for disabled people and some trips to the pool for a well needed needed shower. During the evenings we have enjoyed many games, a campfire, campfire, a stage show put on by each of the countries, also a Discovery Fair where each country did something traditional traditional from their country, such as a sport, a dance, or even a traditional food. Our group made a sports event where each person got to try shooting at a net with a hockey stick which was raffled off at the end of the night as a souvenior. Tonight is the last night of camp, Thursday, August 3. We are waiting for Closing Ceremonies before we leave for three days of home hospitality before going to London to tour for five days. This will be my last report so I hope to see you when I arrive back. Submitted by Kevin Scott From Just George Baloney! Maybe there is a much more nefarious plot hatching. If so,, the "concerned citizens" should tell us all, rather than producing a piece of paper which is suggestive of skulduggery, skulduggery, but provides no concrete information. Perhaps what the "concerned citizens" are really upset about is that they didn't enjoy the financial support» that, 52 individuals individuals and companies gave to IMarie's campaign. Anyways, the piece of paper will be added to my junk mail pile to start the fireplace when fall comes. Cordially, Lynn R. Helpard Three World Records four gold medals Paul Rebel of Bowmanville established three world records and earned four gold medals in the Robin Hood games in Nottingham, Nottingham, England the last part of July. Rebel, 21, wheel-chair athlete established the world records in the 200m, the 400m and the slalom event. He was a contingent contingent of 33 Canadian athletes who tallied the top honours in medals at the games. We have all heard of "Horse Power"! However, yesterday while walking through the village, which in turn is called "manpower", I noticed a young lad on a skateboard, holding a lead attached to a dog that was pulling him effortlessly along the sidewalk! ! I hearby institute a hew expression "dog power" (and I will probably be the only person to recognize this touch of genius!!) apart from the Eskimos and now for you older citizens (those over 21!!) a reminder that I heard recently on the radio. If you are contemplating contemplating retirement? There are two conditions you will need. Firstly, "something to live on," and secondly, "something to live for"!! Believe me they are both very necessary - herewith the voice of experience. A few days ago 1 heard (on tape) from my relatives in London, London, England who are "suffering" "suffering" through the hottest summer summer for years - would you believe 90 ° F. plus!! (They've had to leave off at least one sweater during the day!) Seriously though that's hot for. them. I understand that to add insult to injury they are experiencing experiencing a water shortage, (and this is a country where it seldom stops raining!!). It reminds me of a poem I learned as a boy (just a few years ago?) that stated, "water, water" everywhere and not a drop to drink!!! I believe that comes from the "Rhyme of the Ancient Ancient Mariner? " - correct me if I'm wrong? Regarding my ongoing battle with the postal service. I have to reluctantly admit they're getting better. Last week I received a tape from England in four days. Even I can't fault that performance. performance. Let's see if they can keep it up? (To offset that, I also received another tape yesterday from New Zealand which took "fourteen days") however, even I will admit ("that you can't win 'em all?). Which reminds me, the following following day I was in the post office to pick up some non existent mail? When I got into a casual conversation with a woman whom I've never seen before, (to my knowledge) this is a habit of mine - I talk to everyone - how on earth could 1 keep writing stories,» without the un suspecting help from all you fine people? However, she suddenly suddenly said to me, "Are you George?" I don't know how she arrived at that conclusion, unless it was my accent? After 37 years in this country (now my country) whenever I open my big mouth, the lights of London come on again!,! • The same day, I ran into my old buddy Ken Smith, ' who writes quite frequently in this paper. Usually he is into the political scene, (way over my feeble brain) but he seems to know what he's talking about. Incidentally he is not a limey, but of course that's his misfortune. misfortune. However, we'll both (hopefully) be at Ross Stevenson's Stevenson's picnic on the 17th, meet him and say "hello" - but don't let him start talking - he'll go on for hour's!!! Before I close, I wrote (on February 1, 1989) that we were expecting visitors this summer from all over the world, -England, U.S.A. and South Pacific - non of which materialized. It has rather saddened saddened us. But in retrospect has saved us a lot of money, (although Lynne managed to. find other uses for all that cash!!!) and strangely enough brought us even closer to the many friends we have right here in Orono. Growing old has its good points, and its bad ones. We have learned to enjoy the first, and ignore the second. And with those "pearls of wisdom", this is, wishing you all, whatever you wish for yourselves. Your friend and neighbour Just George ORONO FAIR presents FIRST ANNUAL Farmers' Olympics Thursday, Sept. 7th - 8 p.m. Contestants needed for 8'teams Teams consist of 3 males and 2 females Open to alt ages 1st Prize $100.; 2nd Prize $75.; 3rd Prize $50. 4th Prize $25. First 8 teams to apply will compete Call Marvin Stapleton 786-2286 Orono Fair Parade ti 99 Goes Western Saturday, Sept. 9th Assemble at 10:30 a.m. at the Orono Cemetery- BEST MUSICAL FLOAT BEST GROUP FLOAT BEST JUNIOR FLOAT BEST MARCHING GROUP BEST HORSE AND RIDER BEST FARM MACHINERY BEST WESTERN COSTUME BEST 1950 AND BACK VEHICLE BEST 1951 AND* NEWER VEHICLE BEST CUSTOMIZED - MODIFIED VEHICLE Dress Western - Spectators Included Contact 983-5058, 983-9703, or 983-9228