10-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 4, 198V Further pictures from the Orono Fair The Midway at the Orono Fair more glamour than usually, for the Above and below both was another attraction that had annual event. and old enjoy the rides. young jjft Required Immediately Secretary for Clarke Museum and Archives Board Shorthand an asset. Apply in writing to: Mrs. Donna Robins Vice-chairperson P.O. Box 36 Ne.wto'rvville, Ont. LOA 1J0 786-2954 Clarke Museum and Archives Giant Second Hand BOOK SALE Saturday/Sunday, Oct. 7/8 12:30 - 4:30 both days » Choose from over a thousand books . . . novels, fiction, fiction, non-fiction, texts, how-to, histories, children's books anci more. HARDBACKS 50c. or 3 for $1.00 ' . PAPERBACKS 10c. each Clarkp Museum is on 'Old Kirby School Road', Hwy. 35/115 a't Regional Road 9, in the Hamlet of Kirby . .. Town of Newcastle (416-983-9243) All proceeds go to the building expansion fund. There will be'no sales before 12:30 each day. f % k x,. IFIfe The Good News Story House wanted to get into the act with the created curiousity for many of the puppets, youngsters in attendance and , C w a F r <$> OLD KENDAL STORE c ° l L E C T 1 U A S 983-9875 Custom Designed SILK and DRY FLOWERS SMALL FURNITURE WREATHS Also In Stock Folk Art Products Lewiscraft Products DARLENE and STEVE CHILDS MILL STREET, KENDAL 983-9875 STEEVES' AUTO SUPPLY A complété line of AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR and SUPPLY PARTS for Domestic & Import Cars 216 King St. E. NEWCASTLE 987-1657 987-1658 Monday - Friday 8:00 - 6:00 Saturday 8:00 - 1:00 , SmarI EASTS The Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE RECONSTRUCTION OF PORT GRANBY CULVERT | AND ROAD APPROACHES, (LOT 3, B.F. CON. A. CLARKE) INFORMATION CENTRE The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle have tentatively planned the reconstruction of the Port feranby Culvert and Roadway Approaches, in the 1990 Construction Programme. Detailed construction design drawings will be prepared in 1989 with propçsed construction to commence in early Summer Summer 1990. * , The proposed work will include road excavation, placing granular road base, curb and gutter, storm sewers, hot mix paving and replacement of the concrete culvert with' stream improvements. You are cordially invited to attend çm Information Centre to be held between the hours of 3:00 p,m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Wednesday, October 11th, 1989 in the f'Jewtonyille Town Hall. Preliminary plans .for the proposed reconstruction will be available before inspection and staff will be on hand to answer questions. Input from the public is respectfully solicited. _ -Mr. W. A. Evans, P. Eng. Director of Public Works- Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Municipal Building 40 Temperance Street , Bowmanyille, Ontario L1C3A6 (416) 623-3379 Date of Publication: October 4, 1989 P.O. 3903