12-Ororio Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 6, 1989 Classified Ads (Continued from page 13) LOG HOME CONVERSION Dealerships available._Minimum investment, largely secured by inventory. Select areas. Regular leads provided. Quality proven building product Paul Bunyan Log Homes, 1-705-734-2831. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES STAFF REQUIRED for Lake Louise Inn. Various positions. Housing supplied. Contact P.O. Box 209, Lake Louise, AB, TOL 1E0. 1-403-522-3769, Monday to Friday. BUS. OPPS. ...CONT'D GROW FOR IT! Raise bait- worms at home. Guaranteed market market Odourless. Low investment We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) R.R. #1, Smith- ville, Ont LOR 2A0, (416) 643- 4251, Alliston Area (705)435- 7463, North Bay Area (705)776- 7084. FOR SALE BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40 $3,986; 40x60 $5,450; 46x90 $$,900; 60x20 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800-668- 4338 or (416) 792-2704. ♦NOTE; NEW COPY STEEL BUILDINGS, Plowing match special. Must sell 82 buildings, various sizes. Huge sliding doors, NO reasonable offer offer refused. Call: Future Steel 1- 800-668-8653. ♦Note: NEW COPY BEST BUILDING BUYS - 1/2 price sale - buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more - limited steel - PARAGON STEEL 1- 800-263-8499 (24 hrs.) ♦NOTE: NEW COPY STEEL BUILDINGS FACTORY FACTORY SPECIALS - Models back by popular demand. Quonset 19x30x9 = $2,549; 40x60x14= $6,899; Model 'S' 30x40x15 = $5,099. Straightwall with coloured coloured walls 40x60x14 = $14,199; 24x30x12 = $5,978. LIMITED TIME OFFER. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668- 5422 (24 hours). A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, value, action & answers (416)626- 1794. Leave message or collect after 6 p.m., weekends. Ask fpr Wally. Free brochures. Large selection of discontinued ROYAL DOULTON available. Current products presently 30% off. We also buy. STAIRWAY TO COLLECTABLES, 105 Gar- afraxa SL,N„ Durham, Ontario NOG 1R0, 519-369-5155. FOR SALE...CONT'D STAINED GLASS - Hobbyists,. Craftspersons and Studios, order your stained glass ' supplies by mail and save 30% to 50%. To order your 100 pg. catalogue, send $5.00 (refundable): The Glass Place, 50 Ste-Anne, Pte. Claire, Quebec H9S 4P8, Visa/MC Orders. Call 1-800- 363-7855. MISCELLANEOUS OVERWEIGHT? Try our new Appetite Control Program - lose up to 29 lbs. in 30 days. No drugs. 100% guaranteed. Surprisingly Surprisingly affordable! Call: 416-847 6434. LIVESTOCK CURRIE SALERS BRED FEMALE FEMALE Reduction Sale. Pure Bred, Percentage, jCommcrcial 50 Cows/Hcifcrs bred to proven full blood salcrs sires. 24 bull calves from these cows averaged over 4 lbs. per day gain on government government test last winter. Sept. 9th, 3 p.m. Tri County Sale Bam Hanover, OnL Bob Currie, Shelburne, Shelburne, Ont. 519-925-5510. Guest Consigner-Scotland Manor Farms. Drumbo, Ont 519-442- 4094. PROPERTY FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Restaurant in scenic Tourist Town. Escalating sales over eight years. Licensed, fully equipped, paved parking. Seating: Dining Room 82, Patio 3$, Banquet Hall 92. Inquiries: Granary Restaurant, Restaurant, Box 263, Eganville, Ontario KOI 1T0. WANTED TO BUY OLDER PAINTINGS and works of Art One or entire collection. Karl Meams, Box 1266, Caledonia, Caledonia, Ont N0A 1A0 (416)765- 6782. NOTICES ATTENTION HUNTERS ! "Duck", '"Bow" or "Rifle". Hunt Western Manitoulin. Four new housekeeping cottages available in Meldrum Bay. Winterized, electric heat full facilities plus gas. barbeque on sundeck. Hunting Hunting property available with advanced advanced notice. Book early. Call: 705-283-3450 or 705-282-2687. Whitesea Cottages & Charters. COMING EVENTS Attend the BLYTH STEAM SHOW at Blyth, Ontario on Sept. 8, 9 & 10th. Fun and nostalgia nostalgia for all. Steam engines, tractors, cars, crafts and more. Contact: 519-523-9330. CHRISTIE Classic ANTIQUE SHOW. 250 dealers at Canada's best outdoor antique show. Saturday, Saturday, Sept 9th from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm at beautiful Christie Conservation Area. Near Dundas on Hwy #5 between Hwy #6 and Hwy #8. Watch for road signs. Park opens 8 am. Antique show opens 9 am. Admission $3. Free Parking. . i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES VENTURE CAPITAL - Venture Capital for new and emerging companies. Our investor. group wants to meet with qualified en- trepeneurs. Call Canadian New Ventures 416-861-1812. HELP WANTED CREATIVE CIRCLE Needle- * craft Ambitious representatives needed to sell needlecraft through home demonstrations. No deliveries or inventory. Earn $50-$ 100 for 3 hours work! Join for $10, $20 or $30. (705) 435- 6316. FOR SALE * RECREATIONAL VEHICLES VEHICLES 1981 Grew V8 Mercury Cruiser, I/O. Fishwell, extra electronics, automatic bilge pump. Easy loader loader tandem trailer, 4 down riggers, rod holders. Excellent condition $32,000. 416-238-5799. PROPERTY FOR SALE 47 ACRE FARM $275,000 Beaverton Orillia Area. 10 room newly-renovated house, modem bathrooms, kitchen. Wood, oil, electric heat 60x24 deck overlooks overlooks Trent Waterway. 60x60 }iam/workshop, 100 amp. Request Request photo 416-238-5799. Durham East Agri-News 4-H Go For The Gold by Barbara Weese, Rural Organizations Specialist The Durham East Beef Club emerged the winners of the 1989 4-H For The Gold Competition. The team was made up of Raymond Raymond Massie, Campbellcroft, Jeff Beckett, Enniskillen, Jason Greer, Peterborough and Craig Rickard, Bowmanville. In second second place was the Junior Dairy team of Carolyn and Eric Barkey, # 2, Blackstock, Don Foley, Bowmanville and Heather Malcolm, Nestleton. There was a tie for third place between the Swine Club team of Ken Lamb and Joy Carnochan, Port Perry, Andrew Frew, Nestleton and Bryan Green, Blackstock and the Vet Science team of Dave Urwin, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, Tracey Welsh and Ingrid Ingrid Wunderlich, Bowmanville and Grace Prins, Hampton. Awards were donated by Jim Allin, Bowmanville. At the close of the program, the judges: chose an all-star team of Carolyn and Eric Barkey, ft 2, Blackstock, Jeff Beckett, Enniskillen Enniskillen and Grace PrinSj Hampton. Alternatives are Bryan Green, Blackstock, Donna Donna Benschop and Don Foley, Bowmanville. This team will be representing Durham at the Region Competition in October. October. Eleven teams competed in the 1989 competition. Delayed Hay Harvest: A Triple Whammy For Dairy Producers by Gwen McBride, Feed Advisory Program, O.M.A.F. After weeks of wet, rainy weather in June, this year's first hay crop is finally harvested. While yields on many farms were good, producers this year are unfortunately going to face a "triple whammy" of reduced protein, digestibility and intake of their forages due to the 3-4 week harvest delay. Exactly what kind of damage has occurred occurred this year? Across the province, hay was almost all in full bloom by the time of first cutting. Each day delay in harvesting after medium bud stage is reached typically results in a loss of .2%. crude protein and .4 Vo digestibility. Acid detergent fibre (ADF) content increases by .5% and neutral, detergent fibre (NDF) by .4% each day harvest is delayed. The reduction in forage quality quality will most severely affect the early lactation cow. Harvest delay results in the loss of .5 kg. of 4% fat corrected milk pro- duction/day; this reduction in forage quality can only be partially partially offset by increasing concentrate concentrate feeding. Greater milk production can be achieved on a ration of 80% alfalfa, harvested at the pre or early blopm stage, supplemented by 20% concentrate, concentrate, than on a ration of 29% full bloom: 71% conceqtratç. Rations formulated for early lactation cows should contain a minimum of 25% NDF and' 19% ADF in order to maintain a healthy, functioning rumen and maximize Iced intake and fat test. ITiit year, rations will be more difficult to formulate to meet these objectives. Additional Additional high energy, high protein supplements will be required to overcome energy and protein deficits. When increased feed costs, body weight loss and regain are considered, delaying hay harvest from first to late bloom can be expected to cost a producer $100 - $ 120/cow/year. Target Price For Industrial Milk Set For New Dairy Year by John Finlay, P. Ag. Agricultural Representative Agriculture Minister Don Mazankowski has announced that the target price for industrial industrial milk was raised .to $47.45 a hectolitre on August 1, the beginning of the new dairy year. This is a result of recent increases in producers' costs. The 39-pent-a-hectolitre increase increase is the first for dairy producers producers since February 1988. Industrial Industrial milk prices have risen by only 2.1 per cent in the past three years including this increase. increase. -The support prices for butter will increase'by 1.3 per cent to $5.167 a kilogrqm and for skim milk powder by 1.) per cent to $3.046 a kilogram. The new support prices reflect higher prices to producers, producers, adjustments to the butter butter standard product yield and changes to processor margins. This will increase processor revenues from industrial milk product sales. Mr. Mazankowski announc ed that a national task force has been set up to advise him on dairy matters over the coming months and to identify options for the next long-term dairy policy commencing in 1991. The task force will have representatives from the federal ? government, the Canadian Dairy Commission, the Dairy Farmers of Canada, the National National Dairy Council and the Consumers Association of Canada. It will be chaired by Ken McKinnon, Vice-Chairman of the Canadian Dairy Commission. Commission. Winterizing and Fertilizing your lawn -- Weed Spraying -- Crab Grass -- Fertilizing -- Insect Spraying -- Plug Coraeration See the Difference Quality Makes 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle) The Rhoden House Authorized Dealer - Lifetime Warranty for as long as you own your car HANGAR'S AUTO CENTRE ORONO MILL STREET NORTH USED CAR"SALES Radiators - Air Conditioners - Mufflers - Brakes - Body Work Tune-Up Electronic .Ignitions - Fuel Injection Systems Propane Conversion and Inspection - Rebuilt Engines and , . • Cylinder Heads Safety Inspection Station - Guaranteed Service Lie. Cl. A., B, H. 3P, S6A, S6B Call Mike . . . 983-5130 or 983-5487