Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 23, 1989-3 Celebrates 1st Birthday Hi - My name is Daniel Edward Edward Gibb. I celebrated my 1st birthday July 1, 1989. My mommy mommy and daddy are Laine and Mary (L®wery) Gibb. My grandma and grandpa are Lloyd Happy 40th Done and Darla Lowery, Keith Gibb, Toronto, Shirley Gibb, Blackstock and I have two great grandma's Margaret Coyle, Newcastle, and Mae Gjbb, Oshawa. I am a very lucky boy. Letter to the Editor Re: Planning & Development in the Ganaraska Watershed On September 7, 1989 the provincial Environmental Assessment Advisory. Commit-' _ee shall be holding a Public Meeting in Newcastle Village regarding the environmental planning and approval process process which protects the watershed watershed of the Ganaraska River in view of potential development in it. This Committee is requesting comments from individuals or agencies on the environmental significance of this area, the adequacy of the existing planning planning and approval process to address address environmental concerns about proposed development, and suggestions for improving this process. This Committee is requesting comments from individuals or agencies on the environmental significance ol this area, the adequacy of the existing planning planning and approval process to address address 'environmental concerns about proposed development, and suggestions for improving this process. For many of us,'this review holds much significance because we might reside within the watershed, or we might be frequent frequent users of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority education/recreation facilities, and any potential development within the watershed could impact impact upon us. However, it also appears that this seemingly site-specific review has, in fact, farther- reaching (possibly provincewide) provincewide) implications, for example: example: 1) Should any development along a geographically significant significant area such as a watershed, or the Oak Ridges Moraine, etc. be subject to Environmental Assessment under the Environment Environment Assessment Act? 2) Should there be changes in planning planning and environmental approval approval requirements for development in these types of (Environmentally Sensitive, and Environmental Protection) areas? 3) Is the current process adequate? Is protection of the environment adequate? 4) Should there be reassessment of municipal urban/rural development development policies? For example, many municipalities are experiencing experiencing unprecedented pressures for urban development, development, which, in turn, entails highway expansion/congestion, higher cost of living, and all the other things that go hand-in- hand with unregulated sprawling sprawling growth - all of which impact on our rural environment - farmland, natural resources (forests, watersheds, wetlands) and conservation areas. 5) A day does not go by when somewhere within the province there is pressure for development, development, and for which there appears appears to be little protection - the Rouge Valley is a classic example. example. The questions being addressed addressed at this Public Hearing most certainly are consistent with many other situations. Following the Hearing, the Advisory Advisory Committee shall be making making recommendations to the Minister of the Environment based on comments and submissions submissions provided. Coincidentally, the Ministry of Environment is currently undergoing a comprehensive comprehensive review of the entire Environment Assessment Act itself. It is conceivable that this Public Hearing has some significance on the EA Act review, and recommendations from the Advisory Committee could be forthcoming. For these reasons, I believe that this Public Hearing is a significant opportunity for those interesed in the protection of the environment through the planning and approval process, to make their views and concerns concerns known. The Committee Co-Ordinator, Pam Wheaton may be reached at 323-2667 (collect). 1 have found the Committee Committee to be most helpful and receptive to my concerns and queries regarding the Public Hearing. The scope of this hearing hearing is precedent-set ting and your input could be most valuable! Sincerely, (Mrs) Helen MacDonald shop at Clarke Museum Registrations for the workshop will also be taken. Remember space is limited! The workshop will begin on Tuesday, October 3 and run every Tuesday night for six weeks. Each Tuesday participants participants will be instructed on a step by st^p basis until all six steps have been completed and (Continued page 6) On Sunday, August 27, 1989 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m, the Clarke Museum will be holding an information/registration information/registration day for this popular annual workshop. Anyone wishing to take the six week course, fee $40.00 - is invited to bring their chair, stool, whatever, to the Museum for assessment and recommendations recommendations for cleaning and repair prior to re-caning. Happenings . . YWCA PLANS FALL/WINTER COURSES IN ORONO The Oshawa YWCA has made arrangement to hold some courses in Orono this Fall and Winter. „ They include a Basket Weaving workshop, Orono Town Hall with J.udie Chad and a traditional Caning workshop also in the Orono Town Hall with Judie Chad. . A Keep Fit program is arranged for December and January also to be held at the Town Hall. Further information phone 623-YWCA. HOW ABOUT THIS TID BIT ^ Australia's Treasurer has announced a federal budget which it was said will result in a $9.2 billion surplus in the 1989-90 financial year. Orono Fair Parade "Goes Western" Saturday, Sept. 9th Assemble at 10:30 a,.m. at the Orono Cemetery BEST MUSICAL FLOAT BEST GROUP FLOAT BEST JUNIOR FLOAT BEST MARCHING GROUP BEST HORSE AND RIDER . , best farm machinery BEST WESTERN COSTUME BEST 1950 AND BACK VEHICLE- BEST 1951 AND NEWER VEHICLE BEST CUSTOMIZED - MODIFIED VEHICLE Dress Western - Spectators Included Contact 983-5058, 983-9703, or 983-^228 Our decorating is done * Thanks for your patience GRAND RE-OPENING JEANS ;. $29.95 A great range of styles and sizes Cotton & Flannel Shirts $9.95 This Week Only All New Fall Merchandise 25% OFF 50% OFF Reg. Price of All Summer Merchandise Not Just Fashions Orono - Phone 983-9466