4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 11, 1989 All about recycling Helen MacDonald was the guest speaker at Thursday's Orono Horticultural Horticultural meeting outlining the benefits of recycling and commenting commenting on the proposals for waste management. She did that everyone can play a part in reducing waste that must otherwise go to landfill sites. She also said the solution to pollution is not dilution. Christian Corner by Rev; Marg West Did you know that by keeping God's commandments and His law that it added length of days, long life and peace to you. Read Proverbs Proverbs 31:2. Also in the same Proverbs but verses 5 to 8. It tells us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. understanding. 6) "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." 7) "Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord 'and depart from evil." ' 8) It shall be health to your navel, •and marrow to your bones." We always try to reason everything out with our own understanding, but God tells us not to lean on what we know, but to put our trust in Him, and not to do evil, And if we do we will have a healthy body and long life. In Proverbs 4:10, God tells us to "Hear O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of your life shall be many. In verse 13: "Take fast hold of instruction let her not go: keep her; for she is your life." Again in 20-22 same Chapter 20) "My son attend to my words, incline incline ;your ear unto my sayings." 21) Let them not depart from your eyes, keep them in^the centre of your heart." 22) "For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all, their flesh." Nothing in this world can give use the promises we can receive out of God's word by accepting Jesus as our SavioUr and Lord and studying His word. Questions or comments write Box 179, Orono. • 1 Metro-Havelock VIA run derailed Transport Minister - Benoit Bouchard made his announcement as to the future of VIA Rail last' week and as suspected the VIA run between Havelock and Toronto is to be axed of January 15th. There are further cuts in frequency of the VIA service along the Lakeshore that will affect some passengers from this area. Bouchard in his announcement said the Havelock-Toronto run is a commuter service and as such should be taken over by the GO system. Many local politicians throughout the area as well as the Havelock-Toronto Citizens group objected to the decision denouncing the federal government for tlie- move to close out the service.. The northern line through some of the Region of Durham provided service for some 140 passengers who made their way to Metro in the morning and returned to their homes on the evening run. The Toronto Star published a story the following day that Gary Herrema, Chairman of the Region of Durham, stated that GO would take over the Havelock-Toronto run from VIA. Such a move was denied the following day by the chairman of GO stating that such a service'had not been considered by the system and would be loo costly to,establish and run. Herrema later denied the intent •of the Star story. Bill Bramah's Ontario If Little Bo-Peep had known a few things about donkeys, she wouldn't have had all that trouble with her sheep. It seems that donkeys are a sheep's best friend when it comes to keeping the wolf from the flock. Wolves are afraid to tangle with donkeys, as are dogs and other predators. Gary and Lynn Fox, who have a farm down near Picton in the Bay of Quinte district, have nine donkeys which mingle with their 400-odd sheep. The donkeys don't herd sheep the way sheep dogs do. They're merely on patrol. They jiist stand around or wander about if they feel like it. A wolf or a dog won't take a chance on getting kicked kicked in the chops. They stay far, far away from those clobbering hooves. Ever since the donkeys arrived on the scene, the Fox family hasn't lost a single sheep to predators. Before the donkeys came, they were losing up to 20 a'year. Not only that, the donkeys and the sheep have become great buddies. buddies. We watched them nuzzling one another out in a field on part of the family's 1,400 acre spread. Gary and Lynn have been into mixed farming and dairy cattle for years, as were their fathers before them. They also have a few horses. "I've been around horses all my life," says Gary, "and there's no comparison between a donkey and a horse for fun and friendship. Donkeys are a lot more affectionate." affectionate." His favorite is a dark grey donkey called "Blackjack". Gary called out to him and he came trotting over toward us, uttering the familiar hee-haw which Jenny thought sounded like "a rusty barn door." Gary patted his neck and Blackjack Blackjack looked at Terry's camera with curiosity. Finally, he walked over and tried to nibble at the lens. Terry chuckled and quickly moved to a new location. After Terry got the shots he needed, needed, we stayed around for awhile to watch the donkeys and the sheep at play. "You can watch them for hours," smiled Lynn. "They're always doing something interesting." The Fox family feels a lot more secure with the donkeys out in the fields. And the sheep? Well, with their donkey friends around, who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Durham House Child and Family Centre UNDERSTANDING CHILDREN'S MISBEHAVIOUR Do you sometimes wonder why your children behave the way they do. ".Why does my son talk back?" "Why does my daughter suck her thumb?" "Why is it so difficult to get the kids to bed at night?" "Why do they always bug me when I'm on the phone?" These are some of the questions which will be addressed addressed at this workshop for parents which will be held at Hamp- tion Junior School, Hampton from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Wed. Oct. 25th, 1989. The cost if $8.00 per person. For further information and to register, please call the Family Education Resource Centre at Durham House 579-2021 or 686-4353. Ladies' Choice Auto Service Avoid the inconvenience and stress of taking your car for servicing. Let us pick it up at your convenience or place of business, drive it to a reputable dealer or garage for servicing, and return it. Call Ed Morton Monday to Friday 9 - 5 (416)436-5746 MOM'S KITCHEN DOWNTOWN ORONO 983-53 1 0 EAT IN or TAKE OUT Double Burgers Just $1.00 Extra Mon. - Wed. - 6:30 to 6:00 p.m. Thurs. 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Fri. 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 6:30 a.m. < Sunday 5:00 p.m. Closed PAINT SALE <3iy ciLUX *]3 4 A warm, washable white. with a delicate hint of taupe <3D> CILUX GLOé .2429 A tunurious, wwtfM** 6 with » subtle she* c# pf"*- •"88! 25." 27." <3E^CIÜjX wi-.vvm ^jkCH Wf//^ • 1 SCENTED ^ARL INISJS LUSTRE ?3?ft , A tasteful washable whin? blended with the subtlety of P**" 27 99 « In be 31^ CILUX 'A vaoe *narh oi C 11 Inc used unde' licence by BAPC0 home's best friend ROLPH Hardware Downtown Orono Rhone 983-5207