! 2-Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, December 6, 1989 #rono Weefelp Simcs ' Second Class Mail Registration Number 00036B Published Every Wednesday at the office of Publication Main Street, Orono Roy C. Forrester, Editor « Yearly Subscript ion $ 12.(X) Phone 983-5301 An after thought The recognition of Recycling Week is now some ten to twelve days"past but driving along the streets last Wednesday we were reminded of the theme of Recycling Week, Changing Changing Attitude, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle". What caught our eye was a line of plastic garbage bags lining both sides of the street . It was not but a couple of years ago that a big issue was being made as to the use of plastic garbage bags which remained inlack in the landfill sites for centuries after being buried. No sooner had this issue risen and the big news was biodegradable garbage bags which were to solve all of our problems, but, of course, somewhat more pricey and questionable questionable as to their biodegradeable qualities. Today we watch load after load of garbage bags being being dumped in the landfill sites without too much concern, at least with no concern that we have heard lately. But they are the same garbage bags that only two years ago were a no no. The big question is why any garbage bags? Go back ten years and did they.exist?. The old plastic or metal garbage pail was the order of the day, filled, dumped and returned to be filled again and dumped again. It costs more to use plastic garbage bags and its detrimental to the environment. We lose on all counts on their use. One supposes this is part of the need for archanging attitude attitude which we can make ourselves or for that matter so could the municipalitiy by ruling them out and taking garbage straight from the garbage pail. Audrèy the topic for the week-end Audrey McLaughlins election to the leadership of the national NDP pparty was certainly the topic of the news departments last week-end. The fact that it was a first for a woman to lead a national national party. This should not have been so earth shattering for women are playing an equal part in high decision making these days and why not as leader of a political party. There seems to be some doubts as her durability and leadership qualities. Here we saw a homespun person, all-be- it a woman who just may without the usual political rhetoric make a place in the hearts of the voters. And what is so unusual that any organization, such as the union in this case, being divided in their choice for leader. We still live in a democracy where personal views are recognized and we are not lead by the nose in a dictatorship, even in this case with the unions. It is going 1 to be interesting to watch the results of the leadership choice and just perhaps Audrey will come through with a new version of a political leader which may baffle the rest of the pundits. Welcome aboard A A tv Ut/l/Mi u This week we welcome aboard over 500 new subscribes as a result of the Day Marketing canvas for subscriptions in the Orono arCa We do hope these new subscribers do .enjoy the Times on a Weekly basis and'that local advertisers find the added readers a benefit to their operations. . The sales representatives commented that those in the community community were quite friendly and chatty and often offering a cup of coffee on some of those cold days. Kendal News Sunday, December 3 |( L dawned clear cold and windy, just slightly above zero degrees F. The service at Kendal United Church had to be cancelled, due lo a hydro failure. The church and sortie residents in the village were left without lights and the church without heat. The regular service will be held next week. As this was to be the Sunday we were to have pot-luck lunch, and decorate for Christmas, this will take place next Sunday, so bring sandwiches or dessert and plan to stay after the service and help. If you have any extra decorations, bring bring them along. The Sunday School is planning to go to Cullen Gardens, on Saturday, December 9th, if you would like to go as part ol this croup, contact Don Peddar at 983-9373. They will be leaving the . Church at 4:00 p.rn. ... Last week, 1 neglected to mention that the children sang two Christmas songs, as t heir part of the Service of music, it is always a pleasure to hear these young children sing. If you should have any items you would like to put in the Kendal News, please contact me at 983-5477, and I will be glad to include include them. 1 know that 1 will not be able to take the place of Annie's column, but I will do the best 1 can. by Phyllis Lowery St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL 9!30 a.m. BP NEWCASTLE LIBRARY UPCOMING EVENTS The Bowman ville Branch of the Newcastle Public Library will be holding a Puppet Show on Wednesday, December 6 from 7:00 - 7:45 p.m. and Saturday, December 9 from 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. On Thursday, December,7th, Florist Sharon McGee will be at the Library at 7:30 p.m. to demonstrate how to bring the warmth of Christmas into your home from wreaths to a festive centerpiece on the table. Admission is free. ORONO G A TES OF PRAISE ' BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev.- Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling A white cat for its I've never been a lover of cats but a white cat that has made its home back of the office may be changing all that, of course with the help of Ann Powell at Ann's Beauty Salon who appears to have become a real softy for a particular white cat. The cat is a stray or at least was a stray the latter part of the summer. But as a result of a few hand-outs through the back door it became a resident. With the coming of winter there was some concern as to the plight of the cat. When efforts to get it a home failed the decision was made that it would be off to the Town pound or possibly one of the vet clinics where a possible home could be found. The cat was no slouch for as we drove into the back yard one day Ann was attempting to box the, cat for transport. The cat was faster in escaping than Ann was in getting the top closed. Of course the cat was smart enough to take off for a day or so but ready food was just too much and the cat was back. Having a cage with a door at the house it was brought down to the office so that once the cat was in the 1 cage the door could be easily shut. "We'll just leave the cage close to where the cat rests and the caging will be easy." Well is really happened when Ann placed a cotton blanket in the cage the cat ,soon afternqon snooze. What a sn,ap I thought and went to tell Ann thijt I was going to Bowmanville the next day and 1 would take the cat ,to the pound. "Ah .... I don't k,now, its not doing, anyone any harm and it is a nice cat ". The next day Ann trips in with a big bag of cat food and now the cage has been weatherized and fashioned as a home for the cat. I can't really blame anyone in becoming attached to the cat, jt has filled out, is stark white and has become very friendly. Can hardly wait to play with the cat this coming summer. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5502 Secretary: Marlene Risebrough ORONO SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "Organist: Stella Morton KIRBY SERVICE 9:30 A.M. Organist: Martha Farrow Sunday School Coincides with Church Services Garbage SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1989 White Gift Sunday (Continued from page 1) Metro is also studying a number of. sites other than Whitevale including including a site near the Rouge Valley, expanding Keele Valley, sites in the Orillia and Plympton Township, Marmaro and also Kapuskasing. It is understood that a possible use of lands in south ot Hope Township has now been ditched. ditched. , BIBLE STUDIES Wednesday, December 6, 1989 Ladies Fellowship at the Home of Frances Sutton - 10:00 a.m. Mixed Fellowship - 8:00 p.m. At th£ Manse EXPLORERS Main Hall - 6:30 p.m. MAIN ST., ORONO • 983-9291 EAT IN or TAKEOUT Introducing our new line of Perfume and Colognes White Shoulders 25% Savings Open Once Again Thursday and Friday till 9:00 p.m. WINGS WINGS WINGS WINGS Stuff's Pharmacy Friday ■ Saturday Sunday ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009