4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 18, 1989 Kendal News The Orono/Lockhart- Public School News Blest by the sacred tie that binds, In friendship's golden tether, The hearts of men together. Blest be the pure, unselfish love That seeks to help another, The love that owns in every man, Howe'er debased, a brother. Sunday, October the 15th was a very busy day at Kendal United Church and we were pleased.to have a full church to hear Mr. Harland Seens, a fine baritone singer, from Peterborough sing, "I asked the Lord." Later he sang, "Hold Thou My Hand." He was accompanied at the Hammond organ by his wife. The sermon was given by Rev. Keith Henderson of the Kirby area and was based on 2 Corinthians 4 verse 7. "But we have this treasure in Earthen Vessels..." A social hour followed. Then the Golden Wedding Anniversary Anniversary celebration for Leonard and Jenny Falls was held in the Sunday Sunday School room of Kendal church from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Both Leonard and Jennie grew up in the Kendal area and passed their entrance from Kendal School. They were married by Rev. Eugene Beech fifty years ago. They went to live on a farm in the Shiloh area but continued to attend Kendal Church where Jennie had taught the Primary Class for severy years and then Leonard became the Sunday School Superintendent for several years. Their son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Falls and family, live in Peterborough. Their daughter (Joan) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blackburn and family, live west of Orono. An exceedingly large number of friends attended from far and near. It was indeed a happy event. Len and Jennie welcomed them all. They were treated to a beautifully decorated golden wedding cake, made by Mrs. Robert Falls. We wish them many more years of good health and happiness together. Next Sunday, October 22 at 6:00 p.m. Kendal United Church Pot Luck Supper and Slide presentation of the Yukon, Alaska and New Zealand. Admission $3.00 per person person as a church fundraiser. Please bring your favourite casserole or dessert and join us. There will be a birthday party on Saturday, October 21 from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. for Mrs. Fern Foster in the Sunday School at Kfendal. Best , wishes only. On Sunday, October 15 all the ladies were admiring the beautiful new shelves in our church kitchen. The restoration fund' had paid for them and Mr. Greg French had installed installed them. A few weeks ago, the Lady ot the House took two little girls to the station to meet a friend who wàs coming home from holiday. While waiting for the train the five year old carefully examined all the surroundings, and spent a long time gazing at the roof. At last she came back to my friend apd asked, "What's wrong with the station?" "What 1 do you mean?" asked my friend. "Well", said the little girl, "at Sunday' School we always pray, 'Lead us not into the station...!" from "The Friendship Book" On Wednesday, October the eleventh the Kendal Women's Institute Institute journeyed to the Darlington Generating Station. There were eight members who went to be there at nine a.m. A young lady came out to be our guide. We parked the cars and she showed us to a bus which she drove to the plant's entrance. We were given a tour of the spacious grounds and also inside the massive structure. structure. She led us on foot through many huge buildings. She said they'- used twelve different types of cement cement in erecting them, some of the cement was supplied by St. Mary's Cement. Men are not required in new construction to any extent, now; but men are still required for maintenance. New employees are required to train many months. We were asked to put on crepe soled shoes which they supplied (mine were most comfortable) and also a hard hat. They took our purses so 1 was unable to copy heights etc. However, we frequently looked down to great depths, or up to great heights frequently we went up in elevators. Sometimes we walked the iron stairs. Suffice it to say that the plant, can hot be described in words. Each one must take the tour himself. One thing you will see is the huge tank 40 feet deep filled with water. They speak of the heavy water being in bundles at the bottom (I do not understand perhaps you will). They are careful to take great precautions for safety. There was a tour from Cobourg another tour group from Korea, and Kendal there Wednesday morning. morning. Many tours visit the plant from all over the world. We were through in time to go to the home of Mrs. Katherine Mun- ckton for our noon meal at Crooked Crooked Creek. This was provided by Mrs. Eleanor Terrill and Mrs. Katherine Munçkton our hostess. Then we held our monthly W.I. meeting. The meeting opened with the singing of the "Ode" and repeating the Mary Stewart collect. Then Mrs. Munckton read the minutes and gave the financial report. Penny collection $2.00. Dorothy Turansky gave her roll call. "Tell one thing that impressed you at the Nuclear Generating Plant." One said that she was overwhelmed overwhelmed with the Control Room. One said, she liked the safety guard that you put your hands in. It could have read "radioactive" but it read, "clean". One lady was impressed by the great number of people that are employed there, both day and night. Another was impressed by the great quantities of water going through the plant day and night from Lake Ontario. Another was impressed by the courtesy of the guide who knew so much about the Nuclear Plant that she was able to answer intelligently every question askedf The next meeting will be at the home of Iris Lambier on November 9th in'the evening. There were 9 members at the meeting. On October the 15th 1954 Hurricane Hurricane Hazel hit the Toronto area. Eighty-three people lost their lives. Thirty-eight families on Raymore Drive were swept away by the ( Humber River. Mill dams were broken loose up north of Woodbridge, Kleinburg and other villages, by the heavy rains. The tremendous power of water descended on Toronto. Bridges were swept away, trees were washed down stream. The Humber River is a slow meandering stream , eventually trees blocked it before it reached Raymore Drive. The river rose up, burst its banks and cut across down Raymore Drive, drowning the 38 families that lived on that street and washing their homes completely away. One young child was rescued and it's identity was unknown for some days. Eventually Eventually the grandparents were located. They lived in New Brunswick, the parents were among those that lost their lives. One fire truck with all the firemen was swept into the Humber when the bridge washed away. What do you remember about Hurricane Hazel? Kendal Junior Baseball boys had won the Cham- We were pleased to see Mrs, Clarke our supply secretary at our school last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Cowan's grade 4 class visited Lange's Pioneer Village on October 6. Last week Mrs. Buck and Miss Baldree had firemen visit their classrooms for Fire Prevention Week. The teacher we have chosen this week to interview is Mrs. O'Neil. Q. How long have you been teaching? A. I have been teaching for twenty years. Q. What grades have you taught?; A. I have taught Jr. Kindergarten, Sr. Kindergarten right through to grade 4. Q. What is the difference between Jr. Kindergarten and Sr. Kindergarten? A. The difference between Jr. and Sr, Kindergarten is Jr. mostly play and Sr. mostly Work. Q. What songs do you sing with your kindergartens? A. I like to sing action and body part songs. 911 emergency call system in 1990 It is now the intention of the Region of Durham to have their millions dollar 911 emergency phone number in operation throughout the Region. Under 911 people in an emergency emergency needing fire, ambulance or Durham Regional Police would dial 911. This would reach a central answering service at Regional Police in Oshawa where the call would be routed to the proper emergency crew. The name and the address Of the caller is automatically shown on the dispatcher's computer screen. The operation is to cost $1 million to install and $1 million to operate annually. There is still a financial agreement agreement to be settled between Scugog Township and Oshawa, the latter will direct Scugog calls. There is also the matter of addresses addresses in the rural areas. Canada Post states they will not accept mail addressed with a rural street address, address, a system that would be used for 911 emergency calls. The Region is hopeful of coming to terms with this problem. An R.R. 1 address would not be good enough for the 911 system. The Town of Newcastle is yet to be fully on line for the system. The Region is awaiting the location of the town's central dispatch location to handle the 911 calls. Bell Telephone needs such a location by 1990 to have the system operating for the May 1, 1991 date. Each municipality also has indiv- dual costs associated with their individual individual dispatch centre which must be installed and operated on a 24 hour basis. pionshp for Eastern Ontario that year so the Women's - Institute decided to give them a banquet that night. The lads were all seated ready to eat when all the lights wçnt o.ut. The leaders had to go to Art Low's for a gasoline lantern. Eddy Couroux was called to an accident ' at the bottom of the ski hill. Tom Steven's barn blew down. I could go on and on but my space is filled, you tell your stories. Q. What countries have you travelled travelled to? A. I have travelled to the U.S.A., Carribbean Islands and Great Britain? Britain? Q. If you had a choice what would you pick to be and why? A. I would pick to be a homemaker, because I like to be with my kids. Q. Where were you born? A. I was born in Toronto. ' Q. What are your hobbies? A. My hobbies are cooking, reading and being with my kids. Q. Where did you live before Orono-? A. I lived in Bowman ville. Q. When did you become interested in teaching? A. When I was in grade 9. Q. What are your favourite grades? A. My favourite grades are Jr., Sr. Kindergarten and grade 1. Q. What is the theme for this week? A. The^ theme for this week is Fire Prevention. by Belinda DenHollander and Amanda Haines MOM'S KITCHEN DOWNTOWN ORONO 9 83 - 5 3 1 0 EAT IN or TAKE OUT Double Burgers Just $1.00 Extra ' Mon. - Wed. - 6:30 to 6:00 p.m. Thurs. 6:30 a;m. - 7:00 p.m. Fri. 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 6:30 a.m. , Sunday 5:00 p.m. Closed <3l> aujx. 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