Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 23, 2000 - 3 Orville & Isabelle Challice celebrated their 57th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, February 20th, 2000 in Peterborough with their family. From Around Home by Roy Forrester It would seem that Bond Head, south Newcastle along the lakefront. has become the winter Florida retreat for the birds. Last week we had it reported that a Red Bellied' Woodpecker was hanging around a local feeder at Bond Head and this week it is a host of birds enjoying balmy Bond Head this winter. winter. The menu has to be great. The report comes by way of Francis and Erla Jose just north of the second beach area. Some 200 to 300 Snow Buntings are enjoying a stay in the field area keeping busy flying about and feeding. feeding. But the list sure goes on with Francis reporting a pair of those colourful Cardinals along with Red Poles, Pine Siskins, Chickadees, Nuthatch, Nuthatch, Goldfinch, Juncos and who knows, there may have been one or more species to have dropped Iti on the sly. Of most interest was the report by Francis of a Northern Shrike. In Jim Richards book, Birds of Durham, he reports such a finding in the area during the winter months somewhat somewhat regular but uncommon. uncommon. The greatest numbers recorded in the Oshawa area Christmas bird count was 35 such birds and that dates back to 1971. The specie is continually dropping dropping in numbers as is the Loggerhead Shrike. Both birds feed on smaller birds. The Shrike is Robin size. Mentioning Snow Buntings above reminds me that I had reported Royal Lee, north in Leskard, had sighted a small group of Red Poles. It was Snow Buntings Happy 50 th Birthday Ron! Love always... the family! Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times Timothy Stapleton is very excited and proud to introduce his new hahy brother, "Douglas Johnny Ray". Douglas was horn January 5 at 4:37 a.m. weighing 9 Ihs. 7 oz The hoy's proud parents are Jeff & Mary Stapleton of Newtonville. Grandparents are Ray & Dorothy Stapleton and John & Sue Kessler. he had reported. The former forestry lands west of the Village has been a site of near daily visits visits of late. One just cannot resist the snow conditions for skiing. The area southwest southwest of the parking lot has always been an area for wintering wintering birds but this has not been the case this year. There is still evidence of the Ruffed Grose being around and in fact, on the edge of the hardwood bush I came upon, what I would call, two inverted Igloos. The Grose will scratch out a hole in the snow and literally wrap themselves in a blanket blanket of snow for protection in blustery weather. When leaving their Igloo there will be wing marks in the snow which is a real giveaway. Further to this story most hunters can tell you. that if the storm settles in with freezing rain the bird will riot survive. On our most recent trip into the former forestry lands we came upon a female Hairy Woodpecker, in distinctive plumage, feeding feeding on seeds in the fluffy pods of the Sumac shrub. The Sumac is recommended for wildlife planting, especially especially on poor land. A number number of years ago Bill Bunting and I did see four Bluebirds feeding on the seeds of the Sumac. It was early fall. Donna and I driving down to Lake On The Mountain on Sunday took some time to observe a Kestral which was perched on a hydro wire. The bird was intent on some apparent apparent activity in the ditch. On a couple of occasions it did hover just off the wire for a period of time keeping an eye focused to the bottom of the ditch. Scouting bitten by Y2K bug No, not a computer virus, but an attitude...a "Yes 2 Kids" Attitude! Scout groups from Pickering to Napanee, and from the shores of Lake Ontario to Algonquin Park 'have enthusiastically embraced the White Pine Region Council's "Scouting Y2K Challenge". This initiative was introduced in the fall of 1999 as a challenge to Scout groups to provide activities that create lasting memories for our youth, and to have more youth experiencing the Scouting phenomena, and above all say - "Yes to Kids" Beavers, • Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers across White Pine. Region will celebrate the new millennium millennium by providing the youth members with a challenging, challenging, adventurous, fun- filled and fantastic Scouting year. Everything they do will demonstrate the "Yes 2 Kids" attitude! During the week of February 20 to 27, Scouts Canada and its members will be celebrating Scout/Guide Week by par- Get more Do you want to make our roads safer for | ourselves,and ROAD WATCH® our children? Report Aggressive & Dangerous Driving Euchre Results Wednesday Night Euchre Results for February 16 High - 1) Dora MacDonald MacDonald - 85, 2) Rose Mann ~ 84, 3f Reg McCool - 83, 4)Walt Mitchell - 82, 5) Lovelene Cathcart -81; Low - Barb Holland - 49; Draws - Joyce Cowan, Marilyn Rupert, Lavina Downes, Joan Sutcliffe. Next card party Wednesday, Wednesday, February 23, 8 p.m. ticipating in parades, banquets, banquets, . special events and spiritual services to recognize recognize the genius of our founder, Sir Robert Baden- PowelL In 1907 he recognized recognized that youth play a very important part of our communities communities and have much to offer if given the opportunity1 opportunity 1 to flourish and grow. He caught the Y2K bug a century before it happened. For more information on how you can catch the "Yes 2 Kids" attitude call the Council's Scouting. office today at 1 (888) 815-4772. on the adventure! ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Mervyn Russell Church Office 983-5502 . SUNDAY SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. "Wheelchair Access" Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services ***** A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. David R. Saunders, CD 983-5594 • 987-2019 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. ***** » 1st & 3rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNJÔN ***** • 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER Yout not too late to REGISTER NOW start! CENTRE FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDIES Adult & Alternative High School New classes start February 7th. • Grade 12 • Flex Hours • Classes or Self Direct 623-6505 4L KAWARTA1A PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Call Big Brothers. kér Tea Room" Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker Main Street, Orono Wedding Cakes Cflkes for all Occasions Pastries - Donuts - Pies Bread & Buns Closed Sunday & Monday 983-9779