You never know what's Truckers protest high coming through town! fuel costs Ian Anderson and daughter Kayla, drove a team of dogs from the north, through town, to the Forestry Trails Sunday. Truckers say the high cost of fuel is driving them into bankruptcy. "I will be bankrupt bankrupt inside of six months if the trend that is there now, continues," said veteran trucker,„ Chuck Waterhouse. Waterhouse along with approximately 40 fellow independent/ independent/ truckers had parked their rigs at Tim's Fifth Wheel Truck Stop, in Bowmanville,' Monday, and say they're staying staying off the road till'something is done about their plight. "We might as well sit here and try and get somebody to listen to our cause," said a fellow fellow trucker. "We're getting rates' now that are equal to what we were getting .in 1983, some of the costs of operation have tripled since 1983," Waterhouse stated. Waterhouse said he spoke to MPP John O'Toole in Oshawa on Sunday, when he met with the 1,100 truckers gathered to launch this current protest. '"He said it was premature premature for his government to do anything to help us at this time'," said Waterhouse. "Unfortunately that made quite a statement as to what we can expect, so on that basis, we are here. The sad part is it's going to hurt the individual. The stores ar.e going to be out of groceries before long, gas stations will end up without gas in sortie areas, auto manufactures are going to be out of parts which will shut those plants down, effecting many families." Waterhouse explained, "we're not trying to be militant, but we have to get attention to our cause, anybody would do the same thing if they were faced with imminent bankruptcy, which is where we're àt." Chair of the provincial task force travelling the province to study fuel costs, Durham MPP John O'Toole, in a phone conversation from Thunder Bay, Monday evening, said, "all we can do is hope the industry can bring the price down." He also claimed Waterhouse has taken his comment out of context. O'Toole explained that diesel come from a product stream that is shared with jet fuel and home heating fuel. Because of the booming economy, economy, airline travel is up, unpredicted cold on. the eastern eastern seaboard has, created an unpresidented demand, for ' (continued page 2) Happenings TYRONE UNITED CHURCH CHICKEN FIE SUPPER .The Church is holding a chicken pie supper and auction on Saturday, February 26, 6:00 p.m. at the Tyrone Community Centre. For tickets call Betty at 263-8424. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER - MARCH 3. 2000 The World Day of Prayer is being held at St. Saviour's Anglican Church at 7:00 p.m. on March 3, 2000. The participating participating churches St. Saviour's, Orono United, Kirby United, all churches in the Newcastle area invite the community community to join them. OPTIMIST CLUB OF NEWCASTLE VILLAGE Want to learn about babysitting? If you are 11 years or older - St. John's Ambulance Babysitting Course, Monday, March 13, 2000, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Newcastle Community Hall, $30 per person, pre 7 registration is required. 987-1863 (after 4 p.m.). COPE MENTAL HEALTH OF DURHAM REGION The Community Care needs VOLUNTEERS Mature men and women are needed. All volunteers are provided with an 8 session course in "Basic. Helping and Communication Skills". Please contact Janice Kroft at 623- 4123 for more information. Independent truckers have taken their trucks off the road to protest the high cost of fuel. These truckers were gathered at Tim's Fifth Wheel Truck Stop, on Bloor St. Bowmanville, Monday afternoon. afternoon.