Still on the timely theme of new and old News from the Pines Grade 9 Information Night for Grade 8 Students and Parents In, order to make Informed decisions about High School courses, all parents and students students are encouraged to attend this meeting on Thursday, January 20th at 7:00 p.m. at Clarke High School. Our grade 8 students will be choosing from applied and academic courses. Students will be required to complete required courses as well as open courses. All students students are required to complete complete 40 hours of Community service activities over the four years of High School. Each student is required to pass a grade 10 literacy test. Due to the changes over the last year, it is imperative for parents parents and students to be well informed to make sound academic academic Choices. Plan to attend. Special Education in Secondary School The changes to the secondary secondary school program have a special effect for students receiving special education support. Staff from Clarke High School will be presenting presenting these changes at today's January 12th School Council meeting. All parents of students students receiving special education education support are encouraged encouraged to attend this meeting. St. Stephen's Information Night St. Stephen's Secondary School information night will be held Thursday, January. 20th, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. Information course calendars will be available at The Pine Sr. P.S. office or by calling Erin O'Sullivan at 623-6990. Ottawa Trip Information Night An information night for all grade 7 students and parents will be held on Thursday, January 13, at 7:00 p.m. in the Resource Centre. The second second payment of $70.00 for the Ottawa trip is due January 21, 2000. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 983-5301 Orono Public news Inclement Weather Procedure In case ol Inclement weather weather please tune your radio to the following stations; CKGE 94.9 FM or CKDO 1350 AM or KX96 FM - Ajax. Listen for the following routes and their drivers: Mary Goral - 31 - Laidlaw Anna Coutts - 32 - Laidlaw Harold McDuff - 55 - Phoenix Noreen Nixon - 56 - ER Nixon If your bus has been cancelled cancelled they will either list your bus by company and route number or by Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board. Schools will always be open unless announced on the radio. Stay tuned! Kindergarten Registration Registration for children starting JK and SK for the 2000-2001 school year is required by January 28th, A Kindergarten information night will be held on Tuesday, January 18 from 6:30 - 7:30 for interested parents. Winter Activities Again this year, the School Council is sponsoring skating for our students. The dates are Monday, February 7, Tuesday, February 8, Monday, March 6 and Tuesday, March 7. Volleyball Our volleyball team will be participating in a tournament at Newcastle P.S. on Thursday, March 2. Team players will be picked this week. Newcombe Ball House League Newcombe ball is a game adapted from volleyball to encourage younger people to develop the skills of volleyball. Serves are underhand throws, the ball can be caught and it is passed or thrown over the net by using two hands. The ball has to stay over top of the head while passing and throwing. This encourages the proper hand movements for volleying volleying a ball. The game has a continuous continuous rotation after every point so every ptipils gets plenty of playing time. The scoring system system includes points for the number of team members present and one point every time the other team lets the ball land on their side of the court or make an improper throw. Participation is the key to this game. Teams will play twice a week from 12:00 to 12:30. Oral Communication Students will start preparing preparing for the Oral Communication Festival for Junior Division which Will occur in February. The Bowmanville Legion Public Speaking competition will be held on February 25th for grades 4- 6. Congratulations to Ms. Neuwirth on the birth of a baby boy - Mitchell James Whitley - bom on December 30, 1999 weighing 10 lbs. 14 ozs.