10-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 1, 1989 Orono Brownie Pack celebrate Hallowe'en forest study relating to recreational use and,the damage it may do in the forest. The study has been requested by the .Users' Committee and is to be undertaken undertaken by John Marsh, a .geography professor professor at Trent University. Cobourg appeals decision to close Eagleson dump Cobourg council has been rejected a licence by the Ministry of the Environment Environment to extend the life of the Eagleson dump.. The licence runs out on February 1st, 1990 when Cobourg will be faced with finding a new dump. Condos planned for Oshawa downtown A 12-storey condominium complex is planned for downtown Oshawa. A 12-storey .condominium complex is planned for the corner of Simcoe and Williams Street in downtown Oshaw_a. Ashley Park Residents' Inc. wants to build the 60-unit condo with street level stores, and . two floors of office space on the present vacant lot. There was no objection to neighbours at a recent public meeting. (Continued page 11) It was a fun a night at the Orono Brownie Pack last week with all the Brownies dressing for the occasion and enjoying games and lunch Leaders get caught-up in Hallowe'en The leaders at the Orono Brownie Pack were not to be, outdone last week in the celebration of Hallowe'en at the regular weekly meeting. Pictured above Pam Werry, Pam From Around the Region allin, Moira Hartmann and Pathfinder Carla Werry. parly offer last week as to wages and a cost of living allowance. 1 Ganaraska to provide funds for forest use study The Ganaraksa Region Conservation Authority is providing $750.00 for a 12,000 students to be innoculated in . ^Northumberland Due to the number of meningitis cases in western Northumberland' County 12,000 students, grade 3 to grade 13 in Cobourg and Port Hope are to be innoculated against the disease. The program will be completed this week. Clinics ere also being held for children six months to senior kindergarten throughout the area. Port Hope to meet Provincial housing guidelines Port Hope is expected to meet housing guidelines set out by the province of Ontario in 1990. Twenty-five percent of > future building will meet the program of ' affordability for middle income people. The Town of Newcastle is proceeding to meet the criteria as set forth and a study study is to be undertaken with resulting recommendations. Consultants are to be hired. English only as official language Hamilton Township joins a growing number of municipalities passing resolutions and by-laws allowing only English as the official language for municipal business. Municipalities see this as a protection protection against the cost of providing some business in french which they feel may come in the future. . Heritage Downtown Business Association hangs in balance Money is a big issue with many in downtown Port Hope concerning the formation of a Heritage Downtown Business Association for the area. At a recent meeting a full discussion did not eliminate the concern. Lindsay firm out on strike Some 400 workers at Libby-Owens- Ford of Canada in Lindsay are out on strike. The firm supplies glass for GM trucks. The Union turned aside a com- GANARASKA FOREST RECREATION PLAN The Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee has recently completed its review of recreational use in the Ganaraska Forèst. Their report will be presented to the Conservation Conservation Authority at their meeting on November 16, 1989. Anyone wishing to comment on this report should do so in writing before November 15, 1989. Copies of the report are* now available from the Authority office. ' Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority , P.O. BOX 328, PORT HOPE, ONTARIO L1A 3W4 the Corporation of thf TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . PUBLIC NOTICE MUNICIPAL GRANTS All organizations seeking a grant from the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for their activities during 1990 must submit submit a Cortipleted application form to the office of the Treasurer on or before November 24, 1989 at 4:30 p.m. Ap- ■ plications will not be accepted after this date. Application forms and copies of the Municipal grant policy are available at the Finance Office of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bpwmanville. And further take notice, that the Newcastle Community Service Service Advisory Board will hear delegates concerning their grant applications at its regular meeting on December 6; 1989 in Court Room No. 1, Fire Building, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, at 7:00 p.m. R. w. Allen Chairman, N.C.S.A.B. M. Marano, Treasurer. P.O. 2457 Dates of Publication: November 1, 8, 15, 1989 MAIN STREET ORONO - 983-9291 EAT IN-or-TAKE OUT % 9 -15 - 21 Golden Brown ■ Lightly Seasoned