All in the cause of Apple Day These three Orono Beavers are As is noted, Stephen Barber; Joel have confidence in the product they taking a rest from their selling of Shephard and Wayne Werry all had been selling, apples for the local Apple Day Tag. Registration drops in local local hockey, figure skating holds firm The Orono Amateur Athletic Association is sponsoring six teams this year out of the Orono Arena which is somewhat, less than in previous years. Enrolment for the 1989-90 season is down some twenty boys over that of the last season. With an enrolment of twenty in Happenings 40 SUBMISSIONS RECEIVED the Tyke division, the Association is operating two teams. These two teams will play exhibition games at the local arena with some outside exhibition games. Orono ices four teams in the Ontario Ontario Minor Hockey Association with one each in Novice, Atopis, PeeWees and Bantams. There are no Midget or Juvenile teams under the Orono banner again this year. According to Ray Bester, vice- chairman of the Athletic, it is impossible impossible for Orono to undertake a house league for any of the age categories due to the insufficient number of players. In former years a number of teams were able to compete in the Tri-County league when there were enough players to fill both the OMHA group and the Tri-County. Players On the Orono teams have two hours at the local arena weekly. Bester said this gives each boy plen- ' ty of practice time as well as time for games. The Orono'Figure Skating Club is holding firm with enrolment with 101 skaters registered this year comparing comparing to 105 in the 1988-89 season. They have opened their program and no doubt again competition will be high on the list for a number of the local figure skaters. According to Ray Bester, the Athletic had a successful ball season both for the girls and the boys during during the summer. There were four girls' softball teams registered out of Orono and playing in a league with neighbouring neighbouring centres. Baseball has taken on a new front for the boys with T-Ball, Mosquito ball and Tyke ball, with the Orono teams playing in a league with the Bowmanville group. The Orono PeeWee baseball team, entered in the EOBA, ended their season with the < Ontario trophy for their division. It was the first time in years, in Orono, tor PeeWee baseball. , Soccer, although figurés are not available, was also of some success in Orono with a number of teams in competition during the summer. • e • < The Ontario Environmental Assessment Advisory Committee •which held a recent meeting .concerning planning procedures and the environment of the Ganaraska Watershed last month in Newcastle Village has received a total of forty submissions following the meeting. The Committee was expected to report their findings and recommendations to the Minister of the Environment by September 29th. In view of the number of submission the committeetis asking for more time to review the submission and file a report. SENIOR CEES HOLD CARD PARTY For their first card party of the season on October 12th the Orono Senior Cees had 6Vi tables of players. Winners were: High Mary Tamblyn with 70, George Dunlop with 64, Minnie Taylor and Carl Tamblyn tied with 63, Low score Myrtle Wood. Lone had bingo winner Ivison Tamblyn. Next party November 9th. DIRECTORY OF SELF-HELP GROUPS AVAILABLE The "Directory of Self-Help Groups in Durham Region -1989" is now available from the Canadian Mental Health Association/Durham Association/Durham Branch, for a $10 charge. The Directory lists 109 groups with contacts, membership and meeting information, etc. To order yours call (416) 436-8760. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall Euchre results for October 11th are as follows: High scores - Wally Boughen with 84; Walter Murphy with 83; Edgar Millson with 81; Shirley Moffat with 79 and Ed Skinner with 78. Low score Don Thompson. Winners of the draws were Don Thompson, Shirley Moffat, Edgar Millson and Marg Todd. Euchre is held every Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. Ladies please bring small lunch. HOCKEY MOTHER'S SPONSORING SKA ! I-A-1 HON The Hockey Mother's Association is sponsoring a Skate-a- thon on Saturday, October 28th at the Orono Arena. This Skate-a- thon is to help support Orono Minor Hockey. Tykes and Novice will skate at 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and the Atoms, PeeWees and Bantams Bantams will skate from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m, Orono Group visits Oshawa.Park project A number of members of the Orono Woods Walk Park committee committee and others travelled to Oshawa Sunday afternoon to view one of the Oshawa park,systems along one of the Oshawa Creek Valleys. According to Klaas Schoen- maker, chairman of the committee if was an interesting outing giving an opportunity to .view a project along one of the City's river valleys. He said some good ideas were obtained. obtained. The group walked from Bond Street to north of Rossland taking advantage of a paved walk-bike trail. Klaas said some of the areas were manicured while others had been left in a natural state. He also commented that walkways had been constructed, through the bridges which allow pedestrians to travel the whole area without coming out of the valley. He said the group could see such a thing happening in Orono passing through the large culvert under Station Station Street to the west. The Town of Newcastle has completed completed the survey of the property and according to Joe Caruana, Director of Community Services funds will be available for commencement commencement of the project in 1990. Stales legal action being. taken against Ganaraska Steven Wiggins, a Town of Newcastle resident, south of the Ganaraska Forest Centre, surprised members of the Ganaraska Forest Users' Committee, when he stated that a group of 12 property owners were taking legal action against the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. According to a report in the Port Hope Guide the property owners' properties back onto the Ganaraska Forest. The property owners had sold some of their lands to the authority with "special agreements" as to the uses that would be allowed on. the lands. Wiggins said thé authority had broken the agreements and that the Toronto law firm' of Duvernet Stewart Stephens Thornley-Hall and Boyderi had been hired to represent the land owners. The report states that the firm has confirmed they are representing the group of land owners but declined to comment on the case at wiggins' request. Wiggin has referred referred all questions to the law firm. Wiggins' request. Wiggins has, referred all questions to the law firm. Jim Tedford, Community Relations Relations officer for the Authority said they have not been notified in writing of "any legal action and that the information provided at the meeting was the first the Authority was aware there was a problem. Tedford has claimed there has been no purchase of land by the authority on which there is any sort pf condition on title regarding the use. He did not know who the property property owners were or where their land was located. They made good cider Owen Ferguson and Paul Arsenault of the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen were two active c,lub members Saturday -in downtown Orono with their cider press and a half-ton loaded loaded with apples for pressing. It was all in their effort to financially support the club's c o m m u n i t v a c t i v i t i e s.